13 posts tagged with nintendo.
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“I'll be there with Bells on! Ho ho!”
I'm playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The game was just released and it's available on the Nintendo Switch. It seems like everyone is playing these days. Let's talk about our islands/towns. What fruit did you end up getting? There are five possibilities (not counting coconuts): apples, cherries, peaches, pears, and oranges. If you're up for it, let's share our Nintendo Switch Friend codes so we can visit each other's islands/towns. This is a super chill game and it makes me happy. If you have the opportunity, consider picking it up. As always, be kind to yourself and to others. Happy crafting, farming, shopping, & exploring friendos.
Nintendo love?
So hey, any chance we could get Nintendo (Miiverse) IDs for Wii U/3DS users as an option for other networks we use on the profile page? [more inside]
Nintendo Wii U & 3DS/2DS ID enfriendening
The last Nintendo console friend code swap we had was back in 2012. Well the Wii-U is out now, and it's finally gotten an ultra-popular game out for it (MK8), so let's do the swappy thing. 3DS/2DS users also welcome, for those games that take advantage of the recently-added Nintendo Network ID functionality on those systems. [more inside]
Another Nintendo friend code exchange thread
Hey Mefites! Several of us who used to play Glitch have started playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the Nintendo 3DS. Non-Glitchen are welcome too! [more inside]
Let's trade 3DS, DSi, and Wii friend codes!
Let's trade Nintendo 3DS friend codes! [more inside]
Blue shells, nothing but blue shells... from now on
Join the Mario Kart 7 MetaFilter community! [more inside]
Chrontendo directory
I worked for a couple of days on a post on Chrontendo, the project of a guy to play every Famicom and NES game, and in chronological order to boot. (It reminds me a bit of Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged, but no matter.) When I finished it and tried to post it I found out that it had already been posted. (In fact, I myself had commented on it, which was odd.) However, the work I had done in constructing the post, which links to every video's description page and notes which ones contain particularly interesting games, shouldn't go to waste I think. The original thread is long closed, so I'm going to paste my links in the More Inside of this post for people to peruse and enjoy. [more inside]
Animal Crossing has stolen my soul
The last time anyone asked about a meetup of MeFites in Animal Crossing was in 2006. Anyone playing AC: City Folk want to visit and swap fruit? [more inside]
I'll race! To feel the wind in my face! And I'll race! To feel like I own this place!
Mario Kart Wii friend code filter: Let's drive through malls, smashing our cars into each other! [more inside]
Ness! Ness! Ness!
And seven years later, Super Smash Brothers Brawl has landed. I would love to smash some MeFites. [more inside]
Sharing Nintendo DS Friend Codes
Hey Matt! You own a Nintendo DS, just like I do. Infact, Metafilter has several DS owners, as this question of mine revealed. The thing is, we're not playing each other online as we damn well should be. So how about adding a field or two on our preferences pages to allow us to prominently advertise our Friend Codes? It's been talked about before. Let's make it happen.
MeFis on Nintendo DS?
I'd like to organize or provide space for MeFites with a Nintendo DS and one of the several WFC-enabled games (Animal Crossing, MarioKart, Tony Hawk) to share their friend-codes. Anyone else interested? I ache to race against people I'm connected to! I want to bring oranges to your villages!
Nintendo DS now comes in Pepsi Blue