40 posts tagged with doubles.
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💖 Announcing February "Doubles Jubilee" Theme Month! 💖

Happy February 1, everybody, and welcome to get-out-of-jail-free double posting month, in which everyone is invited to repost the best of old posts from the archives, either yours or someone else's. Here's how to do it: [more inside]
posted by taz on Feb 1, 2022 - 14 comments

Coming up, February theme post month: Doubles 💖 Jubilee

Hello, gentlepeople of Mefi! This is just a heads-up to prepare to dust off your bookmarks and favorites, because February will be (drumroll) ... [more inside]
posted by taz on Jan 26, 2022 - 14 comments

Automatic double post checking with Javascript?

Would it be possible to add a feature to the new post form that checks for URLs while the user is writing the post, and instantly notifies the user that the post is potentially a double without having to hit Preview? It can be a bummer when you've written a long FPP and then discover it's a double on preview. Site search/domain-specific Google search is kind of unreliable for this in my experience. Or, could we have access to the URL-checking system with a user input field somewhere else in the site?
posted by overeducated_alligator on Mar 22, 2016 - 34 comments

Searching for doubles

I've noticed that the search function doesn't catch YouTube doubles if the URL isn't exact. Here's a tip: grab the alphanumeric ID of the video from its URL and search mefi using only that. For example, searching for 9Iq5yCoHp4o pulls up this post, but a search for http://​youtu.be/​9Iq5yCoHp4o and http://​www.youtube.com/​embed/​9Iq5yCoHp4o fail, even though they all point to the same video.
posted by desjardins on Mar 25, 2013 - 19 comments

They had the web in 2004?

Is there a statue of limitations for something being a double post? [more inside]
posted by Chrysostom on Jul 17, 2012 - 28 comments

Heaven, Hell ... and something in between ... Purgatory?

On the front page of the blue, we have a little bit of 'wasted' blue space - just to the right of the word 'Random', above 'Favorites', and to the left of the search box. I propose that next to 'Random' we have the word 'Doubles'. Clicking it would go to a page that looks just like a 'normal' page of the Blue, but which consists of posts that were deleted because they were ... doubles. Time and again, we have good stuff posted more than once - because it's good! - and almost without exception, in the short interval before they are nuked, such posts gather comments such as "I hadn't seen that before, thanks!" Keeping such posts in a separate place like this would keep the main Blue clean, yet give such content another chance to be seen.
posted by woodblock100 on Apr 23, 2011 - 83 comments

Funny, I was going to ask that!

Possibly confirmation bias, but has anyone else noticed patterns in repeating themes within questions on AskMe? Quite obscure ones too. [more inside]
posted by dougrayrankin on Feb 28, 2011 - 52 comments

Vetting for doubles.

This is the second time I've made an FPP that's been a double and it hasn't turned up in my searches before posting, or warned me in preview that the site has been linked to before. [more inside]
posted by empatterson on Jan 12, 2011 - 54 comments

Open Threads / Flagging / Commenting

I flagged three double posts this weekend and left gentle (At least, I hope they were taken as gentle) comments in each. Does that make me (or anyone else here who reminds posters when open threads exist,) a threadshitting asshole? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jan 17, 2010 - 38 comments

RTFT, tl;dr McLazypants

Why do people do this? How can I persuade them to stop? [more inside]
posted by the latin mouse on Oct 4, 2009 - 185 comments

This site may harm your computer

Google is broken.
posted by KokuRyu on Jan 31, 2009 - 46 comments

Two heads are better than one

I just wanted to be sure everyone gets the memo. "Web zaphods," is that clear?
posted by mwhybark on Jan 15, 2009 - 69 comments


While I understand that this was a "stunt post", why are some threads deleted and others are simply closed to new comments? [more inside]
posted by gman on Dec 11, 2008 - 94 comments

Double the AskMeFi goodness in my RSS

Anyone else getting double AskMeFi RSS posts? Anyone else getting double AskMeFi RSS posts? [more inside]
posted by prophetsearcher on Jan 25, 2008 - 4 comments

travel laziness

This might be a better suggestion for the upcoming Travel site, but is it appropriate to suggest to people before they post looking for things to do in a new city, that they: A) Tell us as much about themselves as possible, B) Have perused all the previous threads relating to that city? (more inside)
posted by vacapinta on Aug 1, 2007 - 25 comments

Double-Post Culprits

Is there a list somewhere out there of the users with the most double posts to their name? Or the highest ratio of doubles to legitimate posts?
posted by chunking express on Oct 2, 2006 - 33 comments

Undeleted double post.

Undeleted double.
posted by antifuse on Sep 12, 2006 - 19 comments

Why does the link search find things the site search doesn't?

Why does the link search find things the site search doesn't?
posted by Gamblor on May 4, 2006 - 27 comments

Knowledge building over time.

An interesting aspect of the "filtration" on MetaFilter is chronological; and this aspect I think is often ignored, overlooked, or deprecated. [moronic inside]
posted by Eideteker on Jan 16, 2006 - 9 comments

Duplicate Posts: Keep the First One, or Keep the More Thorough One?

The other one should be axed, not this one. I couldn't agree more. I know this has happened before- someone writing a well-crafted post is beaten (by about ten minutes) to the punch by a hastily-made, one-link post. I realize that technically, the "first" post wins, but shouldn't exceptions be made for cases like this? It's rewarding speed over substance.
posted by mkultra on Sep 28, 2005 - 37 comments

There's good and there's bad.

I'd like to give a thanks to the new "your link has been found in another post" feature, and a pox to those people who don't use tags.
posted by Citizen Premier on Jul 28, 2005 - 27 comments

Deleted Double-Posts

After a double post is deleted, how about adding a link in the original thread pointing to the deleted thread? [more inside]
posted by brain_drain on Jul 14, 2005 - 8 comments

Statute of limitation on double posts?

A repost this may be, but it's highly worthy and should stay on the front page, because the chap has made more 'critters' since I last saw the site, and I very much appreciate being reminded of it, and for flip's sake, it was last posted in 2002.

[more inside]
posted by chrid on Sep 27, 2004 - 21 comments

How can I avoid making double posts?

Drat! Foiled again! If anyone needs a pony that helps prevent doubleposts, it's me. I search (google) and search (MeFi), come up empty, post, and soon discover that I've been had. We've talked about such a pony that uses a keyword, category, or subject engine... how's it coming?
posted by moonbird on Jul 17, 2004 - 21 comments

Quick and lazy newsfilter posts.

Double-posts leak in. (1, 2)
posted by insomnyuk on Oct 16, 2003 - 42 comments

Doubleposting Policy

So I'm guessing that we've adopted a new unwritten policy on doubleposts?
[example, example, example]
posted by crunchland on Sep 10, 2003 - 14 comments

What happened to my Black Friday post?

I posted a thread about retail price plans for major retailers being publsished on websites ahead of time. The retailers were ticked. The story questioned if this was a freedom of speech issue or did the retailers have a right to demand the information be removed.
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?
posted by hockeyman on Nov 23, 2002 - 6 comments

What's the MeFi duplicate FPP record?

Triple? Quad? What's the MeFi duplicate FPP record?
posted by nathan_teske on Apr 25, 2002 - 10 comments

Just wondering why this post was killed.

Just wondering why this post was killed. I can't fathom how it became controversial enough (or whatever enough) to be deleted, since the description reads:
Paper enables a certain kind of thinking. Picture, for instance, the top of your desk. Chances are that you have a keyboard and a computer screen off to one side, and a clear space roughly eighteen inches square in front of your chair. What covers the rest of the desktop is probably piles—piles of papers, journals, magazines, binders, postcards, videotapes, and all the other artifacts of the knowledge economy. The piles look like a mess, but they aren't. From The New Yorker."
posted by beth on Mar 28, 2002 - 14 comments

Are people ever going to mellow out on the double post callouts?

jesus christ. Are people ever going to mellow out on the double post callouts? A couple times in the past week, I've met someone that knows about the site, and their first comment to me is "everyone there loves to bitch about a double post, I never post there because of it"
posted by mathowie on Jan 18, 2002 - 55 comments

Is there a statute of limitation on double posts?

Seeing this thread regarding the hoary old chestnut (you know, back in 2000) of Steve Albini vs. The Music Biz and Courtney Love ripping him off begs the question:

Is there a statute of limitations on double-posts?

Since TiggleTaggleTiger is a new user (May 2001), should he get cut slack? What if a newbie - new to the Web, new to MeFi - posts this link to a great site he found called fray.com? What's the correct procedure here?
posted by solistrato on Nov 30, 2001 - 11 comments

Request: link to deleted double threads in the main one.

I'd like to request that when a post is removed because it is a double-post, can it simply be removed from the index page and a link to it inserted into the comments for the post that is retained? Is this possible?
posted by greyscale on Nov 15, 2001 - 2 comments

Better search, fewer doubles

I improved the search "previously found" feedback. Here is what you see if you search for something that was posted less than 5 times in the database, and here is what you see if you post a URL that is in there more than that. Hopefully this will cut down on double-posts.
posted by mathowie on Nov 3, 2001 - 9 comments

What happened to this post?

does anyone know what happened to the oct 23 thread about kimble's megacar? was it removed?
posted by HeikoH on Oct 23, 2001 - 3 comments

What to call a double comment?

Weekend Humdinger: We lack a term to distinguish repeatedly posted comments in a thread, from front page posts which cover already charted links or territory. Any cute, pithy suggestions to tell one "double post" from the other?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 20, 2001 - 9 comments

Politeness and double posts.

This thread contains at least two (that I could find) examples of how to point out a double post in a polite and casual manner. But lately, this seems to be the exception rather than the rule. I'm wondering why some threads prompt some fairlystrong language in MeTa and outcry in the threads, and others are allowed to continue.
posted by hipstertrash on Oct 13, 2001 - 10 comments

Searching Before Posting

Haven't been here long, but I've noticed double posts occur on nearly every thread, usually followed by a "shit ... I double posted" post %}

How difficult would it be to add a quick search through the previous posts in a thread such that if the same post had already been made it wouldn't post it again?

Or would that just crunch the overtaxed server too much?

posted by walrus on Oct 4, 2001 - 5 comments

Etiquette of double post notifications.

Let it be resolved that from this point forward, all double post notifications must be handled like you are stoned. Do I hear a second?
posted by rcade on Sep 5, 2001 - 12 comments

What the heck is wrong with a double-post?

What the heck is wrong with a double-post? Recently there seems to be a crusade afoot to teach the unwashed masses that a double-post is the Greatest Sin of All.

(more inside)
posted by o2b on Aug 5, 2001 - 8 comments

Double your fun

it seems an awful lot of us regulars click-through to double posts, just to see how they will be handled. it's interesting, because a double post creates a whole new dynamic. we don't want thread-related discussion going on over there, but we apparently enjoy and even participate in the double post related discussion. do we need a name for this phenomenon, or at least a sniglet? other thoughts?
posted by Sean Meade on Mar 5, 2001 - 10 comments

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