May 2024 Archives (all archives)
May 25
Just letting everyone know that we've been informed that community member bigbigdog passed away on May 18, 2024 [more inside]
May 22
Most Answers or Comments?
I am curious about which posts on the blue have gotten the most comments (not counting things such as U.S. politics megathreads), or which questions on Ask have gotten the most answers. How feasible is that to find out? It would be cool if those were set off, as another way to see what has had a lot of engagement.
May 18
Animal Companions (esp. dogs) of Metafilter
It's time. And I think we would all benefit from a post of animal pics, specifically our own animal friends, especially dogs. (I apologize to the cat people who didn't post first so they could say "especially cats". I also like cats.) I suggest we limit the number of photos to.... just kidding. Post them all! [more inside]
May 16
FPP about manipulated Reality TV show
I'm looking for a FPP for an article about a Reality TV show. It was about a woman, maybe LGBTQ+, who went to live on a ranch or a house, and the producers had lied to the participants about her identity, or her circumstances, etc. I can't remember if they said she wasn't LGBTQ+ and then it came out she was, or something like that. I think there was something in it where the other participants treated her poorly, but overall she wasn't as upset as you might expect.
May 15
[MeFi Site Update] May 15th
Hi there, MetaFilter!
Welcome to this month’s Site Update! You can find the last one here.
I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions! [more inside]
Welcome to this month’s Site Update! You can find the last one here.
I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions! [more inside]
May 4
Adding year of release to Fanfare front page posts
This has been asked before, in Nov 2022, when the site owner called it a "really good idea" and a then-current tech person said it seemed "uncontroversial and positive, so I'll put that on the pile of things to do." Is this still something the community thinks is worth doing? If so, any chance it could be implemented? It might increase engagement in an area of the site that could use it. I know I'd find it useful, anyway.
May 3
Help me re-find this file organization scheme
A couple of months ago, I was poking around on AskMetafilter for productivity things. I found my way, via a comment on an oldish-post, to an organization system for computer files that I got excited about, started to implement without even reading the whole thing, and have found very helpful. Now I'd like to read more about the system and I can't find the link again. [more inside]
May 1
MeFi Nonprofit Update, April 30, 2024
The board setting up the MeFi nonprofit met on April 4 and April 25. [more inside]