20 posts tagged with life.
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making life choices based on askme

What askme (or mefi, meta, fanfare, etc) posts have had a big impact on your life? [more inside]
posted by signal on Aug 10, 2020 - 39 comments

Tasty and/or lovely things

Recently I discovered a recipe for so-called one-ingredient watermelon sorbet. It's basically frozen, seeded watermelon chunks that you freeze, then break up in a blender, then refreeze. It was unexpectedly tasty. Also, on a podcast today I heard Colin Hay and his song "Come Tumblin' Down" for the first time, which was fun. What tasty and/or lovely things are helping you cope during these sad, hard times?
posted by Bella Donna on Jul 17, 2020 - 65 comments

What have you done this decade that you're proud of?

The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt):
If everyone is doing that what’s one thing you’ve done this decade that you’re proud of, I saved my life by quitting drinking.
Same here. What about y'all?
posted by Johnny Wallflower on Dec 29, 2019 - 133 comments

rolling in the deep

An Ask me post from 2011 was quoted in New York Magazine's The Cut this week as part of an article titled, "Are Toilet Bowls Truly Too Short for Some Men’s Junk?"
posted by zarq on Nov 17, 2018 - 35 comments

Say goodbye to gman

As some of you may know, former Toronto Mefite gman (Gabe) has been battling cancer for the last several months. Its been a long, hard fight, during which no stone was left unturned in the search for his cure, taking him from Ontario to the U.S., to Paris, and on to Heidelberg, Germany, then finally back home to Canada a few weeks ago. His wife and friends sent out an email this weekend, and with their permission, the message has been adapted and presented here for Mefites who knew him: [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jun 26, 2018 - 146 comments

Snapshots of life elsewhere

I really enjoy reading Ask questions about what it's like to live in a particular place, like this recent one comparing Portland, OR to Wellington, New Zealand. What are the best/most useful/interesting ones out there? (Qualifications inside) [more inside]
posted by andrewesque on Jan 8, 2016 - 3 comments

Humans can be drained of blood in 8.6s given adequate vacuuming systems

One of the nicer things about being a MeFite is exposure to new ideas and content we might never have otherwise encountered. I'm curious to know what life lessons and other bits of knowledge you've learned about the world thanks to MetaFilter. Please share!
posted by zarq on May 8, 2014 - 290 comments

Mike Daisey's truthy issues

How is this deleted post any different from the current, non-deleted post on the subject?
posted by ghastlyfop on Mar 16, 2012 - 26 comments

Palindrome Follow-Up

Mefite Jaltcoh sent me a MeMail the other day reminding me of this old comment in a thread about palindromes, where I say, “Gotta say, I’m a big fan of palindromes. My entire career, marriage and life might all be very different if not for palindromes. I’ll have to tell you about it sometime, say January 2, 2010.” In the MeMail, he asks, “It's now past January 2, 2010. What's the story?” Forgot about that old post. With that big of a buildup, I wish it were a better story, but here goes: [more inside]
posted by etc. on Jun 16, 2010 - 137 comments

Best way to print threads

I want to print good askmefi threads as a book for my student. What's the best/fastest way to do it? [more inside]
posted by jstarlee on May 28, 2009 - 33 comments

Mefi Made Me See The Light!

Has one of your long-held opinions/beliefs ever been swayed by a Mefi post or comment? I don't mean a mundane opinion like "I prefer mashed potatoes to french fries," but a really important opinion, like a major cultural/political stance (i.e. a long-held belief regarding religion, abortion, homosexuality, vegetarianism, conservative vs. liberal, etc.). If so, what thread and/or comment was the turning point for you? And how did you feel about thinking differently?
posted by amyms on Mar 23, 2008 - 180 comments

Life skills on askme

About a year ago there was a great question on ask metafilter that went something like this: "I have a job and an apartment and a social life. What things do I need to remember do to be a good adult?" [more inside]
posted by boots on Dec 15, 2007 - 8 comments

Where's that great parody of askme-as-life-helper?

A while back someone posted to meta a great little parody of the sort of sequence of questions we're all familiar with where someone uses askme to help them through absolutely every stage of their life. Where is it? I can't seem to find.
posted by dmd on Jun 28, 2007 - 11 comments

he said-she said

I found these two AskMe threads interesting in a "he said-she said" sort of way and thought others might as well. One is about a person wanting to leave her husband, the other is about a husband whose wife just left him.
I'm in no way implying that I think the events are related, but thought they provided an interesting perspective on how people respond in relationship threads.
posted by forforf on Feb 27, 2006 - 11 comments

We are from the internet.

Are we "friends" or what? [mi]
posted by ColdChef on Jun 27, 2005 - 57 comments

MeFi interferring with real life?

How many of you (if any) have had issues with MeFi interferring with real life? I use a pseudonym because way back in the dark ages of BBS's, I regularly indulged in flamewars and I ended up getting prankcalls at all hours and such. Now, I try not to get sucked into flamewars, but I have a feeling I'm still kind of a dick online, so I hang on to a pseudonym. How about you?
posted by keswick on Nov 15, 2004 - 54 comments

What did you first see on Metafilter that is now a permanant part of your life?

I was listening to Ode To Billy Joe today on a mix in my car and this afternoon I wrote a journal entry in my moleskin notebook. What's the point? These are two things I learned about on Metafilter and that are now part of my life. What did you first see on Metafilter that is now a permanant part of your life?
posted by adrober on Apr 29, 2003 - 43 comments

MeFites do awesome things - why am I sitting here reading MeFi?

I'm having a mid-life crisis and it's all Metafilter's fault! This is especially upsetting as I'm only 31 and this means I'll be dead by 62. Honestly, though, the more I read about what others here are creating and persuing, the more I find myself wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life. Perhaps this is good, in that maybe this will motivate me to get off my ass and contribute something to the world. I'm just wondering, am I the only one who fells like this reading the 'filter? Is this actually a mid-life crisis or am I just going crazy?
posted by jonmc on Mar 20, 2002 - 154 comments

how has Metafilter changed your life?

The Well celebrated their 15th earlier this year - it changed the lives of many of the people involved - how has Metafilter changed your life?
posted by johnny novak on Aug 31, 2001 - 8 comments

Not back yet

Ok, so it's no longer late May, and the site's not up. Wanna know why? read here...
posted by mathowie on Jun 3, 2000 - 2 comments

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