51 posts tagged with edit.
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Editing posts and stuff!

I know Metafilter has long thing about not wanting to edit comments but I totally garbled a recent AskMe post. A simple Edit window would have fixed it. I asked a similar request for comments and it was resoundanly rejected. I can email mods but every other site/forum/chat thing has an edit window and a history so you can see the post edit history (perhaps not a comment). Frankly Metafilter is hard to use compared to other sites and is not a great text editor. Rather than putting this on the remaining mods can we just implement this for just posts themselves and with a history we can see abuse! [more inside]
posted by geoff. on Jun 15, 2022 - 92 comments

A question about mod praxis and the authorial voice of users

In this recent MetaTalk thread about an ableist slur from five days ago cortex noted that after mod discussion the ask metafilter question that provoked the thread was unilaterally edited to remove some indeed very questionable word choice, while allowing the otherwise fine question that various members had invested time into answering to remain. While I think that the previous MeTa thread functioned as an excellent forum for discussing our values with regards to abelist language, this specific solution struck me as a pretty radical departure from the core philosophy of MetaFilter with regards to both user identity and authorship as well as the public expectations laid out in the FAQ in a way that I think warrants independent discussion. [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb on Oct 29, 2018 - 46 comments

Was there an increase in the edit window's window?

Went to make my second edit in an ask answer (i suck at typing apparently) and noticed the "Time Remaining to Edit: " was 5 mins and some seconds. Missed grabbing a screenshot unfortunately. I thought the edit window was 5 mins... did I mis-remember, has it changed, or just a random bug? [more inside]
posted by cgg on Dec 22, 2017 - 15 comments

Not to abuse MetaTalk...

You don't need to tell us that you're not abusing the edit window. Just make the additional comment and say what you wanted to say. [more inside]
posted by DevilsAdvocate on Dec 6, 2017 - 76 comments

Paradigm shifting the edit window

We're kicking off a trial partnership with tech startup Spell, Actualy to reduce the moderation load of edit-window-related site activity. Help us test out the new process inside! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 1, 2016 - 519 comments

Pony Request: Edited Flag

I am still seeing quite a few comments which are significantly edited for content using the edit feature. Things like tripling the length of the comment by adding two full sentences to it. Not minor edits where one or two words are changed, much less simply typos. The "Other" flag seems a little too generic but that's what I end up using when I flag them. A "Edited for Content" flag would be appreciated if possible? [more inside]
posted by Justinian on Feb 20, 2016 - 155 comments

Should FPPs be invisibly edited?

I am reliably informed that FPPs get modified with no notice to either the poster, or the rest of the sites' users, if they are deemed too lengthy for the Blue. How long is too long? [more inside]
posted by birdsquared on Feb 9, 2016 - 213 comments

A boon for the fumble-fingered!

A small pony request: we have the edit button for comments we make on AskMefi, would it be possible to add an edit capability to Memail messages? 'Cause sometimes, my fat fingers don't go where I want them to go....
posted by easily confused on Jan 29, 2014 - 31 comments

— D R A F T   C O P Y —

Pony request. Essentially re-asking this after a seven year gap: what are the chances of having a draft mode for posts so they can easily be built up or refined at different times and locations?
posted by mazola on Feb 18, 2013 - 46 comments

Edit misuse protocol?

As I understand it, the Edit feature is to be used for correcting things like typos, grammar fixes, accidentally leaving out a word, and such. It's not to be used for adding more information or things like that. What, if anything, are we supposed to do when we happen to notice its misuse? [more inside]
posted by Flunkie on Jan 18, 2013 - 184 comments

Was the women in board games post edited?

Was the women in board games post edited after being posted? [more inside]
posted by blue t-shirt on Dec 19, 2012 - 4 comments


I just posted an AskMe with a dumb typo. Any chance of getting an edit window for Ask as well? [more inside]
posted by werkzeuger on Oct 25, 2012 - 16 comments

Something I never thought I'd see here

Edit?...Edit!?!...EDIT!! Are pigs flying now? Is Ahab no longer Ahab? Or I meant to say-- "Thank you for the new 'Typo? Edit your post' button which I only now just noticed." [more inside]
posted by seasparrow on Oct 12, 2012 - 160 comments

Facebook's Edit feature looks mighty perty; can I has edit comments plox?

Facebook has finished its roll-out of an edit feature for comments on wall posts/comments. If you have a Facebook account, I'd ask you to take a look at it. I think it works and would like to discuss why it could work on MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by cavalier on Aug 8, 2012 - 360 comments


Desjardins suggested an edit for your answer to "How do I properly bury the body?" [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Dec 30, 2011 - 71 comments

Typos shall not stand!

Pony request: In an effort to save people from their own mistakes how about an extremely minimal editing ability for comments? [more inside]
posted by RolandOfEld on Nov 30, 2011 - 54 comments

What say ye of the edit window?

What, dear friends, of the edit window? [more inside]
posted by killdevil on Jan 26, 2011 - 170 comments

I can has donkey?

Why isn't "status" an open text field, too? [more inside]
posted by two lights above the sea on Dec 7, 2010 - 173 comments

Event Organizers should be able to edit IRL events

An IRL Pony would be lovely! Ok, maybe a small herd... [more inside]
posted by onhazier on Jul 16, 2010 - 18 comments

Funkiness with Edit Profile

The settings in Edit Profile open to how they were set on the computer where they were last saved, not what they are set to for on the computer you're currently using. [more inside]
posted by slogger on Feb 16, 2010 - 15 comments

Please hope me

Boy, I'd sure like to edit my comments, and I'd be willing to chip into a development fund to make it happen. [more inside]
posted by Malor on Jan 29, 2010 - 243 comments

She'a a grand old unflag ...

Could it be possible to unflag a post? [more inside]
posted by pmurray63 on Dec 31, 2009 - 38 comments

brutal editing

Brutal editing. [more inside]
posted by Frasermoo on Nov 27, 2008 - 73 comments

How to properly edit posts with the preview function.

I had edited this FPP post after previewing it and the changes weren't applied to the post. Did I miss a step or does this have something to do with using Mozilla Firefox? [more inside]
posted by Bathtub Bobsled on May 28, 2008 - 9 comments

Fixed that for you.

Moderators edit comments?
posted by Methylviolet on Jul 7, 2007 - 293 comments

My Little Pony, I Love My Little Pony.

Ooops, I did it again. I made a comment and once again it resulted in an accidental triple comment, a product (I suspect) of some sort of clash between my work server and Metafilter's server. It's not the first time it's happened either. And although all but one of my triple-comment will (hopefully) have been deleted by the time I finish writing this post (I have e-mailed an admin, as I usually do whenever it happens), it's getting annoying. Matt, I know you're really busy providing us with an awesome site, but could you please institute some kind of delay of just a few seconds between the time that someone has posted a comment and the time that they can comment again? They have one over at Metafilter's twin, Devoter, so surely it can't be that hard to do, can it? And best of all, it'll have plent of other benefits to the site (preventing abuse etc) and better yet, you, cortex and the ever suffering jessamyn will never have to get another e-mail from me asking you to delete two of my comments. Matt, please, can this be done?
posted by Effigy2000 on Mar 6, 2007 - 26 comments

Please fix my HTML mistake.

I think I broke this thread with a malformed tag. Please hope me?
posted by armage on Jan 26, 2007 - 21 comments

Made a mistake in one of my links.

Matt or Jess, small glitch in my post....
posted by wheelieman on May 1, 2006 - 3 comments

What's the policy on removing links?

Policy clarification question: Matt deleted a link to revisionist.org. I'm not necessarily opposed to this, but I do have a few questions: a) What is the history of link removal from FPP - not modification, like adding a NSFW, but under what circumstances are links actually removed? b) When a link is removed for political reasons, what is the rationale behind the removal? [mi]
posted by By The Grace of God on Feb 7, 2006 - 60 comments

Pony: temporary comment editing

Temporary comment editing?
I'm sure this has been brought up before but......It would be nice to be able to edit one's comments for a short period after posting. Not for very long, obviously, but long enough to fix glaring errors or spelling mistakes.
posted by fenriq on Feb 3, 2006 - 78 comments

Learning from our children

kirkaracha has been doing some fantastic stuff over at SportsFilter. Perhaps some of the changes made there should be considered for implementation on MetaFilter? [mi]
posted by panoptican on Dec 25, 2005 - 5 comments

A request for the abillity to edit posts after hitting "post."

Top of my Christmas list: The ability to go back and edit my posts. Also a quote block might be nice.
posted by Secret Life of Gravy on Dec 4, 2005 - 58 comments

agressive deleting while editing

While editing a comment, highlighting a word and hitting backspace deletes not the word, but the whole comment.
posted by StickyCarpet on Oct 23, 2005 - 5 comments

Spoiler alert!

Please edit this comment in the AskMe conspiracy-movie thread to remove the spoiler.
posted by nicwolff on Jun 25, 2005 - 109 comments

Not all members get the nickname question in profiles

How come members whose number is higher than 20149 don't get the explanatory "What's the deal with your nickname?" in their profiles?
posted by Rash on Jun 24, 2005 - 16 comments

Editting feature request.

After making this post I saw that I had somehow deleted half of it (probably when fixing a tag on preview). Is there some way to implement an edit function of one's fpp? Maybe have a five minute grace period?
posted by Kattullus on Apr 17, 2005 - 8 comments

Edit removes questionable joke: poster would appreciate some followup

A questionable joke (in terms of humor, not [I think] taste) was edited out of my post. I'm not questioning the decision, I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to email or otherwise message to the poster saying "I edited your post because..." so that we can all learn and do better next time.
posted by Capn on Mar 23, 2005 - 86 comments

Fix a spelling mistake, please?

Mathowie et al, can we get "Chacno" changed to "Chaco" in this FPP?
posted by rkent on Feb 17, 2005 - 2 comments

Redact My Spoiler

My plot spoiler in skallas' AskMe thread wouldn't have been so bad if it were in ROT-13. It was just my luck that I didn't stop to consider it at the time. I'd like to plea Mea culpa, and request my comment be pbeerpgrq jvgu nyy gung hygen-frperg, rapelcgvpny glcr ubbqbb, if possible.
posted by Smart Dalek on Jan 26, 2005 - 21 comments

Adding tags to my old thread caused a mess.

I made my old thread unhappy when adding tags. Not sure how that happened.
posted by falconred on Jan 24, 2005 - 1 comment

Back button does not unpost

Matt, when submitting a question to Ask Me, I used the back button to edit my text twice. However, apparently the text was posted instead. The one time I'm serious, and I screw everything up.
posted by mischief on Feb 23, 2004 - 13 comments

Who can I email to edit my link?

Who's a trusted user? I need someone to edit my link here from "http://www.metafilter.com/www.agsfb.com" to "www.agsfb.com"
i tried looking all over mefi to see if i could find anyone to contact instead of posting here first...thanks
posted by car_bomb on Apr 1, 2003 - 36 comments

One of my links is messed up.

The last link in this thread was fine on preview but not after I posted.
posted by mediareport on Jan 1, 2003 - 2 comments

commentary-cutting link view pony?

I don't know if this has been asked for before, or is even good for a "community" web site, but, does anyone think having an extra link from each front page post that cut's out all the commentary and just shows urls to sites that have been linked in the discussion - a way to look at sites without pre-judgements being put in your mind by the comments they are with?
posted by bregdan on May 7, 2002 - 12 comments

Poorly typed posts ruin the subject matter.

I hate when important stories are ruined by lousy posts. How many errors can you find? Where's the cleanup crew when you need them?!
posted by insomnia_lj on Mar 3, 2002 - 32 comments

Broken html messing up the place.

It appears the code can be broken.
posted by geoff. on Nov 25, 2001 - 17 comments


The ability to edit a post even after it's been well posted when glaring proof reading edits have been spotted by the well poster...
posted by feelinglistless on Oct 8, 2001 - 3 comments

Should I filter MetaFilter (asks mathowie)?

This thread sucks. The link doesn't jump down to the story, the subject matter isn't very funny or interesting, it's just stupid. The post is too long, the comments are pretty pointless. I would delete it, but it could create more trouble than it is worth. What should be done about sub-par links? Anything? Take the good with the bad?
posted by mathowie on Aug 29, 2001 - 25 comments

Is it possible to edit a post after posting to the front page?

Is it possible to edit a post after posting to the front page? I apparently left off a closing .lt. and want to fix it but can't figure out how.
posted by rdr on Jul 13, 2001 - 6 comments

Let people fix their typos!

Let people fix their typos! The recent thread about "gohper" hit all my buttons, in a non-happy way.

I mean, maybe it's not a good idea to let the author re-edit the entry, but let *someone* fix massive misspellings, please! I work as a technical editor for a living, I'd volunteer to do this occasionally just to clean up the place. (obviously, with explicit records of every single change made - I wouldn't mess with the message, I'd just clean up the mess, and I'd be happy to let people see exactly what was changed).
posted by beth on Nov 23, 2000 - 2 comments

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