15 posts tagged with tabs.
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Question about opening links on MeFi
This may have been asked before - but is there a rationale for opening links in the same tab as the post, as opposed to opening the links in a new tab? I prefer the latter, but can live with the former, I'm just curious about the reasoning. My somewhat-educated guess would be that the 'same tab' behavior is compatible with browsers that don't support tabs, but that is just a guess.
Metatalktail Hour: Tabs!
Happy Weekend, MetaFilter! This week, bendy wants to know "How many tabs do you have open in your browser? What are they?" [more inside]
"Providing a youthful counterbalance to Rusty’s crotchety ways"
Today I was pleased to notice that Metafilter's Own℠ Avery Edison is the new intern over at Today in Tabs, which is now back from a month's hiatus. That's all. If you don't subscribe you could probably do it now. Or, if that's too much of a commitment, it's also syndicated at FastCompany.
Make main page do like small pages
Pony request: I like the way new comments are reflected in the document title. Could we do the same for the main page? [more inside]
loaves and fishes
Do front page links now open in a new window?
Custom Folders for MeFi Mail
I was wondering if there were any plans to implement custom folders in MeFi Mail that we could move MeFi e-mails to? If not, can we have them please? They could appear in the form of extra tabs next to the 'Your Sent Mail' and 'Your Contacts' tabs. [more inside]
Afloat in a sea of commentary...
Three ways to get to San José?
Is there any functional difference between Recent Activity, My Comments (tab) and My Comments (link at bottom of page)? [more inside]
MeMu instrument tabs
Could there be a place within Mefi Music for people to post tabs? [more inside]
Rounded tabs in the blue and green?
We've still got the CSS rounded tab corners in MetaTalk, so I assume they're not breaking anything - can we have them in the blue and green now? They're purty. Thanks. [more inside]
Expanded My Comments page
My Comments: could we get a longer list, or even better, some tabs in addition to the site-wide view that narrow the query down to just MeFi/Meta/Ask/Music? [more inside]
The Web 2.0, it vibrates?
This has occasionally been mentioned before, but are the tabs on the front page currently serving any purpose? The functionality of 'Recent Posts' seems duplicated by the home page, 'My Favorites' by 'Favorites', 'Popular Favorites' by 'Popular', 'My Comments' by, well, 'My Comments'. 'Recent Comments' I simply don't find useful, but that may just be me.
Bug in the tabs in AskMe.
I love the new tab feature, but there's a small bug with AskMe. When the posts are sorted by favorites, anonymous questions are credited to Anonymous Ask MetaFilter instead of the usual anonymous. No crisis, but an inconsistency that may distress some of our more sensitive members (you know who you are).
Nip this in the bud
Matt or Jess, you might want to nip this in the bud.
How do I work this Firefox-thingy again?
Could there be a customization option for Firefox users to have links open in a new tab?