56 posts tagged with iPhone.
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More than 10 posts on Mefi Mobile

Mefi Mobile Pony: Can we get more than 10 posts on mobile.metafilter.com? [more inside]
posted by pravit on Apr 22, 2008 - 22 comments

Shiny aqua icons for your iPhone

Per the iPhone webclip icon feature that came out yesterday, if you add any mefi sites to your iPhone home screen, you'll now get some fancy matching icons.
posted by mathowie on Jan 16, 2008 - 32 comments

Fight iPhone Lag, disable comment autopreview

iPhone-y pony please: a way to supress the automatic inline comment preview to mitigate typing lag. [more inside]
posted by Good Brain on Sep 25, 2007 - 15 comments

iPhone-filter (Metafilter App for iPhone))

I made a MetaFilter application for the iPhone using iPhone Apper. You can see a preview of the icon, and download it here. I found some super easy instructions for installing 3rd party applications on shauninman.com. If someone wants to take a better shot at it, you can use my Photoshop template. I hope others with iPhones get some use out of this-- I like having my favorite website within easy reach!
posted by jstef on Aug 21, 2007 - 7 comments

poor matt, sorry man.

OLYTP (one link youtube post)...i know, but I feel really bad for Matt. Such a shiny new toy and it doesnt even work.
posted by ShawnString on Jul 2, 2007 - 56 comments

that thing.

Hay i herd u liek iphones.
posted by boo_radley on Jun 29, 2007 - 129 comments

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