83 posts tagged with blogging.
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How would you clone Metafilter? (kinda)

If you were naive, hubristic optimistic enough to want to set up a metafilter like site, but with a specific focus, how would you go about doing that? I don't mean Mefi as a whole with the wonderful subsites, just the Metafilter.com part? If there off the shelf free (or cheap) software that could do the job, whilst also be scalable or is it a question of "Stable, Secure, Cheap pick two" ? [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams on Aug 12, 2014 - 49 comments

Do you cross-post your FPPs to your own blog?

Just curious ... people who actively work on making great FPPs, do you then post that content to your own blog? Or do you leave it exclusive to MeFi? I am curious if this is a thing that people do, either the mega-post builders like zarq, for instance, or the more casual poster. [more inside]
posted by jbickers on Feb 5, 2014 - 33 comments

Happy significant numerical birthday, PB

PB celebrates his birthday today, as indicated by a tweet from mathowie... [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Aug 30, 2013 - 74 comments

Can't find this post - student asks blogger to write paper for her

Looking for a post about a blog--the blogger was asked to write a paper by a college student who was offering money. They had a lot of back-and-forth communication, and eventually he published the whole thing on his blog. [more inside]
posted by tzikeh on Jun 17, 2012 - 20 comments

He's baaaack.

PVRBlog returned from the dead today! [more inside]
posted by Lame_username on Oct 20, 2011 - 28 comments

How much is that bloggy in the window?

Mathowie's PVRblog is for sale. (via)
posted by Horace Rumpole on Dec 11, 2009 - 47 comments

Metafilter is....

Earnest Opinion. [more inside]
posted by moxiedoll on Jun 12, 2008 - 149 comments

Top 10 Tips for MeFi posters

If you took Jorn Barger's Top 10 Tips for New Bloggers and replaced every mention of "blog" with "MeFi FPP", you could probably carve it onto tablets and present it as The Way.
posted by Plutor on Dec 29, 2007 - 19 comments

Happy Blogiversary, Metafilter!

Happy Blogiversary, Metafilter! Metafilter gets a mention in a Wall Street Journal article celebrating 10 years of blogs. (WSJ subscription required)
posted by dcjd on Jul 15, 2007 - 38 comments

Matt has Vox invites

Hey everyone, I got 1,000 vox invites to give to users of MeFi. If you haven't checked it out yet, here is your chance (and feel free to post links to your vox page when you have some posts up).
posted by mathowie on Sep 22, 2006 - 131 comments

General J.C. Christian reads metafilter. Also, SCDB.

General J.C. Christian reads MeFi. Who knew?
posted by Zonker on Jul 23, 2006 - 107 comments

Articles on (not) blogging at work

Couldn't find any references to this, so here goes: Jessa Werner (another blogger fired, and discussed) is mentioned in the second half of this Thursday's Times piece on (not) blogging at work.
posted by grobstein on May 27, 2006 - 1 comment

Looking for an old post.

Here or AskMeFi?

i'm not sure if i should post this here or ask mefi, but i'm looking for an old post that i found around Thanksgiving.

It was a blog and/or humorous editorial about Thanksgiving in the White House. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and/or know where I can find it?
I've searched for keywords and searched the tags, but i'm just not finding it.
posted by pelican on Dec 21, 2005 - 2 comments

How can I share this BBC piece on blogging?

The BBC recently did a television news piece about blogging. I have recorded and encoded it. I'd like to post it to MetaFilter, but I'm worried this falls under "self-linking", since I would obviously have to host it myself. Does it count or not?
If it does, where else should I post it?
posted by Mwongozi on Nov 14, 2005 - 17 comments

A-list bloggers deserve same respect as King of Thailand

In the future, please refrain from linking to pages criticizing A-List bloggers. It's just bad form and not teh funny.
posted by eyeballkid on Sep 8, 2005 - 89 comments

General blog-related stuff on MetaTalk?

Note: if posting about general weblog-related items, please post to Blogroots.com instead.
Since Blogroots is dead, does that mean we can talk about weblog-related stuff here again?
posted by me3dia on Jul 1, 2005 - 11 comments

A, B or C-list bloggers

If you ever wondered what an A, B or C-list blogger is, here's you're opportunity to learn. Our friend, Matt, is apparently an A.
posted by crunchland on May 25, 2005 - 16 comments

How News Travels on the Internet

How News Travels on the Internet; Source -> Meta News -> MiFi - shorthand for MetaFilter, blogging on crack (all users can post?). Not accepting accounts. Currently #8 on DayPop top 40.
posted by thomcatspike on Mar 10, 2004 - 23 comments

Did everyone read stav's phenomenal post on his blog?

Did everyone read stav's phenomenal post on his blog?
EmptyBottle.org: Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Wonderchicken
Tom Coates called it, "the 2004 State of the Weblog Nation."
posted by gen on Jan 21, 2004 - 36 comments

Advice on re-posting MeFi to blog?

Advice on re-posting MeFi to blog?

I often repost mefi stuff on my blog, often meaning Several times a week, sometimes multiple times a Day. I have an html template I use but I do keep changing the format a little. I'd be glad for some advice on how to do it right, or acceptably. You can check what I mean at http://radio.weblogs.com/0123486/ or for short http://rootcellar.info

I'll try to be checking back here, but there is the email link on the page.

posted by Grand Wahzoo on Nov 4, 2003 - 38 comments

Harsh words about MeFi from other blogs

I notice that MetaFilter has received some strong critisism over the last few days. Now while the manner of some of the critisism (in the comments at ASM and another site I won't mention) to some extent debase the point that is being made due to name calling and (dare I say it) Ad Hominem attacks on this place (what do I win for using that phrase?), in the stream of hatred, are there some underlying points that should be taken on board?
posted by chill on Sep 6, 2003 - 322 comments

No news is good/bad/no news

Timely advice or what? (Just replace "MetaFilter" for "News".)
posted by MiguelCardoso on Aug 21, 2003 - 52 comments

Music entering blogs

i think there is a i-make-music meme slowly injecting itself into the normal DNA of blogs, spreading out from Here. Ken Layne and Derek have both recently posted old old songs as mp3's. Anyone else notice this? And is everyone recording new stuff to post? i hope so.
posted by th3ph17 on May 1, 2003 - 17 comments

Blogging software promotional post

MoveableType is cool, but this post is just three generic links and a press release. Just because it's cool software that some of us use doesn't make this a good post. (And from the Post a Thread to MetaTalk page, "if posting about general weblog-related items, please post to Blogroots.com instead.")
posted by kirkaracha on Apr 24, 2003 - 15 comments

Metafilter in ruins

Metafilter in ruins
posted by oliver_crunk on Mar 4, 2003 - 32 comments

any similar paper/screen elevatory quirks as they write?

I have a theory about my own laspes in grammar: whenever I'm applying text to paper, I can easily iron out my flubs with a high degree of accuracy. But once I begin typing onscreen or with a typewriter, my proofreader's eye is more prone to falter.

I suspect this is due to the differences between horizontal and vertical perception; while focusing upon the words as they are produced, it seems that anything beyond a 45 degree angle triggers off an odd left/right hemispherical conflict. But it would be just my luck to have an "shielded" LCD screen for my web work.

Has anyone else notices any similar paper/screen elevatory quirks as they write?
posted by Smart Dalek on Oct 2, 2002 - 18 comments

RSS: next big thing, or nothing?

Recent thread on RSS was a real eye opener. The ever growing mass of great blog material to read is making it impossible to keep up. With abundant tools now available for the blog writer, more and better tools are needed for the blog reader, or one will be forever swamped. (Another good summary on how RSS can help here, another good aggregator/reader here. , don't think either were mentioned in recent thread)
posted by Voyageman on Jun 9, 2002 - 3 comments

Weblog FAQK

As always, the Brunching Shuttlecocks nail it, with their Weblog FAQK (spelling theirs.) Excerpt: "Weblogs cover a wide range of topics, such as other weblogs, what the mainstream media are saying about weblogging, new weblogs, advances in weblog publishing, books about weblogging, the future of weblogging, and that one naked guy painted up like Spider-Man."
posted by GaelFC on Jun 6, 2002 - 3 comments

Forbes Best of the Web

"The Good Life" - In there among Angling, Summer Camps, and Dating are "Web Logs". Forbes Best of the Web.
posted by Voyageman on Jun 5, 2002 - 3 comments

How do I deal with a cease and desist letter to my blog?

After 5 years online publishing hundreds of pages of content, my personal site poprocks.com has received a cease and desist letter from Barcelona candy company Zeta Espacial. I write about pop culture, and I am identified with the domain, personally and professionally. I have never tried to sell the domain to anyone, nor have I ever had its value appraised. Do I have any hope?
posted by popvulture on May 29, 2002 - 46 comments

Why do people engage in Google-bombing?

Why do people feel so thoroughly justified about engaging in Google bombing?

Why is your opinion about something so important as to justify monkeywrenching the best search engine (if not the best thing) on the net? Why is your self-righteous indignation more important that leaving well enough alone?

If it is so important to you, why don't you build something equivalent with the specific aim of "educating the people" and stop piggybacking off of Google?

I am interested in Matt's opinion on this, since he's one of the ones that set this whole thing off.
posted by Irontom on May 15, 2002 - 76 comments

On Salon.com, two new articles

On Salon.com, two new articles by Scott Rosenberg and Steven Johnson weigh in on, you guessed it, weblogs -- Rosenberg's on blogging itself (and how the mainstream media have reacted to it); and Johnson's on his vision of weblogs as components of an "emerging superbrain". Johnson has some interesting ideas (though who knows if he's right), and Rosenberg probably gets it as well as anyone.
posted by mattpfeff on May 9, 2002 - 15 comments

deeply lucrative deal with Slate

"Mickey Kaus has inked an awe-inspiring and deeply lucrative deal with Slate." Is this the beginning of the end , the end of the beginning, simply irrelevant, or something else altogether?
posted by Voyageman on May 9, 2002 - 23 comments

news.com on the blogging phenom

"I was seduced by bloggers." CNet News.com copy chief Jennifer Balderama writes yet another press piece on the blogging phenom. The difference? She keeps a blog herself, and knows full well what else has been written on the subject, and what she's getting herself into. This strikes me as a better attempt than the usual auto-generated weblog press à la megnut. Thoughts?
posted by mcwetboy on May 3, 2002 - 1 comment

MeFite unaware of blogworld A-list

Metafilterian demonstrates blatant ignorance of blogging A-list. He finds "someone named Meg Hourihan" to be "very condescending." I've taken my share of shots at the A-list in the past, but this post made me sad. Has the gulf between Metafilter and the weblogging community grown too wide? Are we better off with fewer inter-blog memes, or losing the center in the widening gyre?
posted by junkbox on May 2, 2002 - 79 comments

Webmonkey blogging article.

Webmonkey (which I constantly forget still exists) has a new piece up today that seems like it might be of interest here: The Weblog Tool Roundup.
posted by rex on May 2, 2002 - 6 comments

Which blogging archetype are you?

Normally wouldn't post this, with good reason, but, um, Which blogging archetype are you? Why do i post this here? Well, just look at what I got inside.
posted by Ufez Jones on Apr 30, 2002 - 45 comments

webloggers should cluster themselves into like-minded groups

SDB suggests that webloggers cluster themselves into like-minded groups, and cross-link accordingly. Disagreements (including here) are what he calls "religious" in nature: "A-list" vs. warblogger, "E/N" vs. "A-list", etc. Does Steve's structuralist argument hold up? Are his characterizations fair or accurate? Do you slot yourself into a group? Are the blogs you link to in a similar vein as yours?
posted by mcwetboy on Apr 26, 2002 - 113 comments

'Blogging Code of Ethics'

John Hiler has written a good piece discussing blogging and journalism. At the conclusion he outlines a ' Blogging Code of Ethics' which I think is meant to be a work in progress. Whilst I understand his point, surely there are only a very few weblog that actually have the level of impact and/or respect, for such a thing to be relevent? I don't know, is a 'Blogging Code of Ethics' really necessary? If you think it is, is there anything you would add/subtract from his list?
posted by RobertLoch on Apr 11, 2002 - 30 comments

How do you feel weblogs have changed the way that people interact with "news" and "the media?"

Hullo. Hate to bother you all like this, but...

I'm a student currently in the first part of my sophomore year at Northern Kentucky University. In my English class, we were given a very broad research paper, and I decided to narrow mine to weblogs. In particular, one aspect of weblogs: weblogs & the media. So, I'd like anyone who has an opinion on the matter to answer this one question:

How do you feel weblogs have changed the way that people interact with "news" and "the media?"

Thanks for reading this far.
posted by philulrich on Apr 10, 2002 - 30 comments

Are weblogger's really this interesting?

"He's a starving Unitarian librarian who just got married to the love of his life. She's a casual bisexual computer programmer suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. They have blogs"
Are weblogger's really this interesting? [from Green Gabbro, via LMG and kookymojo]
posted by feelinglistless on Apr 10, 2002 - 33 comments

How real-time blogging could change conferences

How real-time blogging could change conferences - thoughts from Esther Dyson.
posted by sheauga on Apr 6, 2002 - 18 comments

Any of you'se bloggers catch the cartoon in the current online New Yorker yet?

Mind if I journal? Any of you'se bloggers catch the cartoon in the current online New Yorker yet? Oh, rats! They changed it already... It was a picture of a post-coital couple in bed: him to the left lying on his back smoking a cigarette, her on the right, turning to her PDA on the nightstand and looking over her shoulder and asking that question... Well, it may still be there somewhere: try hitting refresh.
posted by y2karl on Mar 25, 2002 - 8 comments

blogging around the world

Blog Always, You Interest Me (translated) - Even the French are in on it - La Libération weighs in on blogging.
posted by panopticon on Mar 18, 2002 - 6 comments

Microcontent News

Previously a section of Corante, today Microcontent News has launched as a full-blown site. I think that it looks very sexy, with a good choose of categorises, although I'm sure someone here will be able to identify areas for improvement ;-) What I was wondering was whether people think that there will be enough developments in this area to keep such a site busy? Is there going to be much movement on the weblogging/microcontent front over the next year or 2, or will most action/thinking simply be a rehash or re-examination of past events. I suppose with every media outlet under the sun seeming determined to write (generally re-write) something on the subject, their blog will certainly be active, if nothing else.
posted by RobertLoch on Mar 18, 2002 - 7 comments

Oprah on blogging

Oprah brings online journals to the masses...
posted by owillis on Mar 13, 2002 - 3 comments

Austin Chronicle covers MeFi

"You may have never heard of "weblogging," because it never yet made anyone rich, but blogging is a way cool deal, man"

In preparation for SXSW, MeFi gets a shout-out in the Austin Chronicle.
posted by ColdChef on Mar 1, 2002 - 25 comments

Another MetaFilter reference

Another MetaFilter reference, but this time there seems to be some kind of time travel involved:
"Another community in which I reside is the Metafilter / Blogger Developers / A-List community. The pillars of this community include Jason Kottke, Meg Hourihan, Evan Williams and Cam Barrett. These bloggers do most of their discussions on Metafilter and generally have beautiful blogs. I am not sure if any of them would list me as a member of their community, but I don't think that they would kick me out if they knew I had joined."
From Mike Saunders at Keep Trying. Am I the only person to whom this rings oddly?
posted by rodii on Feb 28, 2002 - 64 comments

Blogging, working, and not working anymore

Webpig of IG got fired because he ran IG. Now Heather Hamilton of dooce.com gets fired because she posted not so nice things about her job and co-workers (though kept all names out of the picture). Is it wrong that people be fired because another employee sends an anonymous email to the boss about these things?
posted by thebwit on Feb 27, 2002 - 48 comments

Here is an article from John Dvorak from PC Magazine about blogging.

Here is an article from John Dvorak from PC Magazine about blogging.
posted by alball on Feb 5, 2002 - 26 comments

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