37 posts tagged with preemptive.
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Can I post something I tested to Projects?

A friend developed a new Firefox extension. While I didn't write any code for it, I was one of the testers during development and like to think that my input has helped the product. Is this okay to post to Projects?
posted by grouse on Jul 1, 2008 - 43 comments

seofeed? really?

I think seofeed should get a preemptive five dollar refund. [more inside]
posted by bunnytricks on Jun 13, 2008 - 169 comments

In Our Lifetime

Not sure if (justifiable) politicsfilter objections trump history in the making, but I don't know whether this merits an FPP or not. Hence it seems legit for MetaTalk, even if only to get a moderator to rule on whether we can have what I think will be an FPP comment thread for the ages. But dammit, Barack Obama, the son of a Kenyan immigrant and a Kansas farm girl, is about to be the nominee of the Democratic party for president of the US of Doggone A, and it is a moment worthy of of being marked and reflected upon for many in this community, I am sure, regardless of our political commitments.
posted by fourcheesemac on Jun 3, 2008 - 6 comments

Four People Beating Up On Someone (YT): For the Blue?

I want to single link youtube post this to the blue, because it's probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen broadcast on modern television, and I think it warrants discussion. Appropriate?
posted by awesomebrad on Apr 10, 2008 - 18 comments

Can I post this to the blue or not?

Is it "legal" to post something to the blue that includes a link to a site I work for? [more inside]
posted by andihazelwood on Feb 21, 2008 - 33 comments

To Post or Not to Post

I'd like to make a semi-newsworthy FPP, but worry it might be a tricky subject. [more inside]
posted by revmitcz on Feb 11, 2008 - 40 comments

I'm doing a game show in San Francisco

The Projects section seems more geared towards web/internet projects. Would posting my show info in Projects be appropriate?
posted by MiltonRandKalman on Nov 11, 2007 - 9 comments

Should I post this?

So I've been reading a lot about a particular issue I'm involved in as part of my job (and personally), and I think that a lot of the stuff I've been reading online is MeFi -worthy. At the same time, does the fact that I do have some personal stake in this stuff getting read (in the sense that it would make me happy if more people knew about this particular issue) make this a self-link? I didn't provide content to these sites, or have anything to do with what goes on there. Can I safely post these on the front page, or should I just not? Also, I know that once you ask yourself "should I post this" the answer is probably no. At the same time, I'm pretty passionate about this stuff and don't want to just not post anything...
posted by OverlappingElvis on Aug 23, 2007 - 29 comments

Has this 1994 Cheney interview been posted?

Has this 1994 interview with Cheney, in which he advises to not invade Baghdad, been posted yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BEsZMvrq-I I couldn't find it using the search feature, but thought I would do a pre-emptive check here and get flamed before a smaller audience if I'm wrong.
posted by mecran01 on Aug 13, 2007 - 45 comments


No. Can we have some standards and not participate in this crap? I'd also like to ask for a pre-emptive strike on any NewsFilter post about the latest missing and found dead rich white girl they're talking about now.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim on Jun 8, 2007 - 127 comments

bizarre skin condition part 2

Did someone already post the follow up to the post about the guy with the disfiguring growths on his hands? If so, I missed it.
posted by serazin on May 27, 2007 - 36 comments


Reposting on MeFi after a long period of lurkage. I need some advice about self-linking. While I know the rule is "don't!", I've worked with a video collective that would be relevant in light of recent posts about Night Flight. I don't run the site, but I feel that I should mention that I've worked with them in the past. Can I post this website, and should I mention my involvement after a [more inside] jump?
posted by pxe2000 on Apr 26, 2007 - 10 comments

etiquette filter

This has probably been covered previously but I couldn't find it. Can I post to Projects for a friend? It's a good project that I think MeFites would appreciate. It's non-profit and others might like to check out similar things in their communities.
posted by snsranch on Apr 5, 2007 - 21 comments

Can I Legally Post This To MeFi Music?

Sometime in the early nineties a now long lost friend of mine recorded a cd. I can't seem to locate him and it's been quite a few years since we last talked. I found a copy of his cd and want to post a few of his songs to MeFi Music. (I love the cheesy pop-techno sound of a few of these tunes and the memories they bring back.) I "played" on stage with him (keyboard flourishes...very minimal playing on my part) and spent many hours in the studio with him on more than one occasion during the recording of said cd. Given that information, would posting the songs be an OK thing to do? Are there legal issues?
posted by gummi on Mar 27, 2007 - 18 comments

Can I get you to enjoy this without complaining about navigation?

I very much want to post the collection of comic valentines found here to the blue, but I'm worried the site navigation is so convoluted that the thread will be nothing but complaints about it. Can this post be saved?
posted by Horace Rumpole on Feb 1, 2007 - 23 comments

My father is cool, but is he linkable?

My father has done some things that I think would be of great interest to a lot of MeFites. I have no connection to the work other than being related to the fellow who did them. Does it belong in projects, or in the blue?
posted by phrontist on Dec 10, 2006 - 20 comments

Can I repost this project because of new link?

I posted a short film I made to Projects but hours after I did, the site hosting it took the video offline. It's back up with a new URL http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/6370 but I can't edit my old project post nor can I repost it. I had no control over the hosting site and this video is for a contest where only the 10 most popular films move on to the next round. Voting ends October 10. Would it be possible to repost to Projects?
posted by clockworkjoe on Sep 30, 2006 - 20 comments

Can I post this to askme?

I want to post a question in the green about finding mp3 copies of This American Life or someplace where folks swap CDs of programs. We're headed back to Italy in October and I'd like to load some shows on my iRiver for the long flight.

I've googled for the past half hour and I'm half-crosseyed from all the conflicting opinions I've read about the producers of the show urging folks to remove links from their websites during the "deep linking" fiasco-lite over the summer.

The upshot is this - would I be asking an illegal-activities-war3z-type question? Cause I don't want to sully my good name...
posted by ersatzkat on Sep 17, 2006 - 8 comments

Is it kosher to solicit Ask MeFi for feedback on my blog design?

Is it kosher to solicit Ask MeFi for feedback on my blog design?
posted by JPowers on Jul 2, 2006 - 14 comments

Upcoming symposium post okay? Toronto specific.

hi. i've just found out about an upcoming symposium series that i think would really be appealing to the sort of folks that frequent metafilter. however, the event is taking place next week here in toronto, and therefore people not-in-toronto might not care. is this kosher? i can spice the post up with links to interesting projects from previous years if that would make it not suck.
posted by sergeant sandwich on May 24, 2006 - 14 comments

A man sodomising a chicken

ZoophiliaFilter: Would it be wrong to use AskMe to request graphic imagery of a man sodomising a chicken?
posted by sjvilla79 on May 15, 2006 - 86 comments

Can I repost it as an FPP?

I posted a link in a comment on the blue. Can I repost it as an FPP?
posted by anjamu on May 12, 2006 - 42 comments

Not sure where this post would go

Etiquettefilter: I want to bring mefites attention to a project, but am not sure if it is a FPP on the blue (with supporting links of course), a project (as I am not the creator) or, most importantly, a horrible Pepsi Blue self-promotion that will end up getting me banned. [mi]
posted by slimepuppy on May 11, 2006 - 13 comments

XXX porn used as an interactive clothing catalogue

OK, trying to figure if this is appropriate or not.
I mean this - NSFW NSFW or many, many, many other places. May be NSFHome either, depending on your home, most homes probably. It's XXX porn used as an interactive clothing catalogue. Seems like it's an "interesting" phenomenon, but I do realize that the content is pretty friggin' iffy. But it's a genre unlike any I've ever seen. Makes you look. Perhaps not at the clothes but...
PS, it's extremely slow to load, and when you load it, it's porn, but it's also a clothing catalogue. Regular clothing. But it's porn, totally porn (tab A in slot B type porn).
Thought I'd try it here first, rather than the blue. Not really appropriate here either, but... Shit, I don't know, it just didn't seem right for an FPP, but seemed really interesting to me too. Go figure.
posted by johngumbo on Mar 24, 2006 - 31 comments

Is a wikipedia article I contribued to a self-link?

I want to post some links over on the Filter about an obscure topic. However, due to its obscurity, some of the links would be Wiki articles that I previously created. Would this count as self-promotion, or would it be accetable to do such? Should I simply do my best to work around them?
posted by Atreides on Feb 6, 2006 - 88 comments

Can I AskMe about my website?

Ok don't know if this is permissable...I'd like to AskMeFi about my own site, but not as self-promotion. I'd like build a shortlist of why it sucks and what I can do about it. Ok to do so?
posted by Kickstart70 on Dec 22, 2005 - 12 comments

How can I share this BBC piece on blogging?

The BBC recently did a television news piece about blogging. I have recorded and encoded it. I'd like to post it to MetaFilter, but I'm worried this falls under "self-linking", since I would obviously have to host it myself. Does it count or not?
If it does, where else should I post it?
posted by Mwongozi on Nov 14, 2005 - 17 comments

Could I post this as an FPP?

I've been sent a preview of a new chapter in a forthcoming book by a friend / colleague / comrade. [more inside]
posted by warbaby on Jun 11, 2005 - 26 comments

AskMe for feedback on projects

Legitimately unsure if the following is an acceptable use of AskMe: (more inside)
posted by John Kenneth Fisher on Jan 1, 2005 - 22 comments

Can I link to Geocities?

If I have found a website that I think is interesting and I'd like to share it with MeFi... but it is a geocities page that will be useless after the bandwidth limit is hit, what is the protocol? Simply not post it? Post it and let the bandwidth chips fall where they may? Advice on proper etiquette appreciated!
posted by limitedpie on Jul 26, 2004 - 11 comments

Double links are actually forbidden?

I want to post a link which I consider to be entertaining, but most of all, relevant at the current time. It is, however, a repost, last posted over a year ago. Is the policy regarding reposts that they are 100% verboten?
posted by Mwongozi on Mar 30, 2004 - 23 comments

pppppplllllllease i know it sucks but...!

Three-paragraph post plus pre-emptive plea from author for forgiveness equals a thread filled with crap.
posted by mr_crash_davis on Sep 1, 2003 - 43 comments

"the war has started !"

so its almost time for thousands of "the war has started !" posts. No doubt hundreds of us have carefully collected links to such unique gems as CNN, patiently waiting for the bombs to fall before hitting post. Comments regarding horrific pictures and heroic stories have been typed and proofread. Opinions formed, pre-conceived notions strong...we are ready.
posted by th3ph17 on Mar 19, 2003 - 41 comments

Is this relationship too close for posting?

There's this site that I visit fairly regularly. The creator of this site creates these cool (IMO) online illustrated one page stories. I think that many folks at MeFi might enjoy the site, but there is (what I perceive as) a problem. One of the sites I write for is one of this guy's front-page links....
[more inside]
posted by Joey Michaels on Sep 10, 2002 - 16 comments

Where do I put this to discuss it?

I would like to talk about the opening ceremonies of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games. Is it more appropriate on MetaFilter or MetaTalk, or not?
posted by dai on Feb 8, 2002 - 9 comments

Permanent testing thread

ProtoFilter or ProtoTalk anyone?
Most double posts and lame threads are unintentional. Search doesn't always work. So would it be possible to have a permanent testing thread here on MetaTalk? I mean a Any Obvious Objections or Good Ideas I Should Know About? sort of thing; where unsure posters could test the waters before committing to either MetaFilter or MetaTalk front pages?(more)

posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 19, 2001 - 10 comments

Places to check before posting

Not sure if something's been covered by the media? Don't want to look silly by writing, "Why isn't anyone reporting this?" when it's in every newspaper but the ones you're reading? Are you finding that the AP wire doesn't have enough information to satisfy you anymore? Here's where to look.
posted by Mo Nickels on Oct 14, 2001 - 13 comments

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