12 posts tagged with userscript.
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Mock pagination userscript

This is a userscript I've been working on that adds the appearance of pages to threads. It's a visual change only, so you still have to wait for the full thread to load, but it might help a little with responsiveness and navigation. [more inside]
posted by lucidium on Aug 14, 2018 - 2 comments

Hey, I'm talkin' here!

In the site activity megathread some suggested users ought to have some way of knowing just how much of a thread they're occupying. I added a userscript just for that purpose to the MefiScripts repository. It puts summary stats just below the comment box. [more inside]
posted by waninggibbon on Jun 20, 2018 - 21 comments

MefiReply Userscript

MefiReply is a new userscript for quote-replying to comments. It works on all Metafilter subsites in both Modern and Classic modes. If you have Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey, you can install it by visiting this page. [more inside]
posted by waninggibbon on Jan 3, 2018 - 5 comments

Created a GM/TM userscript to display tags on main pages

I created a GreaseMonkey/TamperMonkey userscript to show post tags on main pages. Check the page out for a screenshot of what I'm talking about. [more inside]
posted by XtinaS on Mar 8, 2017 - 10 comments

[Greasemonkey] Sort comments by favorites

I've written a userscript to sort the page comments by favorites. It's only been tested on the latest Firefox with Greasemonkey but it should work on Chrome with Tampermonkey. You can grab / install the script here.
posted by querty on Aug 2, 2016 - 7 comments

Color Comments By User

I made a Greasemonkey script that allows you to assign a color of your choosing to any MeFi user and displays each user's comments in their corresponding color. [more inside]
posted by valrus on Mar 11, 2016 - 32 comments

Mefiquote - help!

Need some help getting Mefiquote script running again. [more inside]
posted by Chrysostom on Feb 11, 2016 - 12 comments

Markdown for MeFi

As someone who finds writing in Markdown much easier than writing in HTML, I put together Markdown for MeFi. It's a browser extension that lets you use Markdown in your comments and posts. (Not sure what this Markdown thing is? Check out the short guide.) [more inside]
posted by evand on Apr 15, 2015 - 20 comments

Modern theme with new post counter? Yes we can!

With help from pb, I've put together a Greasemonkey userscript to display the old "x new posts and comments since your last visit" message that's been removed from the new Modern Theme. [more inside]
posted by xqwzts on Feb 26, 2015 - 8 comments

Like browsing MeFi in a shrouded theater

A lot of people have complained about FanFare's professional white background. Well, DRUNK WITH POWER after somehow kludging together a successful CSS theme for /r/MetaFilter with zero experience, I decided to try my hand at giving our new subsite a makeover, too -- the layout is fine, but that glaring white is painful to read in a darkened teevee room. Inspired by the original soothing dark blue color scheme from film/TV review aggregator Metacritic (which discarded it for an unpopular redesign years ago), I put together a complete FanFare theme (screenshot*) that adjusts not just the background and text, but stuff like visited links, link hovering, the pop-up video button and lightbox, posting page notes, live preview area, and the sidebar and Deck ad box. You can install it in Firefox (with Greasemonkey or Stylish), Chrome (with Stylish or Blank Canvas Script Handler), and jailbroken iOS (with Userscript Loader, using this URL) -- it's tested and working properly on all three. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Aug 8, 2014 - 63 comments

Get thee behind me FPP!

I haven't seen one in the usual haunts, but is there an existing or easily-adaptable script to remove a post from the front page?
posted by griphus on Mar 25, 2013 - 30 comments

There are a lot of us!

Calling all scientists and scientist-lovers! Do you like knowing when a comment you're reading on MeFi was written by a Person of Science? Well, have I got a greasemonkey script for you. [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Mar 2, 2012 - 133 comments

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