July 2016 Archives (all archives)
July 31
Would it make more sense to put movie trailers on FanFare?
It seems like posts for movie trailers lead to discussions that are more consistent with FanFare than Metafilter. Why not put them on FanFare instead?
July 29
Why is there no moderation on the Starbucks post?
Seems like the post went into an instant derail and didn't really recover.
Could we mark MeFi Mail as unread?
Would it be possible to be able to mark MeFi Mail messages as unread? I tend to manage my email by marking messages I haven't yet responded to as "unread," and it would be helpful to me -- and maybe other people? -- to be able to do that with MeFi Mail, especially as there's not an indication that I've sent a reply. [more inside]
July 28
avoiding mystery links
Can we, as a community, make an effort to describe or quote our links when we comment? [more inside]
July 26
Metafilter Fantasy Football Challenge 2016/2017
We Have Always Lived In The Castle. What rough beast comes slouching towards the English Premier League to be born? Is it the brash, prideful Zlatan? The wise All-Father Pep? Jose Light-Bringer? Moyes the Goblin King? Join in the annual Metafilter Fantasy Football League and cast your stones among the stars! Will the mere mortal Foxes birth a dynasty? Has Sunderland tasted enough of ash and dirt? Can the Hammers continue to climb Olympus? And what of Chelsea stirring in her Stygian pit? I saw a snake with no end devoured by a bird of flame last night, so this must be Liverpool's year. [more inside]
Filtering for favorited comments
Is there a Firefox extension or Greasemonkey script that will hide comments with fewer than X favorites in a thread? I want to see the best of the political threads without having to wade through thousands of comments.
Examples of MetaFilter used as a platform for creative writing?
Are there any good examples of Mefites using MetaFilter threads as a space for creative writing? One example might be scarabic's infamous how to dispose of a body comment. I don't mean hoax posts, which aren't intended as "fiction".
July 22
Flyover country
I get the pun, but can we cut it out with this one at last? I can't read "flyover country" without imagining some amount of dismissiveness, resignation, and even contempt on the part of the writer---and the site in general. [more inside]
Metafilter Munich Shooting: Check-In
Facebook has set up a safety check for people to let their loved ones know they are ok. Thought, we'd create one here for any German MetaFilter members. Stay safe everyone.
Curious about megathreads
We seem to be having more of them, lately, and I stress that this is not a complaint, they're fine, but I was just wondering what that reflected regarding the userbase, and don't have the infodump skills required to figure it out. [more inside]
July 21
funny ask/discussion about startup commercial cliches
Does anyone remember what I think was an Ask thread about bad startup commercial cliches? Ukelele, whistling, hand clapping, etc.? If so, can you link it here? Many thanks!
July 20
I seem to fail at either remembering or googling
There's a comment that was made on either the grey or the blue, many years ago. I'd like to use (and attribute) it, but either my memory or my google-fu is failing. [more inside]
July 19
A tiny General Systems Vehicle appears!
Colossal congratulations to EndsOfInvention and his wife who had a baby around midnight, GMT! Seeing as he is an all-around good guy and excellent dad, this shiny new unit has excellent general prospects. [more inside]
The RNC posts
Could we, maybe, divide-up the RNC thread into separate days? [more inside]
July 17
"...the irrelevant, the tangential, the sidebar excursion to nowhere..."
Just wanted to give a shoutout to whoever has been keeping the "New & Noteworthy" well-stocked with excellent bits and bobs from across the MeFi world. With horrid ongoing world events and super-bad news seemingly daily, taking a moment to check out something awesome means a lot. Plus it's easy to miss cool items from across the evolving MeFiverse. [more inside]
July 15
More explicit guidelines on what makes a good post?
This article by a closeted trans woman has been posted three times, and deleted three times, after a few early comments on the first posting largely agreed with another trans woman's critical take.
The deletion reasons have repeatedly cited "a number of elements" that "will make it really hard to have a good discussion". I would appreciate the mods or the general community saying what those elements are, and perhaps expanding the post guidelines to provide a permanent reference. Implicit social norms beyond the obvious "don't be a jerk" are exhausting to parse, especially in a text-only medium. Whatever was objectionable about the article, please just spell it out. [more inside]
A funny thing happened on the way to the meetup
The Year of Emotional Labor
Happy one-year anniversary to the emotional labor thread! Any reports from the field on changes (big or small, temporary or permanent, concrete or otherwise) Jess Zimmerman's article and the testimonies in the thread engendered (pun intended) in your life?
July 13
How to tell astroturf?
Not asking about anyone in particular, I'm just kind of curious generally. How do mods here, and elsewhere, tell when a user has joined specifically for the purpose of commercial or political astroturfing? How do you sniff out Pepsi Blue?
...and introducing Baby McGee as "baby"
Hey! Say hello to Eyebrows McGee's brand new daughter, Anna Lucia. Seven pounds, five ounces; nineteen inches bow to stern; conspicuous lack of eyebrows but we'll let that slide until at least Q4. Here's mother and daughter, chillin'.
July 12
Staying in bad relationships
A few months ago, there was a post on the blue, linking to a question on captainawkward.com. It was about young women who stay in bad relationships. I can't find it. [more inside]
July 11
Trying to find an old post about a fake commercial
I'm trying to find an old post that appeared on MetaFilter some time back. It was a YouTube link to some kind of fake commercial, though I don't remember at all what it claimed to be selling, just that there was a woman doing the whole testimonial and it went slowly off the rails. Does anyone else remember this? [more inside]
Contact form bumpiness
Just a quick heads up: we've had a little trouble with some of our email list stuff recently; some contact form messages haven't gotten through in the last 2-3 days. Should be rectified soon, and now that we're aware we can get at the messages server-side so we can respond promptly and catch up on the backlog, but if you were getting radio silence over the weekend that's what's been up. Sorry about that!
July 10
Any interest in a MeFi day of service or volunteering?
Basically, I think it's rad that the folks in Chicago are cooking brunch for families at the Ronald McDonald House and think it'd be cool if other folks did similar things in their own cities, perhaps on one designated day. Just a thought, would like to know if that's been suggested before.
July 8
Take care of yourself and those you love!
It's a hard hard month in a hard hard summer. I just wanted to remind people that this is a great community, and we agree on more than we disagree on, and we should all look out for each other a bit. James Comey said before Congress yesterday that the only two things he has of value are the love of his family and friends and his integrity. MetaFilter has helped me develop both of those things over the years, and I hope it's been positive for others. So, we should support each other and love each other, and we should take it easy on ourselves when we need to do that. XOXOX
The best of Metafilter compilation*
Back in 2009 someone posted this question asking members for the posts they'd include in a Best Of Metafilter book with all the best advice from the hive mind.
But that was 7 years ago. So I'd like to ask the question again, 7 years later: Can you give me the link to the best things you've ever read here, something that actually changed your view of the world or made you a better person? [more inside]
But that was 7 years ago. So I'd like to ask the question again, 7 years later: Can you give me the link to the best things you've ever read here, something that actually changed your view of the world or made you a better person? [more inside]
July 7
A Policy Question
Can anyone explain the policy of not notifying an anonymous poster why or even that a request is denied?
post it!
You should post that.
That link you saw would make a good post - you even said so.
Post it! [more inside]
July 5
Albums on Fanfare
The new Avalanches album is live-streaming, but the thread has closed. While a new post would be reasonable, I’m feeling spurred to ask: any chance of getting albums added to fanfare someday? musicbrainz and discogs would both be candidate sites for metadata.
July 1
118: We Should Have Asked a Chemist
Rolling up on a long weekend, Jessamyn and I make a long story very slightly less long with this comparatively restrained 90 minute discussion of the last month of MeFi, covering June 3 through July 1. [more inside]