28 posts tagged with metachat.
Displaying 1 through 28 of 28. Subscribe:

The End of 2021/Beginning of 2022

What's something old you're leaving behind, and something new you're taking with you? General chat thread for ruminating on the year past and the year to come.
posted by curious nu on Dec 31, 2021 - 50 comments

Metafilter Chat: It Is!

Greetings, Sapients! You may have visited famed site "Metafilter" before - but did you know this: Metafilter also has "Metafilter Chat"! It does. [more inside]
posted by Evilspork on Apr 30, 2020 - 6 comments

Politics Chat Pony?

In the recent thread about post lengths, the question tangentially came up asking why more people don’t use Chat for politics stuff. For me, at least, it’s because it seems like when something big happens and we head over to Chat to talk about it, we’re barging in and taking over whatever people were talking about before. Could there be a separate chat room just for the politics stuff so we don’t have to bother the Chat regulars? [more inside]
posted by Weeping_angel on Apr 18, 2019 - 16 comments


Tell me about that place 'where everybody knows your name'. Maybe it's your local coffee house or a diner or a bar or the local yarn barn, whatever it is, wherever it is, this is the place where people know your name when you walk in the door. Maybe you have a place to sit that is always reserved for you. You might even have a coffee mug that only you use, or maybe it's as simple as knowing the entire staff. Tell me about this other family, this other home. Happy Wednesday friends!
posted by Fizz on Sep 19, 2018 - 119 comments


Many squamous greetings, Sapients! Itsa Chaturday night, whaddayagonnadoaboudit, look for more Pooza liveblogs? Grill some tofu burgers? Reevaluate your life? Try to take over the world? Chataboudit! (quidnunc #1!)
posted by Evilspork on Aug 4, 2018 - 15 comments


Multitudinous greetings, Sapients! Pop rock quiz, hot lot: Does MetaFilter have an official chat channel/room/area/quadrant/etc.? This is a fact: IT DOES! [previously: the unofficial MetaFilter chat site (yes, I am coordinating!)] It is a very fun and interesting and wondrous place (especially when I am not there) full of assorted cute animal GIFs (especially when Metafilter's Own bread crumbs is there) and random nonsense (especially when I AM there) and perennial nemises (because jeather, your personal nemesis, is there). I promise to you that we do not bite unless you notarize the consent form and submit it in dodeclicate six to eight weeks or greater in advance - guess how that tradition started! The cabal (TINCC) decrees that you guess, as the court records are sealed and salted and bound by blood. Ha HA! Dental appliances. Please stay frosty and/or toasty, and as always, vote your preferred quantum flavor of quidnunc kid #1!
posted by Evilspork on Jun 26, 2018 - 10 comments


Greetings, Sapients! Did you know: MetaFilter has an official chat channel/room/etc.? This is a fact: IT DOES! [previously: the unofficial MetaFilter chat site] It is a very fun and interesting and wondrous place (especially when I am not there) full of assorted cute animal GIFs (especially when Metafilter's Own bread crumbs is there) and random nonsense (especially when I AM there). I promise you that we do not bite unless you sign the consent form and submit it in triplicate three weeks or greater in advance - guess how that tradition started! You will have to guess, the court records are sealed. Ha HA! Dental appliances. Please stay frosty and/or toasty, and as always, vote your preferred brand of quidnunc kid #1!
posted by Evilspork on Apr 24, 2017 - 46 comments

spinoff sites

What are the unoffical spinoff sites? There's MetaChat - "an informal place for MeFites to touch base and post, discuss and chatter about topics that may not belong on MetaFilter." MonkeyFilter, GameFilter - "A good post to Gamefilter is a link or set of links to something that is related to gaming, gamers, or gaming culture." and MeFightClub - " started way back in ye olde 2007 as an offshoot community of Metafilter (a site where members are collectively known as 'Mefites', and that's how we get to 'Mefight' Club), dedicated to having a safe, groovy place to hang out together and play and talk about the games we love." Are there others?
posted by the man of twists and turns on Oct 2, 2016 - 40 comments

Have you heard of MetaChat?

"MetaChat is an informal place for MeFites to touch base and post, discuss and chatter about topics that may not belong on MetaFilter." It's less structured than MetaFilter, often with posts about things going on the poster's life, things that annoy the poster, the poster's favorite band, etc. Once pretty darn lively, it has slowed down over the past few years, and we're trying to liven things up. C'mon by and contribute to the last-half-of-September Postathon!
posted by JanetLand on Sep 14, 2015 - 51 comments


posted by Specklet on Sep 5, 2012 - 101 comments

Shall We Book Club Some More?

The recent MetaChat book club gathering to discuss Lolita was very enjoyable. So, is there interest in arranging another, to discuss the next book in Yale Professor Amy Hungerford's course on The American Novel Since 1945? That next book is On the Road. [more inside]
posted by bearwife on Jun 23, 2010 - 47 comments

Book Club - The American Novel Since 1945 - Episode 2

The book club thread is now live on MetaChat. We read Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood along with the lectures on it by Professor Amy Hungerford, here and here. [more inside]
posted by shothotbot on Apr 21, 2010 - 6 comments

Classics of American Lit

MetaFilter Book Club Continues . . . [more inside]
posted by bearwife on Mar 15, 2010 - 1 comment

Live New Book Club

The book club discussion is up on MetaChat, here. [more inside]
posted by shothotbot on Mar 10, 2010 - 2 comments

Photo Friday on Metachat

It's Friday!...which means that over on Metachat, we continue the Friday tradition of posting photos by members on a given theme (this week, Fences; other recent marvels, Glow, Photobooth, Reflections, Old/New. If you haven't been over to MetaChat in a while, or ever, Photo Friday is a nice place to start with a post or a comment - and a relaxing way to wind down the work week with a few moments of Zen. [more inside]
posted by Miko on Feb 5, 2010 - 28 comments

AskMe Answer Generator

Before you post your next AskMe question, you might try checking out MetaChat's thread of suggested automated AskMe answers. From "Don't eat it" to "Try Craigslist" to "Check out these twenty-five identical previous AskMe questions on this topic" to "Learn how to communicate. Pouring your heart out to 60,000 random strangers on the internet ≠ effective communication with your partner", we've pretty much got every topic covered.
posted by orange swan on Jul 18, 2008 - 115 comments

MeFi affiliates?

Is there a complete list somewhere of all the 'affiliate' Metafilter sites like Monkeyfilter, Metachat, Sportsfilter, etc? What official relationship do they have with the main site, if any? Is there an official policy on creating your own *filter site? Encouraged, frowned upon?
posted by empath on Aug 8, 2007 - 44 comments

What Not Tot Post to AskMe II

In honour of the 1st, we're revisiting the "deliberately flameworthy hypothetical AskMe question thread" over at MetaChat. Feel free to join in with fake questions or answers.
posted by orange swan on Apr 1, 2007 - 18 comments

"post it at metachat" is not a good reason for deletion

I'd like to suggest that "um, yeah, post it at metachat." is not a good reason for deletion. Metachat may be all about the stupid links but saying this smacks of snobbery. This was simply a poor post that didn't meet metafilter's editorial guidelines. It wasn't chatty in the slightest. Metachat is not your dumping ground. Can't we all just get along?
posted by seanyboy on Nov 23, 2006 - 20 comments

MeFi MeCha bookmark art swap reminder.

Last chance: Sign up for the groovycool mefi/mecha bookmark art swap. Yes, YOU. Do it. More is inside.
posted by taz on Sep 14, 2006 - 6 comments

Metachat Asheville meetup

Beginning a week from tomorrow, a group of Mechazens are spending the weekend in Asheville, NC. Interested mefites are hereby invited to join us for parties, barhopping, canoeing, hiking, hot springs and so forth.
posted by mygothlaundry on Jul 27, 2006 - 12 comments

What Not to Post to AskMe

Here's a very entertaining and highly instructive thread on What Not To Post To AskMe.
posted by orange swan on Jun 15, 2006 - 65 comments

metachat is sporting a hot new look for fall.

metachat is sporting a hot new look for fall.
posted by delmoi on Sep 22, 2005 - 32 comments

leave the metachat on metachat?

This seems like a pretty weak reason to delete a post, eh?
posted by monju_bosatsu on Aug 26, 2005 - 80 comments

I created a MetaChat feed on LiveJournal.

Since I didn't see one, I created a MetaChat feed on LiveJournal.
posted by Eideteker on Aug 9, 2005 - 8 comments

MetaChat link in the MeFi top bars

Can we please get a MetaChat link added to the MeFi top bars? It might help prevent threads like this one. [Though my hopes in that direction are faint.]
posted by orange swan on Jun 1, 2005 - 36 comments

Metachat is ready! Come on over and post about anything you damn well like.

Metachat is ready! Come on over and post about anything you damn well like.
It all started from this thread
posted by dodgygeezer on May 19, 2005 - 63 comments

Do we need all the news updates on 9/11?

I see a lot of front page posting with a slightly different angle on the same thing...with a link to story in the Independent or CNN or MSNBC...Shouldn't people be reading those sites if they want up-to-the-minute reports on the WTC and all its ramifications?
posted by Kafkaesque on Sep 18, 2001 - 22 comments

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