11 posts tagged with oped.
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You beat the high score?

Once this morning, then again and again this afternoon, (effectively) single-link posts to a NYT op-ed by Julian Assange were deleted from the blue. Now, a cursory search shows many other single-link op-eds that have survived deletion, and also a fair number that haven't. What I don't see are many examples of a story being repeatedly deleted. I read MeFi via RSS feed; otherwise, this would pass by unnoticed. In years of doing so, I don't think I've ever seen a string of deletion events like this, and I figure others have noticed this as well. Any point in discussing?
posted by anarch on Jun 2, 2013 - 63 comments

Yeah, really.

Yeah, really. It's topical (during a very political time, where such issues are being widely discussed), interesting, well-written, and had never been posted before. I honestly don't see the problem. Or is NewsFilter the rule? Does the date on this really matter?
posted by Kickstart70 on Sep 1, 2008 - 23 comments

No Talkin' Bout Women on the Blue!

It may have been a "crappy fight-starter of an op-ed", but seems like people were discussing it in a civil fashion. There was no good reason to delete this thread. [more inside]
posted by BitterOldPunk on Dec 13, 2007 - 82 comments

Is MeFi the new digg?

What are the rules for posting to MeFi? Ive noticed that many posts are news articles and many of the op/ed posts get snarked or berated for not being newsworthy... I thought this was "best of the web"? I for one will read digg if I want news and MeFi if I want to find interesting web articles...
posted by subaruwrx on Aug 1, 2007 - 133 comments

where did you get that idea?

This post is pure editorial and belongs on the poster's own blog. The FPP makes a point (powerful women are beautiful) that is not made in any her of links. The post is entirely her opinion and because of that the discussion following is a mess.
posted by meech on Nov 24, 2006 - 62 comments

Maddox is verboten

Maddox is verboten? Why? I mean, this was the first thing the guy had written on his site for four months... it's hardly like he gets posted here all the time.
posted by reklaw on Nov 13, 2006 - 40 comments

Following the posting guidelines

I guess we are not even going to pretend to follow the guidelines for posts anymore.
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood on Apr 28, 2005 - 115 comments

Unofficial MetaFilter Op-Ed About Political Content in FPPs

"How hard is it to articulate a simple policy about political content? Matt has not done that, and needs to."

Which prompts another unofficial MetaFilter op-ed from y6y6y6.........
posted by y6y6y6 on Nov 24, 2004 - 76 comments

Swift Boat FPP callout

This post is nothing more than a mini op-ed piece about the top news story (at the time) that takes up too much real estate on the home page and has been discussed to death already. IMO, if your FPP has one link and needs a "more inside...", you need to rethink it's place here.
posted by mkultra on Aug 25, 2004 - 21 comments

sub quality journalistic demagogues

So, Newsmax before Newsweek? I tend to find Newsmax, CommonDreams, YellowTimes, BushWatch all sub quality journalistic demagogues. A question of policy.
posted by four panels on Dec 16, 2002 - 30 comments

What happened to the moratorium on op-ed politics pieces?

Despite this and this, today we have this.
posted by i_cola on Nov 1, 2002 - 29 comments

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