32 posts tagged with contact.
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Contact form bumpiness

Just a quick heads up: we've had a little trouble with some of our email list stuff recently; some contact form messages haven't gotten through in the last 2-3 days. Should be rectified soon, and now that we're aware we can get at the messages server-side so we can respond promptly and catch up on the backlog, but if you were getting radio silence over the weekend that's what's been up. Sorry about that!
posted by cortex on Jul 11, 2016 - 12 comments

SoAndSo added you as a contact. 6 days ago

Occasionally people add me as a contact. Why do they do this? [more inside]
posted by tylerkaraszewski on Jan 23, 2014 - 126 comments

New MetaTalk Contact Form Agreement

We're adding a short blurb and checkbox to the MetaTalk New Post form that reminds people the Contact Form is an option. [more inside]
posted by pb on Jun 18, 2013 - 78 comments

Reminder: Please update your Mefi contact email if it's getting moldy

This is just a PSA to remind you that we use the email you have attached to your account to answer contact emails from you (unless you change it manually in the email field on the contact page), and sometimes to get in touch with you if there is a problem with a post or comment, so please make sure that it is a working address. You can change or update your email in your profile preferences under "Contact Preferences," as well as choose whether you want it to be visible to other users, and if you want Mefi mail forwarded to your email. [more inside]
posted by taz on Jan 18, 2013 - 39 comments

Quonser-Quonsee Relations

A tiny Quonsmas pony for all! Could we get some sort of "Quonsed" option for the relationships list when we're adding contacts? [more inside]
posted by Fui Non Sum on Dec 23, 2012 - 10 comments

400 Bad Request

Can't get to the blue, can't get to contact form. [more inside]
posted by jon1270 on Sep 17, 2012 - 24 comments

The pony is too cute.

When adding a contact, the reasons you can give are all positive. But those aren't the only reasons you can have for wanting their posts on your sidebar. [more inside]
posted by clarknova on Mar 2, 2012 - 107 comments

Introducing shitmycontactformsays.tumblr.com

Curious about the weird this-is-so-not-Metafilter-related mail we get at the contact form? Then you might enjoy Thank You For Contacting Metafilter, aka Shit My Contact Form Says, a tumblr we've put together in the last few days. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Nov 8, 2011 - 224 comments

Contact form to MeFi Mail

When I use the Contact form, the content of my message vanishes in a black hole at the center of a nearby galaxy. Would it be possible to forward a copy to my Sent Mail box in MefiMail?
posted by bru on Jan 11, 2011 - 32 comments

Missing contact's most favorited posts on sidebar but not elsewhere.

My front page contact sidebar is no longer showing posts by contacts that have received the threshold of 12+ favorites, plus other odd behavior. [more inside]
posted by BeerFilter on Aug 11, 2010 - 3 comments

Guest Contacts Indentification

I'm intrigued re: Gift/UserAccounts. Is there a way/was there a way, to know which accounts are 'gift accounts'? [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Jun 25, 2010 - 11 comments

Unexpected friendship

Never look a gift friend in the mouth [more inside]
posted by aqsakal on Apr 25, 2010 - 102 comments

Don't take this the wrong way, jessamyn...

Lacking confidence, I will not call this a pony. It's just a suggestion: how about setting that optionally removes moderators from the "contact activity" sidebar? I adore jessamyn, and many of her answers deserve to be favorites/best answers, but due to her high-profile here, my list has become a digest of jessamyn's activity, which crowds out all my other contacts. (This only affects people who have moderators as contacts.)
posted by grumblebee on Feb 25, 2010 - 66 comments

deleted comments show up in side bar

I can see the favorites this comment has, and it shows up in my side bar because it was made by a contact, but the comment has been deleted.
posted by idiopath on Sep 22, 2009 - 28 comments

I can haz more contact activity?

Pony request: Can we have contact activity on the green? [more inside]
posted by special-k on Mar 1, 2009 - 7 comments

the new contacts page is leaving me wanting...

the new contacts page is leaving me wanting... [more inside]
posted by krautland on May 22, 2008 - 20 comments

Edit this.

Here is an opportunity to mock stupidity! I imagine this is crystal clear to most, but I'm clueless, which probably means leave it alone. But what, in edit mode, do "MefiQuote preferences" and "Contact contribution display preferences" mean and how does one utilize them? I just ate a bowl of dicks, so perhaps you can suggest something to drink instead?
posted by dawson on May 4, 2008 - 24 comments

Is the contact form bugged out?

Having problem with the contact form. Don't know if admins got my message. [more inside]
posted by dabitch on Apr 20, 2008 - 34 comments

Opening up reasons for adding a contact...

Any way we can get an input box on the 'add as contact' page so that we can enter something that only we can see (on our own profile page) as to why we're adding someone as a contact? I find the provided options useless and I'd like to leave myself a note as to why I've added someone. Often, I'd even like to "link" them to a specific comment/post.
posted by dobbs on Feb 11, 2008 - 42 comments

Small Equine

Littletinyponyfilter: could it be possible to have the sidebar links on the front page for contact activity work slightly differently? [more inside]
posted by pjern on Jan 8, 2008 - 4 comments

So I have a shady contact or two...

1. So I add a contact for the sake of entertainment perhaps. 2. Their account is then disabled. 3. I can't get rid of them from my contact list? Argh.
posted by drpynchon on Dec 10, 2007 - 13 comments

Reciprocity is a bitch.

Tiny Contacts Pony! [more inside]
posted by SassHat on Dec 8, 2007 - 10 comments

What's your relationship with insert random name here

I'd like more choices under the contact list thingy, plskthx. [more inside]
posted by ZachsMind on Nov 16, 2007 - 38 comments

New sidebar

The recent contact activity on the sidebar is shit hot. [more inside]
posted by danb on Nov 3, 2007 - 4 comments

MetaFilter Contacts Map

I used IBM's Many Eyes data visualization site [discussed] to create a network map of my MetaFilter contacts and my contacts' contacts. It got to be pretty big, so I thought I'd post it here.
posted by monju_bosatsu on Mar 21, 2007 - 55 comments

Please put your contact info in your profile so I can answer your question

Could people please put their email addresses or some other contact method in their profile? Especially if you post a question? Please? There's times when I'd like to answer an AskMe question or MeFi thread that got deleted as chatfilter, (UbuRoivas, I'm looking at you!) but can't.
posted by SpecialK on Aug 15, 2006 - 58 comments

Question counted in answer in contacts

When viewing a contact, you might see that they have "1 AskMe Question" and "3 AskMe Answers". But if you click on the linked "3" for the Answers, you will see 1 question and 2 answers listed. It appears that we're counting the question as an answer, also.

Sample: http://ask.metafilter.com/search_comments.mefi?user_ID=38732
posted by Dunwitty on Aug 10, 2006 - 2 comments

Follow-up to this thread

Follow-up to this thread on contacting my father for the first time. With the help of my real-world friends and the great advice at AskMe, I went into this with eyes-wide-open.
posted by KevinSkomsvold on Apr 17, 2006 - 15 comments

I Love You All ! Will You Marry Me ?

I Love You All ! Will You Marry Me ?
posted by sgt.serenity on Feb 14, 2006 - 64 comments

Add link to contact??

Wouldn't it be neat if you could link to a specific comment or post when you were adding someone as a contact. Perhaps the post/comment was a moment of infatuation or a particularly representative post. This would allow us to track and share exactly why we get that warm fuzzy feeling (or itchy, burn-y feeling) when we see certain usernames. What do you think?
posted by tinamonster on Mar 17, 2005 - 15 comments

Crush isn't Crushing

It was discussed in the Philly meetup thread, but this is the official thread complaining about the fact that the "crush" contact option doesn't seem to work.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Jan 31, 2005 - 12 comments

How can I contact a member with no email shown?

Okay - I need some help. There is a member here who I would like to contact privately to ask a question without derailing a blue thread. Unfortunately, this member has not provided an email address on their user page. [more inside...]
posted by Irontom on Nov 21, 2002 - 36 comments

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