31 posts tagged with improvement.
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Things are getting better!

If you are a poster on the green please share some of your victories with me. I'm looking to read sequential AskMe questions that show things getting better over time. [more inside]
posted by tedious on Oct 18, 2017 - 56 comments

Whatever happened to... Habit Judo?

A while back on MeFi (2011) apparently user Leotrotsky described an intriguing habit-building system he deemed Habit Judo, which as I understood it was essentially a gamification system for developing habits. I was so intrigued at the time, but I guess I never *surprise surprise* developed the habit of looking further into it. It appears that a spreadsheet of some sort was developed (and mentioned in the Guardian), and even spun off Android and iOS apps, both of which appear to be down. So I've a few questions... [more inside]
posted by Perko on Oct 2, 2015 - 13 comments

Obitch all you will

I am not as dismayed by some as the single-link obitfilter, which we have discussed many times before. But I think they can be done better than this. [more inside]
posted by ricochet biscuit on Oct 20, 2009 - 35 comments

Long time listener first time caller

Jumping the snark [more inside]
posted by mippy on Oct 22, 2008 - 88 comments

I tried. I failed. Why?

My first ever MeFi post failed miserably. Where'd I go wrong? [more inside]
posted by alby on Apr 9, 2008 - 96 comments

Can you comment on my first metafilter post?

A few days ago, I made my very first post to Metafilter, giving links to several different kinds of interactive film. It didn't get deleted, but there was almost no response. Was the topic just that boring? Or could I have done better in my post? Suggestions welcome.
posted by honest knave on Jul 3, 2007 - 96 comments

Uptime is hugely improved

Uptime and performance have been awesome for me lately. In particular the days of long downtimes when the admins are asleep seem to be over. On behalf of UK mefites, thanks.
posted by teleskiving on Jun 4, 2007 - 20 comments

What's wrong with my pre-post searching?

I did a google search, looked through the tags, and did a mefi search (for bee and bees) and found no posts that were related, but this still seems to be a double. Why didn't this show up in my searching? This kind of thing has happened to me on a few of my recent posts -- how can I change my search methods to find archived posts more reliably?
posted by cubby on Apr 3, 2007 - 20 comments

I want to be able to write a good FPP

I want to be able to write a good FPP (reposted from AskMeFi)
posted by talitha_kumi on May 24, 2006 - 84 comments

I swear I searched; what can I do better?

Rightyho, I just made an arse of myself by posting this. In about a femtosecond, folks rightly pointed out that it was a dupe.

But I did search in the MeFi/Yahoo searcher up there, and I have since tried to get Google to give me a clue that it was a dupe, with the link: and site: tags. No luck so far.

Can anyone suggest a bulletproof way of establishing that MeFi has not discussed a subject before?

posted by gdav on May 21, 2006 - 16 comments

A better way to prevent double posts?

Seems to be an awful lot of double posts, often within a day or two of each other. Is there a better way to prevent reposts eg a tag search function which orders results by date. (No doubt this has been asked already, probably four posts down...)
posted by brautigan on Dec 2, 2005 - 13 comments


AskMeFi could be improved if the people answering the questions gave more information about themselves and weren't so darned bashful. [MI]
posted by meech on Nov 28, 2005 - 32 comments

What makes a SLOE FPP BOTW?

Now that the SLOE FPP has been deemed acceptable, apparently, by the PTB, what makes a good one? What makes a bad one? What makes one mediocre? {Single-Link Op-Ed Front Page Post; Powers That Be}
posted by mischief on Nov 16, 2005 - 28 comments

discussion not as expected; how to improve?

I'm kind of dissapointed with the way things turned out in a post I made to Metafilter yesterday. I was hoping to discuss how many of the leaders of the fat acceptance movement are feeders and the consequences this might have in terms of it's future progress. Oh and I also wanted to discuss the new slate piece I linked to. But of 140+ comments, very few seem to even reference the links I made. Most just gave their opinion on fat people . I read all of the comments, and the general consensus seems to be that topics regarding obesity cannot be discussed sensibly at Metafilter. What should I do in the future to make a better FPP and what other topics should I wholly avoid?
posted by skjønn on Nov 4, 2005 - 69 comments

Hypothetical - reposting something deleted for bad form?

Hypothetical scenario: Someone puts up a front page post, but does it in a manner with heavy editorializing / intentionally trolling / etc. The topic is interesting, but it gets removed because of the garbage that came along with it. Someone reposts on the same topic, even with some of the same links, but without the editorializing. Would it be okay? Is there a policy on this?
posted by NotMyselfRightNow on Aug 15, 2005 - 16 comments

We could have done better

I really didn't like the way the drakepool thread in MeTa went yesterday. It reminded me too much of the ripper IRC tragedy. I don't have any answers, but I think that could have gone better.
posted by warbaby on May 31, 2005 - 121 comments

It could've been better

I think I bungled an FPP.
posted by greatgefilte on Apr 5, 2005 - 13 comments

I think that NickDouglas wants me to get my own blog.

I think that NickDouglas wants me to get my own blog.
As something of a noob, I'm curious as to what the consensus is on what makes a "get your own goddamn blog and quit bothering us" post. I've done a little back reading on MeTa and finding a consensus is difficult. Help me not do it again. Thanks.
posted by PhatLobley on Mar 7, 2005 - 105 comments

So I shouldn't talk about guns or declawing cats. What else should I know?

I have some ideas about getting rid of religious fundamentalism, winning the War on Terrorism, and inoculating our nation against ever electing anyone like George Bush to the White House again -- all at the same time and using nothing more lethal than words and a few diagrams.

I'm new here, and I would appreciate suggestions on what I should particularly avoid doing in discussing such matters in this group.

I am also from an older generation, and I am extremely upset about the current atmosphere in Washington, if any of this helps to explain the kind of answers I need.
posted by jhilton on Feb 17, 2005 - 55 comments

Preventing mistakes in URLs

The person posting this today seems to have made similar mistakes in links as the person who posted this five days ago. Just wondering if the mistakes can be identified and better avoided.
posted by mediareport on Feb 7, 2005 - 29 comments

Better current events posts

In response to this post about Dick Clark, here are some ways to make better current events posts (more inside).
posted by KirkJobSluder on Dec 13, 2004 - 18 comments

Automatic detection of the un-best of the web?

Would it be possible to do a little real-time checking for easily catchable sub-par posts, and provide the user with a little advice or more information?

One instance where (given the largely negative feedback in this earlier post) this might be appreciated: If the post consists of a single link to an ebay item, present the user with a message as they preview, something along the lines of "You appear to be posting a single link to an item on ebay. Even if you think that it is quirky or wacky or outrageous, metafilter is probably not the place for it, and you may wish to reconsider your post."

There is some more inside.
posted by Lirp on Dec 12, 2004 - 25 comments

Making fancy posts

I am looking for some Metafilter/HTML/Posting suggestions. I have seen some nicely done, complicated postings with hover-tags, acronym tags, imbedded items, etc. I have not found these suggestions/hints/suggestions - have I missed them?
Is there a spot someplace to test postings (/dev/null) posting page? So one could practice sophisticated postings without incurring the wrath of the Meta-masses by posting gibberish in order to test various methods. (HINT: yes Preview post is a start)
posted by fluffycreature on Dec 5, 2004 - 9 comments

How not to respond in a thread.

How not to respond in a thread. I don't like callouts, and I'm not calling anyone out. I was inspired by the good discussions in the green and I believe this thread highlights how Metafilter can be improved. In it so far, we have a throwaway irrelevant "I'm an atheist, this does not apply to me" comment, we have a non sequitur comment, an "I agree" without any backup, and a purely reaction provoking comment of whether God has a penis and can take dumps (I do understand the point being made). Basically, we can do better. I'm far from perfect and probably have a lot of throwaway comments to my name -- but could we all try a little harder to think before we comment?
posted by geoff. on Nov 10, 2004 - 46 comments

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout - a cheerleader post, if you will indulge me. I note a immense upward jump in the quality of both MeFi and MeTa posts and comments, with a corresponding downward jump in noise, trolling and trash. I note comments by Matt have a more relaxed tone than in the past few weeks. I see discussions kept to a mostly civil if not downright respectful tone. I observe efforts running the gamut from herculean to humorous by members like frykitty, y6y6y6, waxy, riffola, adrianhon, et al, to help make this wondrous place ever more enjoyable and user friendly. I want to say thank you, to everyone. [*Cue Dorothy, who taps heels of ruby slippers 3 times, chants "There's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter...*]
posted by Lynsey on Nov 19, 2002 - 20 comments

imminent death of Metafilter

Posited : that the 'imminent death of Metafilter' that has been so long and often predicted is finally beginning to happen. Exhibit A : A tiny truncated little MeTa flatpage. Exhibit B : An average of about 12 comments each for the limp and lackadaisical posts in the blue in the last 24 hours... Is the Fat Lady singing? Is that a croco-tear in my eye?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on May 28, 2002 - 83 comments

Bad article, bad link, bad post.

Woo-hoo! A new thread points to Google! Even better, the poster forgot the "http:/ /" part, and the site doesn't even reflect his point!

My question is this: was it appropriate for me to comment on the thread, ask a pertinent question, provide a couple relevant links, and then immediately come here and slag the thread?
posted by gohlkus on May 20, 2002 - 11 comments

tips for writing quickly and well

13 tips for "writing quickly and well" (link inside). Any other pearls of wisdom?
posted by Voyageman on Mar 21, 2002 - 25 comments

Remixing the pancake batter

How to fix what's wrong with MetaFilter
posted by NortonDC on Feb 2, 2002 - 24 comments

Can we raise the level?

Can we raise the level? MeFi is what we make it. Is there anything we both can and should do, besides policing, to deliberately improve the site and our enjoyment thereof? [more]
posted by mattpfeff on Dec 10, 2001 - 32 comments

July 19 was goshdarnitall a GOOD day

Now introducing : a 'Metafilter is getting better thread'! Is it just me and my interests-tunnelvision, or were the posts on July 19 just goshdarnitall more high-quality than has been the case sometimes of late? A little heavy on the flash and alcohol (two great tastes that go great together), but nary a single post of the 'Big Brother/Survivor' variety to be seen!
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jul 19, 2001 - 5 comments

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