170 posts tagged with callout and etiquette.
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Offensive Ask-Me

Maybe it's just my ameri-centric liberal oversensitivity and 'wheatish' skin-tone, but somehow I find this thread to be highly offensive.
posted by matkline on Apr 11, 2006 - 109 comments

Stay on subject in relationship filter

Can we try not to hijack a relationship thread with judgements about "breeders"?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Apr 5, 2006 - 301 comments

An updstanding community member

This guy has really learned his lesson. He's a worthwhile member of the community, who really respects the admins.

That's why he mentions that he'd like to do the exact thing that got him banned previously. Because he's so sorry, and has so much respect.
posted by I Love Tacos on Apr 4, 2006 - 7 comments

Snark fight in AskMe thread.

Fuck you for trying to be helpful
posted by cillit bang on Apr 4, 2006 - 43 comments

Clean up in Aisle 7.

Clean up in Aisle 7.
posted by nixerman on Mar 14, 2006 - 63 comments

Not answering the damn question.

Another example of folks not answering the damn question.
posted by aberrant on Mar 13, 2006 - 78 comments

Apeshit over circumcision.

meehawl has gone apeshit over circumcision. Just relax, man.
posted by The Jesse Helms on Mar 10, 2006 - 99 comments

Moderation of Morality Talk in Science Thread

Space exploration topics in just about any online community are inevitably derailed by "why isn't that money being used for worldpeace/hungrychildren/education" bleeding hearts, so that the original subject is lost in repetitive defense of space programs. May I request that if you have a bone to pick with money being spent on space exploration, that you post your own link with discussion on the issue, rather than interrupting a good science discussion with never-ending arguments about the antiphilanthropism of government-funded space flight?
posted by brownpau on Mar 9, 2006 - 53 comments

Using another's name to prove a point

This post is unrepentantly awful. Oh so brave internet crusading aside, is using another Mefi member (let alone four of them) to prove a point going to be allowed in FPP's now?
posted by Cyrano on Mar 1, 2006 - 79 comments

not ready to swim in the adult pool

Yet another specific example from the same user that they're not ready to swim in the adult pool. Is this harsh lambasting of every less-than-perfect-in-thine-own-eyes answer really proper AskMe decorum?
posted by disillusioned on Feb 24, 2006 - 151 comments

Civility in Canadian politics thread.

Hildegarde, please clarify. Am I, or anyone else in this thread a "homophobic fuck"?
posted by angrybeaver on Jan 12, 2006 - 84 comments

Too Much Trolling

There seems to be a contingent of people on this website (we all know who they are) who feel the need to pollute threads that would be otherwise relevant, reasonable, and/or interesting. They come in, spew their opinion, and then proceed to turn thought-provoking material into a three ring circus. After having to sift through heaps of vitrol to find comments that even remotely relate to the topic at hand twice today, I've had enough. Your need to have your last word in a public meeting space that prides itself on civil, topical conversation is disgustingly revealing of your immaturity and arrogance. As a user of this site who is primarily a lurker, I want to make a statement on behalf of those people who come here for the fascinating content: If you feel the need to troll and argue, shut up already.
posted by potch on Jan 2, 2006 - 142 comments

"Pedophilia" comment in torture discussion

Rothko I bow to your knowledge of pedophilia.
posted by orthogonality on Dec 30, 2005 - 46 comments

Your typical callout

like the piece of shit, worthless fucking nobody you are. aw, somebody got a lump of coal in his stocking.
posted by quonsar on Dec 26, 2005 - 26 comments

Multiple sockpuppets for one user

So, to recap, dhoyt was highsignal, hall of robots and jenleigh. [more within]
posted by y2karl on Nov 15, 2005 - 694 comments

what warrants a rude response like this?

Newbie etiquette question: I thought this was a pretty cool post about a topic on which I was I poorly informed [Cyprus, Varosha]. For future reference, what about a post like that warrants a response like this? Is there a backstory? Why so personal?
posted by highsignal on Nov 3, 2005 - 167 comments

inappropriate and embarassing

This (and the several preceding posts in the thread by this user) are inappropriate and embarrassing, I think.
posted by Jon-o on Oct 3, 2005 - 6 comments

Steven Spielberg thread next to be led into I/P debate

Cleardawn seems dedicated to posting long discourses about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in any post that mentions Jews or a Jewish person, even in passing, and has succeeded in derailing a number of recent threads. Here and here and here., and probably elsewhere as well. The user obviously thinks that they are fighting the good fight, but this is clearly getting to be a bit much, and they don't seem to listen. Help?
posted by blahblahblah on Sep 26, 2005 - 123 comments

Is someone using Mefi as his own private soapbox?

Is someone using Mefi as his own private soapbox?

He has his opinions and that's great (even though I strongly disagree with a lot of them), but I don't think providing a platform for the Gospel According To Cleardawn was what matt had in mind.
posted by jonmc on Sep 5, 2005 - 134 comments

paleocon is being seriously disruptive.

I say die New Orleans die.
posted by Optimus Chyme on Sep 3, 2005 - 75 comments

Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions

"Criminal incompetence is probably not an impeachable offense, but something has to be done about Bush." Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions. (And another.) It tends to attract the wrong kind of answers.
posted by smackfu on Sep 2, 2005 - 25 comments


How does a member with a user number so low make a post like this and say with a straight face, " I would also wish to add that I really don't wish to be seen as one who is trolling, because I am not...I actually don't think it's that terrible a post. "
posted by dhoyt on Aug 31, 2005 - 17 comments

What does mrblondemang have against bloggers?

What does mrblondemang have against bloggers and others who write for a living or seemingly just because? Perhaps RodgerJ should beware.
posted by FlamingBore on Aug 12, 2005 - 15 comments

My delicate sensibilities are offended.

Sorry if that offends your delicate sensibilities. Yes, actually, it does. It's ok if it's a man, but not a woman? This is vicious talk and a double standard. I flagged it but nothing happened.
posted by tweak on Jul 11, 2005 - 107 comments

ParisParamus callout.

ParisParamus. [mi]
posted by mosch on Jul 7, 2005 - 269 comments

I claim this isle in the name of Asshattery

could we get a flag on isle 42780#957736?
posted by delmoi on Jun 15, 2005 - 118 comments

What does this add to the discussion?

What does this add to the discussion?
posted by AlexReynolds on May 9, 2005 - 41 comments

Suggesting comments on drunk posting are emailed vs. made in thread

If you suspect another user has been PWI (Posting While Intoxicated) why not send him an email instead of ridiculing it in the thread? See related alarmist post here
posted by dhoyt on May 2, 2005 - 51 comments

Are we twelve?

Are we twelve?
posted by mek on Apr 17, 2005 - 58 comments

It seemed like a snark-in-good-fun

It sounds as though this post was meant as a frivolous laugh at all parties involved, which is why the personal swipes sound so out of place. I partially note it because I was about to make a similar FPP, but perhaps should be glad I didn't....
posted by jenleigh on Apr 15, 2005 - 19 comments

Bevets is abusing his membership

Bevets is abusing his membership. Undeniable evidence included inside.
posted by furtive on Apr 9, 2005 - 100 comments

This is a solid example of a lame 'newsfilter' post.

Submitted for discussion: This is a solid example of a lame 'newsfilter' post. A link to a very brief local news story with zero attempt at intelligent context.
posted by mediareport on Apr 2, 2005 - 41 comments

we get it, you don't like the pope.

Alright, I'm fed up.

Can we please dispense with pissing all over the Blue? [More Inside]
posted by dirtynumbangelboy on Apr 2, 2005 - 184 comments

Attack on poster history is unwarranted

A number of recent contentious discussions have quickly devolving into attacks on the past history of the individuals under discussion or justifications that break down to “They do it too!”. Would it help improve the tone of discussions to ask posters to consider the direct relevance of their comments on the topic under discussion, rather than firing off ‘unrelated’ repsonses that read like cheap shots or weak justifications? [mi]
posted by lirio on Mar 4, 2005 - 26 comments

"Please read the link" callout

Metafilter fascism: Please click on the link at least once *before* filling up the thread with stupid comments. In this case, the poster (matteo) merely quotes pieces of a work of fiction before delmoi and TargetPractice jump in with knees in full-jerk mode.
posted by vacapinta on Feb 28, 2005 - 30 comments

1st-degree personal attack

This is a personal attack, and one that is way off base.
posted by mek on Feb 14, 2005 - 41 comments

Baseless accusations

Have unsubstantiated smears become common currency at MeFi too now?
posted by semmi on Feb 14, 2005 - 34 comments

Sounds like someone's got some sand in her vagina.

Attention store manager: Cleanup in aisle 38721. Troll juice has been spilled, making people cry.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Jan 18, 2005 - 107 comments

Not our most shining moment....

Not our most shining moment, as spotted by Leonard. Hopefully it's just holiday stress manifesting itself as assholery that'll blow over after the new year. One can hope.
posted by mathowie on Dec 22, 2004 - 223 comments

Callout of Responses to Miss Lynnster's First Ever Post

This is my first MeTa thread calling someone out, but this just seems out of line. A new member posts a good link that is not news/politics/religion, and someone has to find something to whine about. Good job sticking up for yourself, though, miss lynnster!
posted by TedW on Dec 20, 2004 - 64 comments

Over-reaction to my not-so-stellar AskMe

Okay, so in a lapse of early morning judgement I post a not-so-stellar AskMe post. But does such deserve...(MI)
posted by konolia on Dec 12, 2004 - 89 comments

Get it right the first time

Just because there's no good way to get a thread shilling a new piece of free software noticed once it drops off the top of the front page is no reason to make a further thread noting the addition of a uninventive feature that was missed in the original post.

Nor does that fact that KevinSkomsvold saved it by turning it into a discussion about the merits of RSS mitigate my point. IE: What is the best way to do it?
posted by bonaldi on Dec 8, 2004 - 13 comments

Stop being jerks, especially outside of politics threads

Consistency in standards, and the lack thereof. Since the election, MeFi has gotten a lot calmer, and a lot more readable. Much of these is surely do to the deletion of highly partisan comments and threads, but it seems like some people aren't getting the message. Snarky FPPs like this provoke obnoxious replies like part 3 of this.

Is there a viable way to confine this crap to the political threads?
posted by mosch on Nov 26, 2004 - 20 comments

Personal attacks suck

Haven't we been talking about putting a stop to this type of personal attack?
posted by fenriq on Nov 3, 2004 - 63 comments

Civility and politics.

Can we please separate political passion from blood lust?
posted by Chanther on Oct 27, 2004 - 74 comments

Let's argue in threads instead of in MetaTalk

Perhaps it's time to reconsider using MetaTalk to denounce single comments and only slightly contentious single posts. [More inside.]
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 26, 2004 - 53 comments

"I'm glad the silly fucker's dead"??

After rereading the snarky original Michael Kelly editorial. I believe I'm glad the silly fucker's dead.

Sorry for the callout, but unless I missed the subtlety of some kind of joke, I think this crosses the line just a little bit.
posted by loquax on Oct 26, 2004 - 53 comments

Our own little Ashcroft.

Our own little Ashcroft. Are threats really appropriate in a place meant for discussion?
posted by amberglow on Oct 23, 2004 - 60 comments

AskMe is not the proper venue for resolving your petty vendettas.

Mayor Curley takes a perfectly innocuous, neutral question which was getting some interesting responses and turns it into a NYC vs Boston grudge match. AskMe is not the proper venue for resolving your petty vendettas and urban insecurities. That's what the blue is for.
posted by signal on Oct 19, 2004 - 89 comments

crap FPP, even without the flame war

Sheesh. Forgetting the fact that this is a crap FPP, do we have to have this stupid argument again? I get really tired of reading the uninformed, bigoted opinions of anti-religion types with chips on their shoulders. You are free to not believe in God; I am not bothered by your not-believing. But you not-believing is not evidence of intellectual or moral superiority. It's just a choice you made, a choice I can understand and respect. How about some reciprocation already?
posted by eustacescrubb on Sep 24, 2004 - 169 comments

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