27 posts tagged with fantasyfootball.
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All Hail Night_Owl, 2024 Champion of MeFi Reboot Fantasy Football
With a regular season record of 11-4, Night_Owl's "Won't You Be My Naybors" defeated "Stroud Proud" (12-3) for the championship.
As promised, I donated $100 to MetaFilter in honor of Night_Owl's victory (receipts upon request), and offer this post as proof of her cunning and skill. She may brag on all of us who participated, and, frankly, all of you who didn't participate, whom she clearly also beat.
It's that time again: Is anyone interested in Metafilter Fantasy (American) Football for the upcoming NFL season? All of the fun of football, translated into numbers a computer can understand! [more inside]
Metafilter Fantasty (American) Football!
I'm looking for a few folks interesting in joining our long-running fantasy (American) football league. If you're interested, the invitation link is here.
This is a nice casual but committed league. We like to have a live draft each year and kibbutz with each other on the discussion boards. Join us for a fun time!
Fantasy Football 2021
I skipped last year because uh 2020, but am happy to commish if other people are interested. I've done it through Yahoo before, which seems like a mostly OK free platform. Probably draft first week of September? Interested?
Fantasy (American) Football Anyone?
Hey! It's that time of the year again! Assuming the season actually takes place, of course. Who's interested in some fantasy (American) football? I'll probably use Yahoo or ESPN and have a live draft, which honestly, is most of the fun.
Let me know if you're interested and I'll shoot you a link when the league is set up.
Fantasy (American) Football Anyone?
Is anyone interested in joining a fantasy football league this season? I don't have a league set up, but if there's enough interest, I'm happy to create one. Thanks!
Mefi Fantasy Football Anyone?
We've done it every year for a while now; and I haven't seen a post about it yet. Those of us still active from last years are asking if anyone wants to jump in a league this year?
We're on Yahoo; standard scoring (no ppr); standard/default team composition.
No money, all in good fun & bragging rights.
We're thinking of drafting 1pm EST on Sunday 9/2. If you're in, and that works (or doesnt work, we're flexible) drop a line here or memail me and we'll get you in.
MeFi Fantasy (American) Football
Anyone up for a MeFi fantasy football league this year? [more inside]
Metafilter Fantasy Football Challenge 2017/2018
It's that time of year again! The Metafilter Fantasy Premier League is back to trouble your days and disturb your nights. Join now to guess wildly at which player your favorite Premier League team bought for the same amount as the GDP of a developing nation will break his leg on the second day of the season! New to soccer/football/futball? No problem! Just go here, create a team, and then spend the next month second guessing yourself! It's... fun? [more inside]
I hate football, but...I love fantasy football. Who's in?
Looking to set up a MeFi fantasy football league, but first I want to see if there is even any interest in losing to me. What do you say? Is anyone ready for a lesson in humility?
It's fine if you don't know much (or care much) about football, but please be committed to sticking with it for the whole season.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Metafilter Fantasy Football Challenge 2016/2017
We Have Always Lived In The Castle. What rough beast comes slouching towards the English Premier League to be born? Is it the brash, prideful Zlatan? The wise All-Father Pep? Jose Light-Bringer? Moyes the Goblin King? Join in the annual Metafilter Fantasy Football League and cast your stones among the stars! Will the mere mortal Foxes birth a dynasty? Has Sunderland tasted enough of ash and dirt? Can the Hammers continue to climb Olympus? And what of Chelsea stirring in her Stygian pit? I saw a snake with no end devoured by a bird of flame last night, so this must be Liverpool's year. [more inside]
Metafilter NFL Pick'Em
Back like Brian Hoyer and just in time for Thursday's Seattle/Green Bay extravaganza, it's Mefi NFL Pick'Em! [more inside]
NFL Fantasy Football League
We're approaching the playoffs of the MLB fantasy league and I saw the post about the soccer football league. Does MeFi do a NFL league? [more inside]
Metafilter Football Smackdown 2013
It's time once again for Metafilter's premier fantasy (U.S.) football league. We draft tomorrow evening, so if you're going to join, please do so soon.
Just another fantasy football league
Another Fantasy Football league for MeFites [more inside]
Metafilter Football Smackdown 2012
2012 Metafilter Football Smackdown! [more inside]
Metafilter Fantasy Football Challenge 2012/2013
The stars are right and the signs have manifested, the annual ritual of the MetaFilter Fantasy Football lives again! If you had a team last year, just log back into it and you should automatically rejoin the league. Putting on your Premier League gaffer's shoes for the first time? Go to the the official site, create a team (it's free!), and join the league using the code 31925-10953. [more inside]
Metafilter Fantasy EURO 2012 league
EURO 2012 starts tomorrow, as does of course its fantasy football game! Join the MetaFilter league! [more inside]
Hut, hut, hike!
Anyone up for some Me-Fi fantasy football? [more inside]
Calling all football/soccer-inclined MeFites: UEFA Champions League Fantasy Football. Has anyone started a MeFi League? If not, I volunteer to do the honors. [more inside]
Mefi Fantasy Football
Fantasy Football 2010
Fantasy Football 2010 time. We have 7 spots left. [more inside]
The MeFi Fantasy Football Challenge 2010/2011
It's August, which means it's getting time for Metafilter Fantasy Football (soccer) 2010/2011! [more inside]
Metafilter Fantasy Football (Soccer)
MetaFilter Fantasy Football (English Premier League) 2009/2010 -- Who's in? [more inside]
More fantasy, because you love it
Fantasy Football Part II: If any of you are interested, I'm in another league that needs 6 more people. [more inside]
Fantasy Football, MeFi Style
we've got a metafilter football league going, and we need a few more people. the league is an autodraft points league, so you won't have to do too much work to manage your team. if anyone's interested, the league is on Yahoo, ID #163508. the league name is 'metafilter football', and the password is 'filtermeta'. we'll be starting the league draft on saturday, probably, so hop on board if you're interested.
metafilter fantasy leagues!
Metafilter fantasy leagues! Football? Basketball? Chime in if you're interested. (Will be organizing something for football in a second.)