18 posts tagged with web.
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Welcome Kirkaracha: Our New Web Development Team Member

Hello MetaFilter!

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our team, a hire that has been highly anticipated - Kirkaracha!
[more inside]
posted by loup on Feb 9, 2024 - 60 comments

We're Still Here

The Web is 30. MeFi is nearly 20. Times change. Tell me about it. [more inside]
posted by theora55 on Mar 13, 2019 - 86 comments

Tiny compose windows

Is there a really good logistical reason why websites including Metafilter use such small compose windows (I mean physically small on the screen, not window as in time window)? I feel like it makes it hard to avoid mistakes while you're composing (yes I know about preview, it's not the same as seeing a larger window while you type). [more inside]
posted by twoplussix on Mar 12, 2019 - 44 comments

Looking back on ten years of FPPs

I've joined many web communities in my life, but none for as long or as wholeheartedly as MetaFilter. I've learned a lot, grown as a person, and taken direction from the thousands of smart, funny, and caring people who write here. And I've been inspired to write, too, putting more time and effort into researching worthwhile posts than I have at any other creative hobby. Sadly, what with work and the news chaos and competing interests it feels like there's less and less time to focus lately, and seeing linkrot erode what I do post is a drag. So when showbiz_liz's lovely celebration of ten years on the blue made me realize my own 10th Mefiversary was approaching, I was moved to do something about it. Nothing on the web lasts forever, but armed with old notes files, the Wayback Machine, and a drive to rediscover my own personal Best of the Web, I plowed through all 149 posts (and a few comments) to recover lost links, check on what had happened since, and organize it all into a single FPP omnibus for your reading pleasure. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Oct 29, 2017 - 28 comments

Featuring MeFi's own MetaFilter

The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress has announced the creation of the library's Web Cultures Web Archive Collection. Archived sites of note run the gamut from Urban Dictionary to ¡Cuánto cabrón! to creepypasta to MeFi's own Metafilter. [h/t]
posted by Room 641-A on Jul 5, 2017 - 44 comments

For the love of God, Montserrat!

If you noticed a subtle font change on MetaFilter in the Modern theme in the last day or so, you're not hallucinating: one of the web fonts we use, Montserrat, got tweaked by its designer in a way that's affected us and a ton of other websites. Come inside for some details! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 10, 2017 - 93 comments

Does anyone still play Kingdom of Loathing?

I've been getting back into Kingdom of Loathing recently, and I wanted to play with MeFites! Adventurers are us! [more inside]
posted by Elementary Penguin on Oct 16, 2014 - 123 comments

Metafilter-Youtube Rolling Playlist

Oh noes! The automatically generated youtube channel for metafilter videos doesn't seem to be working anymore... [more inside]
posted by joecacti on Jul 23, 2014 - 13 comments

We Need a Hero

@mathowie: "I think RSS is so important that I'd take a job (leaving MeFi) at any startup aiming to make an improved Google Reader (w/ social features). [...] I'm serious, and feel free to email me. MetaFilter can continue with the employees running things."

I think that this maybe merits some serious discussion here, pronto. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Mar 14, 2013 - 198 comments

Looking for a specific askme post about small, income generating websites.

Looking for an askme post that I am unable to locate. [more inside]
posted by jsturgill on Aug 29, 2012 - 20 comments

Are you on GetGlue

How many other MeFites are on GetGlue? [more inside]
posted by reenum on Mar 23, 2012 - 24 comments

Can't access Metafilter

Suddenly I can't access metafilter.com any more. [more inside]
posted by turkeyphant on Dec 10, 2010 - 46 comments

Best of the web?

This is a question about the phrase "best of the web", as used in relation to Metafilter. I've been coming here for a while, for several years before I signed up, and I never remember seeing "best of the web" used officially to describe the purpose of Metafilter. The phrase "best of the web" appears nowhere in the FAQ. So where does this idea that MeFi is supposed to only be for links that are the "best of the web" come from? Anywhere official, or is it just something people made up over time?
posted by DecemberBoy on Mar 28, 2010 - 44 comments

ugh. silverlight.

Best of the web... whose web? [more inside]
posted by idiopath on Nov 30, 2009 - 198 comments

More Google Wave

More Google Wave invites here. Come and get 'em. [more inside]
posted by reenum on Nov 24, 2009 - 252 comments

A Man of Mystery

Geoff. broke the pile. His user page throws an error.
posted by SpecialK on Jun 13, 2004 - 15 comments

What are you doing with your blog?

A question on new web technologies: What new stuff are you guys implementing in your blogs. On my end, I've been dealing with moving my site to an XHTML code-base and looking at stuff like RDF, but I'm wondering what the rest of the community out there is doing. Web Services? SOAP? Any other stuff? I'm trying to figure out new stuff to add to my site and was wondering what the rest of you were looking into.
posted by TNLNYC on Jan 31, 2002 - 14 comments

Matt Drudge and Julia Phillips discuss the web

Matt Drudge and Julia Phillips discuss why the web format (and blogging, by implication) is allowing the little guy to stand up to the old media establishment, and replace it. I remember Scott Adams predicting this in his book, The Dilbert Future. It's spooky how many of his predictions have come true (including the media killing celebrities for better ratings).
posted by insomnyuk on Jan 3, 2002 - 4 comments

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