31 posts tagged with links and posts.
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Let’s see what’s out there

With the December Post Contest beginning tomorrow, I thought it might be nice to review and update this conversation from 2013 of possible places where ideas for fun Metafilter posts can be found. Please feel free to share where you find the stuff you post to Mefi in the comments. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Nov 30, 2017 - 21 comments


Sometimes a big block of text with multiple links is appropriate for a post, sometimes some short descriptive text and a link and sometimes really all that is required is a single link. However it seems that in recent Meta posts the later gets short shrift, so with that in mind: Single link posters of Mefi, keep up the good work!
posted by Artw on Mar 16, 2013 - 32 comments

Apologies, MeFi.

Lazy single-link post, plus calling you stupid. Apologies. [more inside]
posted by fantodstic on Oct 25, 2011 - 175 comments

Can I link to my classmates' MySpace Music pages?

I study popular music, and needless to say I go to school with some pretty amazing musicians and song-writers, many of whom have MySpace profiles and websites with their songs on them. [more inside]
posted by MaiaMadness on May 30, 2010 - 31 comments

Links for the Memories

The welcome-back message on the front page reads 'x links and y comments posted since your last visit' (except, y'know, with numbers). But most posts contain more than one link. Would it be better to have it read 'x posts and y comments'? There's probably a downside I'm not seeing.
posted by box on Dec 10, 2009 - 38 comments

Where do you discover the links you post to the blue?

Where do you people find the things you post to the "blue", and how do you consistently find them before the rest of us? Specifically to those of you who make art or photography posts here on Metafilter, where do you first learn of the things you link here? Reddit? Stumbleupon? Digg? Certain blogs? Where is the bleeding edge of the internet? [more inside]
posted by Pastabagel on Dec 10, 2009 - 86 comments


I just noticed that the line about recent activity in metatalk says "X new links and Y new comments have been posted since your last visit"

Shouldn't it say something like 'posts' instead of 'links?'
posted by fingo on Sep 21, 2008 - 41 comments

Linking to Deleted Posts?

Something about the most recent Alberto Gonzales post really irks me: people linking to their deleted posts in comments. It seems to me that this (a) just fundamentally defeats the point of the deletion, (b) lowers the incentive to make a good post in the first place -- since you can always link to it if it gets canned, and (c) is contrary to at least the tacit reasons underlying the no-double-post policy. (Obviously, there's a separate PoliticsFilter issue here, and the problems are related, but I would like to focus on the linking-to-deleted-posts issue and get a clarification on it.)
posted by spiderwire on Jul 27, 2007 - 163 comments

Adding link to post.

So I am a new member. I am having a hard time getting the link option to work. I click on the blue "Link" link, enter the link, then preview it and I get the full html in the preview. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks!!
posted by Climber on Jul 21, 2007 - 5 comments

Is this Best Posts link for August supposed to be there?

Does the Best Posts for August 2006 page still deserve a link in the navigation atop every blue page?
posted by If I Had An Anus on Oct 17, 2006 - 14 comments

What's the policy on removing links?

Policy clarification question: Matt deleted a link to revisionist.org. I'm not necessarily opposed to this, but I do have a few questions: a) What is the history of link removal from FPP - not modification, like adding a NSFW, but under what circumstances are links actually removed? b) When a link is removed for political reasons, what is the rationale behind the removal? [mi]
posted by By The Grace of God on Feb 7, 2006 - 60 comments

Can we auto-add http:// to links?

Small, but unlikely pony request: When a user creates a link to an external site, but forgets the "http://", a MeFi error page results. It would be helpful if the system scanned the links in a post and tried to detect these orphaned links.
posted by o2b on Jan 20, 2006 - 10 comments

Mailto:s in posts, acceptable or not?

Mailto:s in posts, acceptable or not?
posted by Mitheral on Jan 17, 2006 - 23 comments

Content or quality?

I'm confused. What is more important to mefites, actually responding to the content of FPPs, or rating their quality? I see a general (hence, no links in this question) preponderance to the former. It seems that many responses to posts are actually rating the quality of it and/or the poster, rather than the content of the FPP. I've read a lot of the sites about Metafilter and maybe I'm missing a concept or something.

I am truly not trying to be a smartass, I'm genuinely interested in understanding this. Thanks.
posted by Slap Incognito on Dec 13, 2005 - 93 comments

posting each day instead of every 24 hours

What if instead of being able to post a link every 24 hours, we simply post ever metafilter day? That would take away the need to count down the hours, make posting easier, and still have the same limiting effect.
posted by Citizen Premier on Aug 26, 2005 - 28 comments

It's not ok to link to NAMBLA

"A link to NAMBLA is just wrong". I agree. At least on the front page, it's wrong. (more inside)
posted by matteo on Jul 22, 2005 - 150 comments

Bad use of links in posts

wakko wishes us a happy Fourth of July.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Jul 2, 2005 - 101 comments

Can we have a 'via' field on the posting page?

Minor feature request: a via field on the blue's posting page. As part of the redesign, I'd love to see an optional field for including a "via" link. Two reasons: (1) it would encourage posters to acknowledge the source of the link, if applicable; and (2) it would allow some interesting statistics to be generated from the aggregation of via data.
posted by monju_bosatsu on Mar 11, 2005 - 18 comments

Old threads link usernames to posts, not users

Bug: old threads have the poster username linking to the thread with the same number as their usernumber. Example (working). Example (nonworking). Only in the post; the username links in comments are fine.
posted by dhartung on Jan 18, 2005 - 2 comments

Link switched to goatse

The link in this girlfriend/Powerpoint post has been switched to Goatse. Just a warning for those of you that may have subsequently posted it to your own blogs, or mailed it to your boss or something.
posted by chill on Sep 24, 2004 - 25 comments

What have been your best and worst links posted?

A what-makes-a-good-post question I'd like to see other MetaFilter dinosaurs answer along with me: What are the best and worst links you ever inflicted on the front page?
posted by rcade on Jul 29, 2004 - 66 comments

It's really great when newsfilter posts don't even have links.

It's really great when newsfilter posts don't even have links.
posted by angry modem on Mar 13, 2004 - 17 comments

It used to be frowned upon to post links from other link agregators/filters. Has it changed?

When I used to read MeFi regularly, it was generally accepted that you didn't post anything from "the usual suspects" such as memepool, boing boing, b3ta, etc. because they themselves are weblogs about interesting, offbeat links and most readers read them as well as MeFi. Seeing as this "LSD art" story has been the top item on memepool for a week, I guess this policy has changed. (This is really not meant to sound rude or snide, apologies if it's taken that way)
posted by SiW on Jan 7, 2004 - 53 comments

Did I see this link here?

was I dreaming?

I thought I saw a link here a few days ago, about a bookmark that would quickly let you know, using amazon's database, whether a specific cd was put out by a member of the riaa. but when I searched for this link here, it was gone. And I didn't see it on lofi, when I looked there. Normally, I wouldn't care too much about a deleted thread, but I can't seem to find the link in question via google either. can anyone help me out?
posted by jann on May 23, 2003 - 8 comments

Links do improve and furnish a comment

Links do improve and furnish a comment: When people do a little research before they comment and include a helpful or amusing link (and some users, like sheauga and madamjujujive put in almost as much work as they do in their posts), threads gain a new life and go off in all sorts of interesting directions. Sometimes deliciously and all at once. Some more threadbare posts, like the Libeskind one, are actually repaired and rehabilitated by the ensuing links. For some, linky comments may be a pain - do many actually click on them, given that a few don't even read the main links? - but I, for one, think they're dandy and would like to see more of them.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Feb 27, 2003 - 31 comments

I can't insert links!

I cant post urls in my fpps apart from the title.
posted by sgt.serenity on Feb 20, 2003 - 9 comments

Posts without any links.

Sean Meade posts a FPP without any links, but summarizes an article he read. The reaction is less than enthusiastic. Sean Meade takes offense. Can I post a summary of a conversation I had the other day?
posted by signal on May 14, 2002 - 12 comments

I still can't figure out how to put a link in a response; can someone help me?

I feel dumb for asking, but... after being here for a few months I still can't figure out how to put a link in a response. Can someone tell me? Or is there a "How To" page here that I haven't found? Thanks in Advance.
posted by sadie01221975 on Jan 25, 2002 - 18 comments

Too much Ananova.

Could we have a moratorium on Ananova links for now? While other news sources have not been dead on, they seem to be way off base more than others. There are quite a few reading Mefi right now, and disinfo from what looks like a credible source could hurt.
posted by owillis on Sep 13, 2001 - 5 comments

No more Stile links, please.

Please, in the name of whatever faith-based tradition you espouse, no more Stile links! Kee-rist.
posted by rcade on Sep 6, 2001 - 6 comments

What's the point of metafilter?

I'm really new here, and I was hoping I could get some input as to what Metafilter's all about. What I thought it was all about was a community blog where we posted the most unusual links, the ones that every other semi-popular blog site was posting at the same time. The best example of this is "all you base are belong to us". Everyone had that link.

But now I think it's more intelligent of a community than that, or at least it's supposed to be. So the question I have is two part:
1. What's the point of metafilter?
2. If it's not to point to all your base are belong to us, then where can we post (and find) such links?
posted by MarkO on Apr 21, 2001 - 10 comments

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