15 posts tagged with shoutout and media.
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The forum at the end of the universe

"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Starship Titanic website sat a specious message board with posts by the senior crew of the fictional ship. This is not its story." The Economist blog "Babbage" explores (in decidedly Adamsian style) the fascinating story of the Starlight Lines forum and its "accidental" community, as told by Mefi's own Yoz Grahame in this truly epic comment from last December. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 14, 2011 - 15 comments

Planet money <3 MeFi

I checked out NPRs Planet Money to see what kind of insight they have on the financial situation. Turns out that they're linking to us [more inside]
posted by a robot made out of meat on Nov 2, 2008 - 16 comments

mathowie on the vote!

mathowie's opinion on the nerd vote has been posted over at boingboing.fyi.
posted by dr. moot on Oct 24, 2008 - 94 comments

Who is the real Languagehat?

Languagehat revealed! Who is he? An insider tells all in his explosive new book! [more inside]
posted by Mo Nickels on Dec 18, 2007 - 94 comments

Ask MetaFilter. It's a Punchline.

I DUNNO. ASK METAFILTER. A shoutout (in the company of some rather big web-names) from big-time webcomicker (and dead tree comicker), MetaFilter's Own clango.
posted by wendell on Nov 14, 2007 - 50 comments

All hail DaShiv.

NY Times: "DaShiv is a star, an internationally famous portrait photographer". The article also mentions ThePinkSuperhero and some guy named Matthew Haughey.
posted by epimorph on Sep 28, 2007 - 254 comments

All the news that...

Huh. So the blog of a certain Mr. Language Hat is linked in the sidebar at the Village Voice books section (under "Bookmarks") now? Is this old news? Did I miss something? Cheers for Mr. Hat, in any case.
posted by jokeefe on May 17, 2007 - 78 comments

Ninjas, Mythbusters, Mefi - Too awesome to handle

This video, "Metafilter vs. Ask a Ninja Video" has a very obvious MeFi callout.
posted by phrontist on May 1, 2007 - 2 comments

MeFi shoutout on tonight's Mythbusters

Speaking of asavage, did anyone else see the MeFi shoutout on tonight's Mythbusters? On the wall during one the post-myth summaries, "MeFi" was written in what looked like chalk on a green chalkboard. asavage mentioned that he'd shout the site out out in MeFi Podcast 3, but it sounded like that would only be for the old west show.
posted by paulus andronicus on Apr 18, 2007 - 39 comments

Good charity keeps plugging along

Remember Modest Needs? They turned five years old this week and hit one million dollars in funds dispersed since they started. In the anniversary post, the founder mentions they got their whole start thanks to that post on mefi.
posted by mathowie on Apr 3, 2007 - 28 comments

In breaking news, miko is awesome!

MeFite in the news: Our very own miko is featured in CNN.com's article covering the RPM challenge. Neat!
posted by malocchio on Feb 9, 2007 - 28 comments

Ear to the ground.

This is pretty cool.
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese on Jan 24, 2007 - 85 comments

amro on tv

Whoa, amro, you weren't kidding. I don't think even asavage has had that much face time on American network TV.
posted by and hosted from Uranus on Jan 12, 2007 - 20 comments

metafilter gets a big shout out in the author's acknowledgements!

metafilter gets a big shout out in the author's acknowledgements! - i was going to save this for sept 1, when dong's book will be officially released, but in light of wendell's missing tink post i figure now is as good a time as any.
posted by t r a c y on Aug 19, 2004 - 25 comments

Translation of the French article about MeFi linked on the sideblog

Re: The article in French, linked on the sideblog.

Don't take this as a perfect translation, I've only had 4 years of French (in an american public school, no less), but here's the first paragraph of that article.

Last February 28th, the earth rumbled in Seattle, USA. Even before an urgent dispatch came across the news wire services, a net surfer wrote on the american website Metafilter: "I'm sitting at work in the Real Networks building. We have just experienced close to a minute of jostling and shaking. There is now a six foot crack on the wall of my office. Looking around, nothing appears to have fallen over, but there are crowds of people on the sidewalks." This web surfer relayed the news, like every day on Metafilter, one of the most significant american "Web logs".
posted by pnevares on May 8, 2001 - 3 comments

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