89 posts tagged with email.
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An annual "State of MetaFilter" email?
What do people think about starting a tradition of an annual "State of MetaFilter" email to all members for each new year? A lot of changes happened in 2024 (for example: non-profit status, site code rewrite started), not everyone follows MetaTalk, and it would be a way to remind members who haven't participated in a while that MetaFilter is still here to encourage them to participate again.
Convert exported Metafilter comments to HTML, JSON, or MBOX
Convert exported Metafilter comments to HTML, JSON, or MBOX
"I wrote a little utility to convert the massive text file one obtains from the Export Your Comments page into a variety of other formats suitable for various purposes. Currently converts to HTML, JSON, or Unix-style MBOX (mailbox) format. " more @ mefi projects
Great answer about email structure
I’m trying (and failing) to find a great answer on AskMe where someone had explained good email structure - in response to a question about how to get people to read/respond to emails. What was great about it was that they wrote a sort of dummy email to provide a specific example of what they meant. Definitely within the last year and possibly the last couple of months. Can anyone help?
Contact Form failing to Send
Unfortunately, a bug was causing contact form messages from people with e-mail addresses @aol.com and @yahoo.com.(something) to not be sent.
I'm really sorry. This should now be fixed, and if contact form messages aren't being sent out in the future, I'll receive a notification about that.
AskMe question about writing email
Can you please help me find a thread on the green that was about how to write emails that have the best chance of eliciting the desired action/response? I'm thinking someone submitted their proposed email phrasing and people responded with critiques and also little hints about how to structure emails. Thank you for the help.
Contact form bumpiness
Just a quick heads up: we've had a little trouble with some of our email list stuff recently; some contact form messages haven't gotten through in the last 2-3 days. Should be rectified soon, and now that we're aware we can get at the messages server-side so we can respond promptly and catch up on the backlog, but if you were getting radio silence over the weekend that's what's been up. Sorry about that!
Go on, spill it.
Everyone is most likely familiar with the Profile page's "About" section explanatory text:
"What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say 'wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?' Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.'
I am curious if anybody's user name actually WAS inspired by an email from a long-lost friend. [more inside]
Pony Request: Email Notifications for Anon Questions?
When I submit an anonymous AskMe question, it would be great to have some way to track it. I've had situations where I've thought a question was removed from the queue because I missed it on the front page of the Green, or where I have gone back and tried to find a past anon question of mine and not had an easy way to locate it. An email notification when it gets posted would help me solve these problems. Is there any reason I haven't thought of why this wouldn't work, or would be a bad idea?
Turning on the Metatalk queue
To help reduce the strain of managing the site with fewer mods, we're going to switch on the Metatalk post queue full time starting today. More details on that within. Also: have you updated your email address in your preferences recently? [more inside]
Reminder: Please update your Mefi contact email if it's getting moldy
This is just a PSA to remind you that we use the email you have attached to your account to answer contact emails from you (unless you change it manually in the email field on the contact page), and sometimes to get in touch with you if there is a problem with a post or comment, so please make sure that it is a working address. You can change or update your email in your profile preferences under "Contact Preferences," as well as choose whether you want it to be visible to other users, and if you want Mefi mail forwarded to your email. [more inside]
opt into notification for IRL meetups
Feature request: opt-in email or MeMail when a meetup in your city is proposed. [more inside]
Mail This Thing To A Friend
Has there ever been talk about a "mail this question to a friend" thingy for askmefi? I frequently see a question and know someone who would know the answer but completely forget to actually tell them about the post.
This would probably also work on the blue... "mail this post to a friend." I never use those on sites, but I have that on my blog and I'm always surprised how much it gets used. Maybe put it up there under the "Share:" links?
Send me sent MeFi Mails?
I'd like it if I had the option to also send a copy of the MeFi mails I send to my main email account as well as those I receive. [more inside]
Gods sometimes do answer letters
Hey, whenever you can, why not do what Slarty Bartfast did here and shoot an email to the subject of your post (if it makes sense)? Because it's so easy, and it's cool when The Guy In The Link stops by. That's it, thanks!
Is it possible for me to get new posts with a particular tag sent directly to my email?
Is it possible for me to get new posts with a particular tag sent directly to my email? [more inside]
Is "vi@gra" in Italian still "vi@gra?"
I love the idea of this Ask post, but is there any way to modify some of the answers so this poor person/couple doesn't get spammed like crazy? [more inside]
Pony or Kill Me? Email Comment Notification
Pony? What about email (or MeMail) notifications when comments are entered in an AskMe thread? [more inside]
Where's that really terrific car-buying comment?
Can you help me find that really great car-buying AskMe comment? It involved someone e-mailing multiple dealers and walking in with the price he/she was going to pay. [more inside]
Email notifications to AskMe threads
Is there a good way to get email notifications of updates to AskMe threads? [more inside]
Why verify addresses to turn of mefi mail reminders?
Why do I have to have a verified email address to opt out of mefi mail reminders? It wasn't a huge pain to verify it, but it doesn't make sense that I had to. It should have nothing to do with my email.
MeFi is not for Spam?
Not cool - using your MeFi account to harvest email addresses of people who you disagree with, so you can sign them up to mailing lists? That's gotta be out of order, right? [more inside]
automatic form letter when a post is posted
New posting automatic form letter: "From mathowie - Your MetaFilter Post - Message:Your post has been added to MetaFilter. Here are the details: Please contact us with any problems: http://www.metafilter.com/contact/"
[more inside]
Take it to Metatalk if you don't like it.
Blazecock Pileon says " I'm not playing your games. Own your comments. Take it to Metatalk if you don't like it. And that's the last I will hear from you, because you're going to be ignored." [more inside]
Email harvester
Is linking to email harvester sites okay? [more inside]
How do I get a heads-up on new comments to an FPP I didn't post?
Can I subscribe to a specific FPP in order to get email notification when a new comment appears? [more inside]
OK to email a mefite?
Is there a protocol regarding emailing another mefite who lives very nearby? Walking distance as per that little google map thingy on our profile page. Since she is a she and I am a he -albeit a very, very old one and happily married for fifty years, I still would not wish to intrude where I maybe should not. What say you all? Is it ok to email?
Searching for users by email address?
I tried to gift a membership to a minor internet celebrity, but I got the message "It appears your friend already has an account, as this email address is in use". Really? That's cool -- now who is it? Can there be a way of entering in an address and getting a username back, so I can add that account to my contacts?
How feasible is email@metafilter?
pony@metafilter.com [more inside]
Hello, someone has answered your question.
So like reddit sends me an email when someone responds to my postings. Is it possible to engineer the system here in a similar fashion to email me when someone posts an answer to my Ask Metafilter question? I think it could make it a more valuable service. Literally a golden cow. Like Baal.
Email addresses in profiles?
I can't see any email addresses in member profiles. What is happening?
The email code doesn't update the image.
The new graphic email code is broken. [more inside]
I didn't request my password?
I got a "Your MetaFilter password request" e-mail but I didn't request my password? [more inside]
If you ever want to email more than one MeFi user...
The recent Wendell kurfuffle brought to mind a very simple rule of email that is quite easy to remember and it is amazing (and annoying) that so few people actually use it. So I share it here in the hopes that anyone emailing more than one MeFi user will use this technique, in the future:
If you ever want to email more than one MeFi user*: send the email to yourself and put the list of people you are sending to in the Bcc field. Any moron recipient who hits "Reply to All" will send their reply to an audience of ONE (the original sender) and (additionally) no recipient can see the other recipients' email addresses.This is simple, basic stuff. *Obviously this applies to any email you send to more than one recipient, not just MeFi users.
wendell sent a mass email to like 1000 users and so sorry I responded. I've also disinclined my email address.
WTF, Wendell?
So Wendell apparently harvested a bunch of Mefite email addresses and sent a pointless message to all of them, and a herd of the recipients went off on a "reply all" binge with equally pointless replies. Now I have a mailbox full of crap. This is without a doubt the lamest, most wrong-headed bullshit move I have experienced here. Thanks for nothing, jerx.
No E-mail? No? Really? Why not?
Please to put an email in your profile? Most of us don't bite, really. Okay, sure - if your "persona" here is attack-nerd or something, and you're sure you'll get spammed with hate mail, leave it out, but if you're a regular user who likes to participate, can't you at least set up a throwaway webmail address (in gmail, for one, you can create a filter to forward your messages to your regular mail, and you won't even have to log in to your account to check if you have any new messages). more...
Take MeTa etiquette and policy debates offsite...?
What if the etiquette/policy category didn't exist on MeTa? More within....
Don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about
So I solved this problem, based on the help given by a few members, who I'm very grateful for. But was it really necessary for a load of people to come into the thread in the meantime and tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about?
Project recognition
Please put your contact info in your profile so I can answer your question
Could people please put their email addresses or some other contact method in their profile? Especially if you post a question? Please? There's times when I'd like to answer an AskMe question or MeFi thread that got deleted as chatfilter, (UbuRoivas, I'm looking at you!) but can't.
How do I change my email in my profile?
How do I change my email in my profile?
Email from Marshall Oak.
Remember Marshall Oak, the star trek photoshopping guy? He found us! (email inside)
Its a trap? Interloquition regarding the inner workings of a perceived scam
They want someone with an American bank account.
So how does this scam work?
So how does this scam work?
Where did the death threat go?
Hey Matt, what happened to Alumshubby's death threat email post to The Jesse Helms? It was here, it got closed, and then it disappeared. Did you uncover some info to lead you to believe it was fake, and you removed it to keep from besmirching alumshubby's good name? Cause if so, say something, cause he still seems like a death threat issuing prick otherwise.
Why don't you put your email address in your profile?
It's good to see you. You're looking well, but I'm curious about something. Why don't you put your email address in your profile? It's just something I've been wondering about so I thought I'd raise it as a way of encouraging people to add their email to their profile page - go on, nothing bad will happen. In fact, good things might just follow.
Error on preference saving
Can't save Preferences unless "Show email on profile page?" is checked; get error "Element USER_EMAIL_PREF is undefined in FORM."
AskMeFi email notification?
AskMeFi email notification?
I understand for threads that get a lot of replies - an email per response is way too much, and would be more of a hassle than it's worth.
What about a nightly cron job that notifies AskMeFi posters who have checked an "email me to let me know about new replies" box a notice that X number of replies have been posted to their thread? The box could be unchecked by default, of course.
I've found that sometimes, AskMeFi threads that are days old end up getting responses from bored folks who scroll through several pages, so I think this would be useful.
I understand for threads that get a lot of replies - an email per response is way too much, and would be more of a hassle than it's worth.
What about a nightly cron job that notifies AskMeFi posters who have checked an "email me to let me know about new replies" box a notice that X number of replies have been posted to their thread? The box could be unchecked by default, of course.
I've found that sometimes, AskMeFi threads that are days old end up getting responses from bored folks who scroll through several pages, so I think this would be useful.
I can't even see my own profile
I want to change my profile to include my email address. But I can't even see my own profile. I'm still painfully new to all of this. Please help.
Way to email other users?
Would it be appropriate it use askmefi as a way of finding other people who have knowledge about a specific topic and would be willing to share it via e-mail? If not, is there another forum with this purpose?
For example, would it be appropriate to post the following (note that I'd be most interested in the last sentence:
I am interested in learning more about X-- specifically, I am wondering if XYZ. Anyone out there care to share insight specific to my question about XYZ? Know of good leads to learn more about X and XYZ? Anyone one up for a more in-depth e-mail correspondence regarding you experience and opinions?
For example, would it be appropriate to post the following (note that I'd be most interested in the last sentence:
I am interested in learning more about X-- specifically, I am wondering if XYZ. Anyone out there care to share insight specific to my question about XYZ? Know of good leads to learn more about X and XYZ? Anyone one up for a more in-depth e-mail correspondence regarding you experience and opinions?
Setting up a mailing list for shy MeFites
In an askme post, I said I'd be willing to set up a mailing list for shy MeFi members.
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