24 posts tagged with Toronto and Canada.
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Here's the skinny
Yesterday, January 29th "at lunch time", chunking express and his non-MeFite wife, Shima, had a healthy 5.5 lb. baby girl named Mythalli Mythili.
Awesome! Congrats to both of you! Look forward to seeing our newest MeFite at the next meet-up.
Awesome! Congrats to both of you! Look forward to seeing our newest MeFite at the next meet-up.
Meet-up in Toronto sometime in late Sept?
Meet-up in Toronto sometime in late Sept? [more inside]
Superconference Rendezvous s'il vous plait!
Quick, Toronto, let's swap phone numbers before the server crashes again! Meetup this Saturday? [more inside]
Meetup nom
Toronto meetup over the holidays? [more inside]
Toronto Meetup
Okay, I realize this may ridiculous and silly but... any Toronto MeFites interested in grabbing a drink... Tonight? Say, Annex or Danforth or Roncy, 9:30 or 10ish? I'm bored and it's apparently the saddest day of the year.
Toronto meetup.
Toronto MeFites, let us have a meeting of our not-so-secret cabal and create Canada's stealth plan for world domination. Or just have an alcohol-enabled bitchfest like usual. Whatever. Does the night of November 11th sound good?
Toronto Meetup
Is anyone here on Consumating? They're having a Toronto meetup tonight beginning at 9 to 9:30 at Paupers on Bloor Street (539 Bloor Street West, just east of Bathurst). Sorry for the short notice, but it might be a nice time if you can spare a few hours from your breathless social lives;-)
Meetup in Toronto!
Any interest in a Toronto meetup Sept 8 or 9 (Fri or Sat)?
Toronto Meetup
Toronto Reminder - Game Show Tonight!!!
Toronto Meetup
Toronto meetup... holy cow! [MORE INSIDE]
Toronto Meetup
Toronto meetup June 26th? Beers on some patio sounds nice now that it's getting steamy in the city...
Toronto meetup.
Toronto meetup reminder: it's tomorrow night (Saturday, the 25th) at 8 p.m. And I have a proposition for you all — a change of venue. Joelf is leaving Toronto to move back to Victoria, B.C. next week. His goodbye party is at the Madison. So, perhaps we could have our meetup there and deign to mingle with his punk ass friends in order to say our farewells.
Toronto meetup
So, is the Toronto meetup on Friday night still taking place as planned?
Toronto Filmfest Meetup
Any Toronto Mefites going the the film fest? Would a meetup be possible or are the schedules gonna be too fucked? Also, what are you seeing/do you recommend?
Toronto meetup, July 15, 2005
Toronto meetup planning in progress, for Friday, July 15. [more inside]
Toronto Meetup
Toronto Meetup
BaaFilter: Okay, I'll be a sheep. TorontoMefites, let's get together and drink Too Much Beer(tm).
Toronto Meetup
I'll be in Toronto this Saturday and Sunday. Anyone for a mini-meetup?
Toronto Meetup
Last-minute Toronto meetup this weekend: to welcome a MeFite visiting from out of town. (more inside)
Weekly movies meetup in Toronto.
As per this ask.me thread, I'm considering starting a weekly movie screening at my (Toronto) house. A few people posted in the thread that I should email them if it goes ahead. I'm getting closer to actually doing it so thought I'd post officially and say that if this interests you, please post here or send an email to me at metafilter @ victoryshag DOT com and I'll send you an invite with details. {more}
Toronto Meetup
Reminder: Toronto MeFi meetup tomorrow, Dora Keogh, 8pm. Previously discussed here. You will know us by the camera and, yes, the MeFi-Maple-Leaf-blue tuque on the table.
Toronto Meetup
Has there ever been a Toronto MeFi meetup, or are we really the cold, aloof, world-weary types we are fabled to be? If someone were to suggest meeting at Dora Keogh on April 3 around 8 pm, I wonder what would happen... dream sequence sound fx...
Ontario & Quebec MeFite Meetup Mailing List
I've taken the liberty of setting up a mailing list for MetaFilter members in Ontario and Quebec, in the hope that it will help us get our act together and organize a MeFi get-together, whether it's in Montreal, Ottawa or Toronto (see previous attempts here and here). Or whatever else suits us.
Toronto Meetup
Anyone in Toronto? I'm going to be there at a business conference June 9-12, so you could have a party for me.. uh, I mean a Metafilter gathering.