34 posts tagged with signups.
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Don't be shy Mefi! Invite banner for non-members

Accessing metafilter while logged out for a couple of months on my work laptop and it's only today I finally noticed the narrow green banner at the top inviting me to join. I appreciate the site's commitment to a text-based calm UI but surely this can be boosted some more before it's a blinking pop-up with a stock photo woman urging you that hot singles are in your conversation now. Ditto for the sign up page - the call to action is a text link at the very bottom after a screen full of text. Can we be more welcoming/inviting for non-members?
posted by dorothyisunderwood on Oct 15, 2021 - 7 comments

Mefi Call of Cthulhu game discussion

Is anyone up for a Metafilter Call of Cthulhu adventure? [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Sep 23, 2011 - 108 comments

Happy fourth birthday!

Happy birthday to us - four years old today! [more inside]
posted by UbuRoivas on Nov 17, 2008 - 93 comments

9/11 was an inside job

"Submitting a link is akin to writing a little paper for school."

"I just went to MetaFilter and the top link is "How many goats are you worth?". Is that more intellectual than the entries on Reddit?"

"I hate, hate, hate it when they put multiple links in single words."

reddit discovers Metafilter.
posted by plexi on Aug 9, 2008 - 159 comments

dimeadozen.org, a torrent site, requires signing up for an account. Would it make a good post?

I just found a site, dimeadozen.org, that I think might make a good Metafilter post. It's got torrents of tons and tons of live concerts. (I'm listening right now to the Tom Waits show in Nashville that I saw last weekend.) The problem is that it requires you to sign up for an account, and there's a limited number of account slots available each day. Would this still make a good post?
posted by UKnowForKids on Aug 11, 2006 - 26 comments

How many people sign up per day?

My friend and I were discussing MeFi and came to a point of contention when estimating the number of new users MeFi receives per day. My guess was 5 to 10, his was 25 or more. Perhaps this argument can be laid to rest here. How many new users does MeFi average per day?
posted by c:\awesome on May 23, 2006 - 53 comments

Closing New-User Signups

With the increasing number of stupid call outs on MetaTalk of late, the general lowering of the standards of debate in MeFi and seemingly more and more attacks on #1 and #292 for their admin decisions, I respectfully and tentatively suggest that now may be the time to close off new user sign-ups for a while.
posted by Effigy2000 on Mar 23, 2006 - 129 comments

Happy Anniversary, newbies.

Happy Anniversary, newbies. [more inside]
posted by soyjoy on Nov 17, 2005 - 154 comments

Strange user pages exist in the system for potential MeFites who didn't activate their membership

When you search users you get users who started the signup process, but never paid their $5. Strange user pages ensue.
posted by Count Ziggurat on Oct 22, 2005 - 7 comments

Announcement: sockpuppet given as gift to lurker

Attention: Per this thread, I have relinquished my puppet account, Voice of God.
It is now run by a long-time lurker who wishes to remain nameless. [MI]
posted by me3dia on Jan 26, 2005 - 25 comments

Can we close signups now?

Can we close the door now? I'm genuinely happy to have some new blood, but here's the problem. Pretty much everyone who's been reading the site with their noses against the glass has been let in. Hereafter, we're going to get a bunch of folks who happen to be wandering by, and know nothing of how things are done around here. (I don't know if that's the case with notmtwain, I'm only using his/her post as an example because it glares so.) We can always open it up again later, but can we have a moratorium on new users? Just for now? Please?
posted by jpoulos on Dec 1, 2004 - 129 comments

Interval between signup and FPP?

Hi. I just signed up a few hours ago.When can we start posting in the blue?
posted by crusiera on Nov 18, 2004 - 52 comments

$5, same as in town: perks for signing up

Are these new logins, having paid, getting to see the new ad-free MeFi?

Does the $5 fee come with an uptime guarantee?

Lastly, will Mathowie pay me $5 to rescind my login? Really lastly, what is the returns policy for those who have paid their $5?
posted by dayvin on Nov 18, 2004 - 73 comments

MetaFilter on MonkeyFilter.

What other people think of Metafilter.
posted by drezdn on Nov 18, 2004 - 94 comments

New user signups are back on

Hell hath frozenth overth. New user signups are back on, for a one-time five buck cover.
posted by mathowie on Nov 18, 2004 - 481 comments

Did anyone else noticed the membership count changing in the blue?

Did anyone else noticed the membership count changing in the blue? It seemed like it dropped from the 17000's down to 16896.
posted by phyrewerx on Aug 6, 2004 - 28 comments

When will signups be reopened?

As long as I'm asking questions, when are new members going to be accepted again? A friend who I introduced Mefi to recently offered $ for my login. He was desperate. I said no. He cried.
posted by Dukebloo on Jun 11, 2004 - 80 comments

Can we open signups?

People on mefi are criticizing him and he can't respond here because he doesn't have an account.

While open season is closed, would an open-door policy for postees work?

[more inside]
posted by Ogre Lawless on Apr 27, 2004 - 46 comments

MeFi Swap

Just a reminder: this Saturday is the last day to sign up for the current round of the MeFi Swap. 143 signed up so far, so this round should be pretty exciting.
posted by Dreama on Feb 18, 2004 - 44 comments

Any chance of a set of guidelines?

I've had three friends asking me what "hoops we have to jump through" to become members of MetaFilter now that the new process is in place. Any chance of a set of guidelines?

Either that, or we can start talking about building an assault course for the new signups... ;)
posted by twine42 on Dec 3, 2003 - 18 comments

Help with new user signups wanted

¡Finalmente! I'm finally going to turn on new user signups, and I'm shooting for doing it on Monday. But I could use some help [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Nov 26, 2003 - 201 comments

My name is demo, for we are many

please oh please would someone enable new users on mefi again. the shame and humiliation of posting as "demo" is monumentally soul-destroying. Won't anyone think of the children?
posted by demo on Jun 10, 2003 - 133 comments

Have signups opened again?

Welcome to ascullion, a member since May 1, 2003. Did I miss something? When did new users signups begin again? Only asking because I've got a couple of online buddies who would be interested.
posted by feelinglistless on May 14, 2003 - 24 comments

When will signups reopen?

MeFi/MeTa not taking new members - Any one got any idea how long for and what new gadgets we're expecting?
posted by twine42 on Apr 7, 2003 - 16 comments

Easing the transition for new users.

20 neophytes a day - and I'm one of yesterday's crop. Fresh-faced, clean-skinned...

As a Content Editor at Everything2, I'm intimately acquainted with the stickiness inherent in introducing new people to an online community (especially a content-oriented community, as opposed to activity-, hobby-, or interest-oriented ones). There seems to be a dearth of documentation. I guess this site is pretty self-explanatory, which is refreshing - I've been an E2 user for two and a half years and I still occasionally scratch my big, fat head. Also, after such a long, long time with no new users (I know it was a long time because I spent a long time checking the new user page), you guys must be experiencing something of a shock, too.

Any ideas as to what could be done to ease the transition for newbies and allay the angst, if any, of the old guard?

Feel free to kill this if I'm out of line, long-winded or otherwise. I'm a new at this.
posted by bingbangbong on Aug 2, 2002 - 85 comments

Announcement: new user signups are back on. 20 people a day.

New user signups are back on. 20 people a day are going to be allowed in, starting at noon each day. Only one signup per person, per day as well. Report any probs with it here.
posted by mathowie on Jul 26, 2002 - 68 comments

What happened on on December 21, 2001 that so many people joined?

What happened on on December 21, 2001 that so many people joined on that day. (mas inside)
posted by guyincognito on May 3, 2002 - 28 comments

How do we feel about opening new user sign-ups again?

Since Matt is getting a new server, he mentioned turning new sign-ups back on. How do we feel about this?
posted by BlueTrain on Apr 7, 2002 - 127 comments

Signups closed, members grow

The membership number keeps going up, yet I thought the site was closed off. What am I missing?
posted by Voyageman on Nov 12, 2001 - 13 comments

My friend wants to sign up

A friend from Oakland told me two nights go night she was unable to register to become a member? Was there a problem with the site, or is she daft (my view).
posted by Voyageman on Nov 9, 2001 - 24 comments

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics, July 2001

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics are up for July. This is the first month that threads and comments actually dropped slightly, largely because new user signups are still disabled. Also, we broke 10,000 user IDs yesterday. Congratulations, Ricci.
posted by waxpancake on Aug 2, 2001 - 26 comments

Duplicate names are possible.

It is possible to sign up under the same name as someone else, using a [SPACE] before the username. That is a bad thing.
posted by jpoulos on Jul 24, 2001 - 9 comments

please post my comments!! (closed membership)

The huddled masses are getting desperate!

I received the following e-mail yesterday:

From PreesiGirl@aol.com
To:pikachulolita@home.com, edchamp@earthlink.net, srosenyc@aol.com

Hi Everyone,
Since 'Metafilter' aint accepting new users I thought I'd
write to a bunch of you. Someone please post my comments
for me?

Heres my take on MaryRomantic (Mary Terry):
Read the part about the gift and the 'snag-points'
Also think about the fact that she's asking for something
unattainable in men (IE no one will ever fit her profile). And the fact that she only meets them
in public and that she ultimately has the full power to say, "Sorry! I don't think YOU are 'him', Goodbye" !
That is after She has obtained the GIFT.
Look at this statement:
[. No matter what kind of other strange message I may hear on your answering machine, even if it sounds as though you won't be around until way past our appointed date time, I'll know that that kind of message doesn't pertain to me, ]
This makes ME believe as though ALOT of men have gotten thru to her answering machine and those are the strange messages.

The fact that she's jobless and unmarried leads me to the following:

Mary is a grifter! In the same fashion as Robert Blakes wife was.
She has men meet her somewhere, probably where her real boyfriend
is hiding behind a bush, gets her 'gift' and chats with him for a few minutes and since she has the authority in the say so of the meeting
she tells him she needs to think about him and she'll contact HIM!
She never does and goes on to the next sucker thats lined up in a few minutes somewhere else.
The men are too ashamed that they fell for this that they don't dare discuss it with friends or go to the cops.
If the gift is $100.00, she could make a nice income off of this grifting!

Just my observations.

PS Ed? I thought the same thing about LRonHubbard and her site. LOL


posted by ParisParamus on Jun 10, 2001 - 9 comments

New Member Flood

The Brill's Content thing deserves its own thread: Looks like we've gotten about 500 new members in the past 24 hours, judging by the member numbers at the top of the page.
posted by anildash on Apr 11, 2001 - 15 comments

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