55 posts tagged with meta and pony.
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Mefi Suggestion Box

Obviously we all love Metafilter or we wouldn't be here posting and reading day after day... But, if there was one thing you could change/modify about your Metafilter experience, what would it be?
posted by amyms on Oct 4, 2008 - 257 comments

Why not MyMeta?

We have MyAsk. Why not MyMeta? How about a tab that filters by tags. Example: ignore anything with linux or politics. Keep anything with maps or art.
posted by desjardins on Aug 21, 2008 - 34 comments

MeTa Wormholes Redux.

Dragging a prior request onto the table: MeTa notifications in MeFi/AskMe threads. [more inside]
posted by potch on Dec 18, 2007 - 33 comments

I guess I could google-cache the page for "Jessamyn"...

MeTa-pony-request: Can we highlight the mods' responses in MeTa threads? [MI]
posted by allkindsoftime on Sep 3, 2007 - 51 comments

Tagging Metafilter

Is there any way of having an overlapping system of tags to categorize these MetaTalk posts? So for 'feature requests' that could be a sub-tag of either the 'Metafilter', 'Ask Metafilter' or 'Metatalk' tags. So when I want to see what is being discussed about improving Ask Metafilter I start by selecting that tag and then start clicking the sub tags to get more specific. Finally, the reason I am asking is because I am concerned about the flooding of questions on AskMe and the thing I would do is have a separate section for technology questions as those questions seem to be at least 50% of all questions asked. Cheers.
posted by GleepGlop on Mar 29, 2007 - 11 comments

Is someone compiling/has someone already compiled statistics?

Is someone compiling/has someone already compiled statistics such as: the average number of favorites per post, the average number of comments per post, comment quantity by time posted, average number of favorited posts by user, etc? I assume this has been discussed here in meta previously, but I couldn't find it in searching. Feel free to direct me to old threads on this topic though.
posted by serazin on Feb 1, 2007 - 40 comments

Can I See All Deleted Posts?

Matt, how bout a link to all the posts you've deleted over the years?
posted by paulinsanjuan on Jan 9, 2007 - 46 comments

Metatalk Tags

I want tags on metatalk.
posted by econous on Nov 27, 2006 - 89 comments

Can I Click 1 Link to Open All Links in a Post?

(I am not a programmer so I have no Idea how hard this might be...) Would it be possible to have a link attached to each original posting in Meta and AskMe, that could be clicked by the reader to open all the links the poster included in their original posting, in Firefox tabs? I know this sounds lazy, but I thought it might be a neat feature...
posted by iurodivii on Aug 2, 2006 - 14 comments

Is it possible to gift someone a membership?

Is it possible to gift someone a membership? I have a friend sorely in need of a MeFi lifestyle awakening, but haven't seen a way to make this happen.
posted by Funmonkey1 on Jul 31, 2006 - 42 comments

Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?

lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
posted by blue_beetle on Jul 14, 2006 - 10 comments

Pony: front page +fave links

Any chance we can get a +fave link on the front page for each item, especially on the green? (I'm thinking Digg-style, AJAX based would be very pretty, though potentially too Web 2.0 for the likes of some Mefites...)
posted by disillusioned on Jul 4, 2006 - 26 comments

AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions

AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions. Unless I'm going to be in London (Istanbul, Des Moines), I don't have an interest in the question or the answer.
posted by megatherium on Jun 26, 2006 - 35 comments

one enhancement I'd like to see is the ability to search through my comments only

Feature request: onsite search is back, and one enhancement I'd like to see is the ability to search through my comments only. [more]
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jun 6, 2006 - 18 comments

Feature Request: All Posts by User Tagged Soandso

Pony: All posts by user suchandsuch tagged soandso? As it is, on a user's posting page, there's a list of frequently-used tags, but if you follow the links, you get all posts so tagged, when what you might expect (and even, in some cases, want) is just that user's posts so tagged.
posted by kenko on May 28, 2006 - 8 comments

Could we get a spoiler tag?

Could we get a <spoiler> tag?
posted by Mean Mr. Bucket on May 28, 2006 - 42 comments

New Keystroke Features

New features added to the keystrokes: hit return to go into a thread, hit ; to go back to the index page. (you might have to force a reload to get the latest javascript).
posted by mathowie on Apr 28, 2006 - 33 comments

Can I log in and out of parts of MeFi?

I'd like to stay logged out of MetaFilter and MetaTalk while staying logged in to AskMeFi. Is that too tall of an order?
posted by furtive on Feb 1, 2006 - 17 comments

Metafilter By Committee?

MeFi Committees: A Proposal (MI, This could get long and messy)
posted by wheelieman on Jan 30, 2006 - 59 comments

Pony: add comment count in MeTa

Pony request: Is it possible to add a comment count inside the threads in MeTa and AskMe like we have in MeFi?

Something like: posted by Penks at 11:52 AM CST (56 comments total) [!]
posted by Penks on Jan 29, 2006 - 3 comments

Pony Request: Highlight 'fantastic comment' flagged posts like AskMe's 'best answers'

It's possible for an AskMeFi poster to mark responses as best answers. It's possible for anyone to flag an answer as a fantastic comment. Why not amalgamate the two and have all the top answers in one place? Then, why not highlight all comments flagged as fantastic in AskMeFi, MetaFilter and MetaTalk the way best answers are currently highlighted in AskMeFi?
posted by nthdegx on Jan 7, 2006 - 9 comments

Moving to MetaTalk

Reading the thread about the eBay scam stuff, it made me want a new pony.

Wouldn't it be neat if when someone takes a post to MetaTalk (for whatever reason), that the original post be marked somehow (maybe similar to the "best answer" check-mark) to indicate that it had been brought to the other forum (by that I mean MetaTalk). This would make the whole MetaUniverseā„¢ a more unified whole, more interconnected...

It'd also be entertaining for grouses like me who love to watch a trainwreck happen...
posted by jpburns on Nov 14, 2005 - 163 comments

Live preview for posting to MeFi and MeTa?

How's about getting Live Preview for posting new FPPs on MeFi and MeTa? I think it would be even more useful there than it is for comments.
posted by skoosh on Aug 28, 2005 - 6 comments

Can We Have Automatic URL Generation?

Automatic URL generation within threads would be kinda neat.
posted by craniac on Apr 19, 2005 - 28 comments

Total Comments in AskMe and MeTa

When looking at a MetaFilter post, the line under the description looks like this:
posted by too_many_notes at 4:56 AM EST (13 comments total) ( feature_request ) [!]

However, in both MetaTalk and AskMetaFilter the "(13 comments total)" is missing. I find this information useful in the thread. Could the green and gray be more like the blue?
posted by too many notes on Mar 10, 2005 - 8 comments

RSS Feed For Our Latest Posts/Comments?

Matt seems to be going gangbusters on new features, so I'm not sure if this is the best or worst time to request another pony. This one is for some more RSS feeds...[more inside]
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Feb 17, 2005 - 30 comments

Posting limits reallocation?

Instead of one AskMe/MetaTalk thread a week, can we get four a month?
posted by Jairus on Feb 17, 2005 - 31 comments

is this MeTa post open or closed?

Quick! - tell me - without clicking through - is this MeTa post open or closed? Well, which is it? Open or closed? You can't tell, can you? Sucks, doesn't it? You'd think a pop star tag junkie could spare an ASCII spangle to mark molested threads. But Nooooo. Crazy fascist likes to lure you in and jump out at you like a jack-in-the-box Mussolini. Sad. I spoke to his mother. She tells me he used to be such a good boy.
posted by Opus Dark on Jan 23, 2005 - 28 comments

Keyword Tags For Metafilter

I'm in the process of adding keyword tags to MetaFilter. Right now, you can go back and tag all your old posts. Please, help me make this a useful feature by tagging your stuff with descriptive keywords that help people find other related posts. We could really turn this into something useful if we stick to that. I'm still working it into the new post form and working bugs out of the display end, but the basics are now there. Go forth and help make this useful.
posted by mathowie on Jan 18, 2005 - 177 comments

MetaTalk for the logged in only?

This is probably an annoying pony to add, but is there any way we can get a flag added to MetaTalk posts so that they'll only be visible to a user who is logged in?
posted by bshort on Jan 4, 2005 - 31 comments

Can We Have Thread Ratings?

Could we have a feature by which each FPP is rated numerically, say, 1 to 5, and if it doesn't reach a 3 within an hour, it's dumped? Then we could all stop complaining about lousy FPPs.
posted by ZippityBuddha on Dec 10, 2004 - 70 comments

RSS for AskMe and MeTa?

RSS for AskMefi and MeTa: Do they exist or am I just missing them? If they don't exist, can we have RSS-flavored ponies? If they do exist, can they be made more plain? How many past discussions of this topic have I missed? What other interesting facts will I learn inside? Fezzy minds want to know.
posted by Fezboy! on Dec 8, 2004 - 11 comments

Request to update MetaTalk posting page for IE.

Dear Matt: given that most people here use IE, when will you modernize the MetaTalk posting page? You've known for ages that anyone hitting the "Back" button to edit their post will lose everything because of IE browser settings.

When will it be as easy as the MetaFilter one? How is someone who knows no HTML supposed to post to MetaTalk with the appropriate links, bold and italic emphases and whatever?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jun 19, 2003 - 50 comments

Metafilter Remixed

Metafilter: Remixed -- a collaborative filter for MeFi. Several people have suggested in the past some sort of "[this is good]" button people could use to vote for excellent posts; I know Matt's busy, so I went ahead and made one. Let me know if you find any problems with it.
posted by webmutant on Oct 27, 2002 - 132 comments

MeTa "notify this user" pony

This is actually a MetaTalk feature request. When creating a thread about a specific post or user (e.g., 1, , 3) courtesy dictates that the singled-out member be notified. But I don't know how often that happens. How about an optional field, when creating a new MetaTalk thread, reading "Notify these users". The thread creator could then enter one or more usernames and/or usenumbers, separated by commas. When the thread is created, the specified users (assuming their email address are available) would receive an automated email reading something to the effect of "You have been asked to participate in MetaTalk thread xxxxx."
posted by Shadowkeeper on Aug 12, 2002 - 21 comments

Two Small Questions

Two itsy-bitsy questions and one trivial, infinitesimal footnote:

1)On MetaTalk's front page it says "There have been no links and no comments posted since your last visit". Since posts here aren't required to have links wouldn't it be better to say posts or, following the wording on the posting box, threads?

2)Why, when you go back to revise your new post, does the category selected always jump back to bugs? (Some posts mistakenly attributed to bugs are impossible to find through the category archives).

Footnote: Does anyone else feel slightly disappointed when they check in on MeTa and there haven't been any new posts for what seems like ages? Is this ethically deplorable in any way? ;)
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jul 1, 2002 - 38 comments

Prevent accidental multiple postings

I suppose this has already been discussed, but isn't it a simple thing to do to prevent accidental multiple postings? Perhaps the current comment could be compared to the previous comment?
posted by aaronshaf on Mar 4, 2002 - 8 comments

Request that Metatalk show number of new posts and comments: feature already exists

Why is there no "X# of new posts/X# of new comments" on MeTa? would it be that hard to implement?
posted by Ufez Jones on Jan 21, 2002 - 5 comments

Comment Limits Per Thread?

Now that each subscriber is limited to starting one thread a day, isn't it time to limit the number of comments per thread that a subscriber can post? With unlimited commentary, it's just unfocused chat.
posted by pracowity on Nov 2, 2001 - 47 comments

MeTa links on user.mefi/[number] but not username.mefi/[name]

Minor detail: going to user.mefi/[number] you get links to a user's MeTa threads and comments - very useful - but going to username.mefi/[name] you don't.
posted by rory on Nov 1, 2001 - 3 comments

How Can We Stop Doubleposts?

Wow. Three double-posts in a row. Nothing new in and of itself, but this makes me wonder if MetaFilter could implement a FilePile type icon based system for marking double posts. (Inside: I will try and explain myself)
posted by thewittyname on Oct 12, 2001 - 14 comments

Post a Comment Should Have an Anchor Tag

Add an anchor tag to the MetaFilter "Comments on" page and the MetaTalk "MetaTalk detail" page so clicking on the "Post a Comment" link goes directly to the comment form. This would save scrolling through a long page to post something.
posted by kirkaracha on Oct 9, 2001 - 4 comments

Notification of new threads and comments.

Would it be possible to add a "There have been X new threads and Y new comments on MetaTalk since your last visit" to the MetaFilter page?
posted by skwm on Sep 30, 2001 - 5 comments

Would it be possible to implement a "watch thread" feature?

Matt: Would it be possible to implement a "watch thread" feature? With so many posts now there are some I really don't care to follow while others I'd like to check back on often and have them at the top when I log in or switch views. The sort by most or recent comments doesn't quite do the job in this instance.
posted by suprfli on Sep 19, 2001 - 9 comments

How Can I Filter Out 9/11 Posts?

My brain is mush - is there a way we could metafilter metafilter to filter out all the war/terrorism/WTC Attack posts for those of us on information overload. I'm longing for just plain old interesting links and news again
posted by Zebulun on Sep 17, 2001 - 4 comments

Use the MeFi sidebar to draw attention to recent MeTa threads?

I posted this in another thread, but since you can't see new posts on MetaTalk, I decided to post it here. Would it be a good idea to list recent MetaTalk threads in a section of the right sidebar?

Also: would dates be better than days for right sidebar posts (7/27/01 instead of Friday)? Kind of like filepile. It's hard to tell how stale the news is with just days...
posted by timothompson on Jul 27, 2001 - 0 comments

It's too easy to post to the wrong part of Metatalk

It's too easy to post to the wrong part of Metatalk.
posted by ParisParamus on Jul 18, 2001 - 2 comments

Tweaking the Customization Page

Nice job with the new info fields on the customization page, but I would recommend coverting spaces in AIM names to plus signs (+). In cases where a user has a space in their screenname, putting that space in the field will cause the screenname to be cut off at the space when passed to AIM.
posted by howa2396 on May 13, 2001 - 3 comments

Pony: activity tracking for MeTa, MeFi

it would be neat if we could bookmark metafilter and metatalk threads to see when they change. for example, if you enter a comment, you can bookmark the thread for when further comments have been made in response. at the moment, i'm using spyonit.com, but it'd definitely be neat if there was an incorporated feature at metafilter for everyone to use. email notification would be another option.
posted by kv on Apr 27, 2001 - 2 comments

I wanna see "Most Viewed User ID" stats.

I wanna see "Most Viewed User ID" stats.
posted by Neale on Apr 4, 2001 - 3 comments

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