40 posts tagged with travel.
Displaying 1 through 40 of 40. Subscribe:
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Peregrination: Where Next?
The previous leg of our trip is complete. Where shall we go next?
Metatalktail Hour: All those moments lost in time, like tears in rain
Our Metatalktail topic this week come courtesy Kristi, who asks "Time travel has become easy and commonplace. Everyone's already done the big time travel things. What mundane, low-priority time travel trips would you take?" [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: I Want To Go To There!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'd like to know, if you could go anywhere in the world that you haven't been yet, where would you like to go? [more inside]
End of another week, let's talk about something else that is not related to politics. In light of the recent Notre-Dame de Paris fire, I thought it might be nice to have a thread where we can discuss other beautiful monuments/historical places from around the globe. Share with us places that you've visited in the past or would like to visit if given the opportunity. If you have old travel photos and feel comfortable sharing, all the better. As always, be kind to yourself and others. Cheers.
Help me find a post about fending off a cold
There was an Ask where someone came down with a cold/flu right before a trip and people pitched in their remedies and suggestions. [more inside]
It's the end of another long week. Let's talk about something nice again. Tell me about your travels. Maybe it's a place right in your home town/city, maybe you're planning a long over due summer vacation, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's a hike through the woods, maybe you're visiting your family/friends a few states/provinces over, maybe you're going to Europe or Asia for the very first time, no matter the place or the distance, tell us about your travels.
Metatalktail Hour: Best Road Stories
It's been a travelly week for some people. I want to hear about all the best things you've seen this week, or alternately, your best fun road stories -- the time you got lost, the time you ran out of gas, favorite road trip games, other road travel stories, or heck, urban planning and road construction. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Return
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's conversation starter is from Wordshore, and he wants to know, "Where have you been that you want to return to? And why? Maybe a holiday place, a difficult-to-reach island, the city where you found love, a childhood playground, that diner you stopped at one time, a beach, or that quiet forest with only the sounds of trees and animals. Or, perhaps somewhere closer to home (or maybe even your home itself)." [more inside]
MeFites residing with other MeFites: an airbnb profile option?
Good afternoon. One has a request for the consideration of MetaFilter. Could one's airbnb profile be added as an option on one's MetaFilter profile page? [more inside]
City guides? City guides!
Are there MeFi travel guides? If not, why not? [more inside]
Time travel / Science Fiction writers (can't find thread)
Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, I tried MetaChat, too, but there was a thread I now can't find, it was about science fiction writers and the problem with writing from a place of omniscience when writing this time of science fiction.
Anyone know what I'm talking about. I wanted to read it during lunch, can't find it!
Best O' Best Of
What were your favorite long read articles + accompanying threads on the blue in 2013? [more inside]
Travel overkill?
Is it bad form to post a third (and possibly fourth) travel question that is quite similar in content to two I've already posted? [more inside]
Help me find a comment about an American in an Australian hospital?
Please help me find a comment about an American who ended up in the hospital in Australia, and burst into tears when he/she realized that it would not cost them anything. [more inside]
A random MeFite is better than a random person from the hostel, right? Right???
Metafilter travel buddy matchup? [more inside]
Ask MetaFilter Travel Locations
Today we're introducing a new way to find travel questions at Ask MetaFilter: Travel Locations. [more inside]
No place like Metafilter
Pogo gets out of the house
Josephine and Frederick's grand feedback
A recent post about a Belgian couple's journey (by Toyota Landcruiser) through the Congo has garnered both praise and criticism; now the author of the piece, Frederick, has shown up in thread to discuss his experiences and answer questions.
"Ample open TSA threads"
Can we have a separate subsection of MetaFilter just about airline travel, security, the TSA, backscatter machines, agressive pat-downs, ball cupping, and other related topics? It could be an area for posts about these issues, questions, projects, jobs, and music. I feel this would be both a great place to productively funnel the surge of ongoing interest and a way to help keep the rest of the site from being inundated. Potential names for the subsite welcome and appreciated.
Up for a little mischief?
Please help me get to the SF meetup this weekend from Fresno. [more inside]
Gathering in Venice CA
I'll be in Venice, CA, from April 25 - May 9. Without a car. Since I never managed to make it to any Toronto gatherings, perhaps I could interest my American cousins in assembling for gimlets and other cocktails. [more inside]
Any Tokyo MeFites available this coming week (Fri the 12th - Thurs the 18th)?
I will be in Tokyo from this Friday evening (the 12th) to the evening of the following Thursday (the 18th). Anyone want to get together? [more inside]
Calling all London, York, and Cardiff MeFites!
Hello London, York, and Cardiff MeFites...I want to meet you! [more inside]
45: The one we recorded live at Jessamyn's house
This was our first in-room recording of all three of us, sitting in jessamyn's house in Vermont. It was recorded on September 14th right before this meetup and runs about 25 minutes. [more inside]
Travel Medical Tech Support Filter
have pros and cons ever been discussed for separating AskMe's into segregated categories for
"what do you recommend I do during my three months in X / can anyone recommend a good shoe repairmen in X" ;
"radioactive Y on my eyeball when I woke up-- should I see a doctor?" ; and
"need help with Z computer-ish code-ism/softwareness"
)? [more inside]
Side-thread for discussing relative climate change contributions of travel by train, plane, automobile, bike, feet.
Side-thread for discussing relative climate change contributions of travel by train, plane, automobile, bike, feet.
askme question about solitary living
Anyone remember an askme question about good places to live as a semi-hermit for a while? [more inside]
Travelfilter DOA?
What ever happened to Travelfilter? Is it still on the cards? I was kind of looking forward to it!
Response to a point about the best way to answer an AskMe.
Response to a point about the best way to answer an AskMe. [more inside]
Need More Travel
Travel doesn't seem to get much traffic. The post yesterday was the first in almost a month. Can we get a link to it at the top, along with the links to the other subsites?
TravMe? TripMe? MeTr?
Matt, will Travelfilter ever go live? Or is it going to wither on the vine? [more inside]
travel laziness
This might be a better suggestion for the upcoming Travel site, but is it appropriate to suggest to people before they post looking for things to do in a new city, that they:
A) Tell us as much about themselves as possible,
B) Have perused all the previous threads relating to that city? (more inside)
Shall we put a mint on your pillow too?
God knows usually I'm ALL over the travel posts. (Love 'em!) But I'm sorry... are we really supposed to be someone's pro bono travel agent?
Axme post shilling for business
I believe this AxMe is shilling for her business.
Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?
lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
Pony: front page +fave links
Any chance we can get a +fave link on the front page for each item, especially on the green? (I'm thinking Digg-style, AJAX based would be very pretty, though potentially too Web 2.0 for the likes of some Mefites...)
AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions
AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions. Unless I'm going to be in London (Istanbul, Des Moines), I don't have an interest in the question or the answer.
TravelFilter Pony Request
TravelFilter? A Modest Proposal.
Thanks for askme help tracking down family history in Vienna
I'm back from Vienna, where--thanks to the answers that came from this AskMe thread--I was able to visit the building where my mom lived as a little girl, as well as the location where my grandparents' grocery store likely once stood. I've posted some photos in the thread, for anybody who is interested. Thanks again to arco and his colleague at the USHMM.