22 posts tagged with mefiswap by carsonb.
Displaying 1 through 22 of 22.

MeFiSwap 2014-1 - The Songbird Swap Mailing Reminder!

Hey there MeFiSwappers! This is just your friendly reminder that the mailing deadline for the Songbird Swap is a week from today on Saturday, May 31ST. Get those mixes burned, packaged, and posted ASAP! Then come inside and tell everyone about your mix, or about the mixes you've received. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on May 24, 2014 - 54 comments

MeFiSwap 2014-1 - The Songbird Swap - Sign-ups are OPEN!

Do you miss using your optical drive? Have you wondered lately how you're ever going to get rid of that three quarters-full spindle of blank CD-Rs? Maybe lately you've been feeling nostalgic for mix-tapes but are unwilling to revisit the Eighties in all their retro glory? Perhaps you're wondering what music gets other MeFites' tables turning? Well have I got just the thing for you! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Mar 31, 2014 - 79 comments

MeFiSwap - THE SWAP BATTLE mailing deadline - This Monday, Sept. 9th!

Mix Master Mefites your mailing deadline to get those swaps in the mail is in four days! I've been keeping a close ear on the email chatter, and it sounds like plenty of those tunes are already on their way. How did your mix turn out? Did you get some good mixes? [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Sep 5, 2013 - 78 comments

MeFiSwap 2013-2 - THE SWAP BATTLE

Remember physical media? Remember how you can put music on it? Remember snail mail? Remember how you can sent physical media via snail mail?
Well, let me remind you how it's done with the second round of the bi-annual MeFiSwap! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Aug 5, 2013 - 180 comments

Swap Me Maybe Mailing Deadline Reminder - Thurs Feb. 28!

Swap in those last few tracks and get those discs a-burnin! The mailing deadline for MeFiSwap 2013-1, Swap Me Maybe, is coming up quick! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Feb 23, 2013 - 65 comments

Swap Me Maybe?

80 minutes - 700MB - 5 discs - 6 swappers
Let's swap mixes. Sign up for the 2013-1 MeFiSwap inside! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jan 10, 2013 - 165 comments

MeFiSwap 2012-2 The Swappening Mailing Deadline is Saturday July 21! Do it!

MeFiSwap 2012-2, The Swappening, is almost over! I'm on my way to the post office this afternoon to mail out my mixes, and I can't wait to dig in to all the mixes from the (put-together, ahead-of-the-game, super-awesome) swappers who have already mailed out. If you're signed up to swap, the mailing deadline is tomorrow, Saturday, July 21! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jul 20, 2012 - 109 comments

MeFiSwap 2012-2 The Swappening

Hi if you're interested in making a mix of some music, burning it to a CD-R, and mailing it to 5 other MeFites, I'm interested in facilitating your experience. Come inside for the MeFiSwap 2012-2 details. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jun 3, 2012 - 114 comments

MeFiSwap Mailing Deadline Reminder - SATURDAY FEB 4TH

Don't worry! There's still plenty of time! All afternoon, then all week, then all Friday afternoon and Saturday morning before those MeFiSwap discs have to be in the mail. This is your Mailing Deadline Reminder Thread — Saturday, Feb. 4th
Also Reporting Awesome Swapping Thread! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jan 28, 2012 - 79 comments

The Extended Remix MefiSwap 2012-1

Happy Friday! It's time to sign up for the no-stress extended remix MeFiSwap! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Nov 25, 2011 - 110 comments

Mail Your Mix Or ELSE!

Two days of madness left to burn that magic to disc and post it to your 'mates—
MeFiSwap Mailing Deadline Reminder Thread: Get those swaps in the mail by Saturday, July 30! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jul 29, 2011 - 314 comments

MeFiSwap 2011-2!

For the last decade or so, hunnerds of MeFites have culled their favorite tracks from their music collection, burned them onto handy, decorative CD-Rs, and mailed them across the globe. It's that time again, so let's MeFiSwap! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jun 18, 2011 - 303 comments

MeFiSwap Mailing Deadline is Monday Feb 28 2011

This is a CD... mailed from Los Angeles, California... I work here... it's a swap!
MeFiSwap Mix Mailing Deadline Reminder! - 5 days from now, Monday, Feb. 28 [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Feb 23, 2011 - 90 comments

MeFiSwap 2011-1 commences.

Fire up your CD-burning lazercheeses, rifle your music collection swamp for suitable floaters, and elect your stamp-licking uberminions. MeFiSwap 2011-1 commences. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jan 14, 2011 - 113 comments

Gaga for MeFiSwap! Mailing deadline Saturday August 21!

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah!
MeFi Ooh-la-la!
Want your CD swap mixes!
Reminder: The MeFiSwap mid-year 2010 mailing deadline is one week from today, Saturday, Aug. 21st. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Aug 14, 2010 - 89 comments

Mid-year 2010 CD mix swap

It's way past! time to swap mix CDs again, so let the mid-year 2010 (NOT HEMISPHERIST!) MeFiSwap begin! Hooray! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jun 28, 2010 - 151 comments

MeFiSwap Mailing Reminder - Saturday January 23!

Holy smokes, I just got my first MeFiSwap mix CD in the mail yesterday!
Reminder: the mailing deadline is in one week, Saturday, January 23. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jan 16, 2010 - 197 comments

Winter MeFiSwap!

You listen to good music. You pick some of it out, and you put it in a certain order, and you listen to your mix all the time. It's good! It sounds good, too good to keep to yourself. So you burn 5 copies of your mix to CD and you put 'em in the mail. Soon 5 different discs containing 5 different mixes from 5 other people appear in your mailbox, and this is good because you're tired of listening to the mix you made and some new tunes from cool MeFites is just the right thing.
MeFi Swap Winter 2009 is open for sign-ups. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Dec 2, 2009 - 154 comments

MeFiSwap Summer 09 Mailing Deadline Reminder - Aug 15!

MeFiSwap Summer '09 reminder thread — Mailing deadline is Saturday, August 15! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Aug 7, 2009 - 96 comments

MeFiSwap Summer 2009

MeFiSwap Summer '09
Believe it or not, it's been about that long. Let's mail each other good music. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jun 28, 2009 - 110 comments

CD Swap Reminder - Jan. 20!

MeFi Winter CD Swap reminder!
Hey swappers, the deadline to mail your mixes is one week from today, January 20th. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jan 12, 2009 - 102 comments

MeFiSwap 2008

Hey, anybody wanna swap Muxtapes? ...Oh.
Well, how about another MeFi CD swap? [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Nov 10, 2008 - 73 comments

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