2 posts tagged with contact by cortex.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Contact form bumpiness

Just a quick heads up: we've had a little trouble with some of our email list stuff recently; some contact form messages haven't gotten through in the last 2-3 days. Should be rectified soon, and now that we're aware we can get at the messages server-side so we can respond promptly and catch up on the backlog, but if you were getting radio silence over the weekend that's what's been up. Sorry about that!
posted by cortex on Jul 11, 2016 - 11 comments

Introducing shitmycontactformsays.tumblr.com

Curious about the weird this-is-so-not-Metafilter-related mail we get at the contact form? Then you might enjoy Thank You For Contacting Metafilter, aka Shit My Contact Form Says, a tumblr we've put together in the last few days. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Nov 8, 2011 - 222 comments

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