8 posts tagged with meficardclub.
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Metafilter Card Club -- it's still a thing!
Mefi Card Club was started as an ongoing card swap in March of 2018, and still continues to this day (approaching 7 years, whew!). It's been a bit since we've had a Metatalk post about this and we could use some more participants to keep this sustainable, so I figured it was time. If you want to continue the fun of sending and receiving cards and not limit it to just the holiday season, come join us! [more inside]
Who sent me this postcard?
Dear person who sent me a postcard that mentioned playing a show in my hometown, hmu in my MeMail! I want to talk to you but I couldn't make out your signature!
Four years of Mefi Card Club!
Mefi Card Club was started as an ongoing card swap in March of 2018 , and is still going strong today - that is over four years! Do you want to show some appreciation to your co-senders? Maybe talk about how fun it is so we get fresh people joining? Or maybe this is the first you're hearing of it, and want to know more? [more inside]
Brimming With Valentine Exchange Warm Fuzzies
Thank you to mochapickle for organizing such a fun Valentine Exchange for the second year in a row! My mailbox has been full of fun/funny/charming/creative valentines all month. This thread is to oooh, aahh and otherwise chortle about the fun cards (and if Fig's card exchange brought you V-Day goodness, or if you sent/received Valentines in other capacities, please do share here)! [more inside]
MeFi Card Club Appreciation Part III: Beyond Thunderdome
I just had a fun exchange with my mail carrier. [more inside]
Mefi Card Club Appreciation part II: Electric Boogaloo
The Card Club sign-ups were a while ago and we had an old appreciation thread several months ago, but what's new? Has everyone been enjoying sending letters? Got any good stamps? Any issues that should be discussed? Just want to squee about mail? Then this is the thread for you! Technically the old appreciation thread is still open, but the last comments were in August so I figured we were due for a new one. All the thanks to the all mighty and powerful Fig for setting this in motion and keeping everything running smooth!
Fig is awesome
I wanted to say thank you to Fig and to everyone who's signed up for the MeFi Card Club. I'm having bad day after bad day after bad day lately, but coming home to wonderful and goofy and sweet cards from MeFites has been making me so happy. [more inside]
Mefi Card Club!
Based on the wild successes of recent Metafilter card swaps (latest Metatalk thread with all the previouslies here) , and mochapickle's genius idea, I've put together a Card Club, where mefites can sign up to send cards on a regular basis, and receive cards in the month of their special occasion. Have a stash of stationary waiting to be sent? Interested in getting some awesome cards sent your way? Read on! [more inside]