50 posts tagged with California and meetup.
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You are here, part II

Attention residents of Davis, CA. You have outed yourselves. Why haven't we ever had a meetup? [more inside]
posted by mudpuppie on Jul 30, 2010 - 34 comments

Milpitas/San Jose meetup, maybe?

Any Mefites in Milpitas or San Jose want to get together Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week (June 28, 29 or 30th)? I know there is a San Fran meetup for the 1st of July, but we'll be flying back home that day. [more inside]
posted by misha on Jun 25, 2010 - 20 comments

Gathering in Venice CA

I'll be in Venice, CA, from April 25 - May 9. Without a car. Since I never managed to make it to any Toronto gatherings, perhaps I could interest my American cousins in assembling for gimlets and other cocktails. [more inside]
posted by dobbs on Mar 29, 2010 - 15 comments

Meet Me In Alameda?

Meetup in Bay Area, California? [more inside]
posted by Alnedra on Oct 28, 2009 - 24 comments

Meet-up in the South Bay

South Bay Meet-up anyone? [more inside]
posted by mikoroshi on Sep 14, 2009 - 32 comments

Where all my west coast ****ers at?

MeTa10th: Where are the Californians? [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on May 6, 2009 - 38 comments

Who lives in that quiet area between LA and SF?

Are there enough MeFites in coastal Central/Southern California for a Meetup? [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Mar 13, 2009 - 64 comments

SoCal meetup

Irvine/Santa Ana meetup? [more inside]
posted by mr_crash_davis mark II: Jazz Odyssey on Mar 8, 2009 - 90 comments

The MeFi Tahoe Snowjob, 2/1/09

MeFites + Snow = AWESOME. That's why we should have a meetup in the Lake Tahoe area on Sunday, February 1st, at a snowpark. [more inside]
posted by scrump on Dec 12, 2008 - 80 comments

Hello Sunnyvale!

Interviewing in Sunnyvale Thursday, nothing to do for 24 hours after, and I'd love to meet the locals... [more inside]
posted by potch on Jun 3, 2008 - 2 comments

Birding on the Bay

Bay Area birders and photographers, let's meet at Crissy Field in San Francisco on January 26th for an afternoon of birdwatching and nature photography. [more inside]
posted by Quietgal on Dec 17, 2007 - 147 comments

SLO Meetup?

San Luis Obispo, CA Meetup in late September? [more inside]
posted by lekvar on Sep 10, 2007 - 21 comments

Mountain View, CA meetup, 20 Apr 2007

Remember the vaunted and only slightly overhyped Peninsula/South Bay (northern California) meetup? IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN. Friday, April 20th, 7:30, at the Tied House in Mountain View, California.
posted by tangerine on Apr 11, 2007 - 36 comments

Santa Barbara Meetup

Santa Barbarians - let's try again! Meet up at the end of January or beginning of February?
posted by k8t on Jan 15, 2007 - 20 comments

California Meetup

Beer, conversation, and general silliness tonight at the Tied House in Mountain View, California.
posted by tangerine on Dec 1, 2006 - 13 comments

Bay area meetup reminder.

Reminder -- Peninsula meet-up tomorrow. (And organizer scrump probably can't post again so soon.) Prior thread: http://metatalk.metafilter.com/mefi/13165
posted by ClaudiaCenter on Nov 30, 2006 - 8 comments

Peninsula/Southbay Meetup

It's the Peninsula/South Bay Meetup, Thank mathowie It's Friday edition!1one!!

For those of you playing along at home, the Peninsula/South Bay meetup is THIS FRIDAY, December 1st, 7:30, at the Tied House in Mountain View, California. [more inside]
posted by scrump on Nov 27, 2006 - 19 comments

San Diego meetup photos

Photos from tonight's San Diego meetup. Small, but company and food were both excellent, and the ceilings, as promised, comically low.
posted by routergirl on Nov 17, 2006 - 28 comments

San Diego Meetup

Why don't San Diego mefites ever gather? Is there any interest in a meetup? I was looking at the nearby users and there are dozens - we could almost take over the world if we organized well.
posted by routergirl on Nov 6, 2006 - 41 comments

San Francisco Meetup

It's this week! The San Francisco meet-up, that is. Thursday, November 9, 2006, 7:30 p.m.-ish, Soluna Cafe & Lounge. McAllister Street (272 McAllister, to be exact), right near Civic Center BART. We'll be in and around the bar area.
posted by ClaudiaCenter on Nov 6, 2006 - 12 comments

Sacramento Meetup?

Any interest in a Sacramento meetup?
posted by special-k on Nov 5, 2006 - 5 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Reminder: MeetUp in two weeks (!!) in San Francisco. November 9, 2006, 7:30 p.m. on, at Soluna Cafe & Lounge. Right near Civic Center BART. Be there or be absent.
posted by ClaudiaCenter on Oct 26, 2006 - 11 comments

California Meetup

Anyone up for a Peninsula/South Bay/Silicon Valley Meetup? Friday, November 3rd?
posted by scrump on Oct 23, 2006 - 15 comments

San Francisco Meetup

San Francisco MeetUp -- November 9, 2006, 6:00 p.m.-ish. Details not yet worked out but save the date.
posted by ClaudiaCenter on Oct 16, 2006 - 20 comments

San Francisco Meetup

I'd like to (help) organize an SF (California) meet up. Email me at ccenter@las-elc.org -- or comment away re preferences, past venues, etc.
posted by ClaudiaCenter on Aug 29, 2006 - 23 comments

San Francisco Meetup

SF Meet-Up Reminder. Tonight, 7pm-ish, at Zeitgeist (Valencia & Duboce).
posted by occhiblu on Jun 8, 2006 - 18 comments

San Francisco Meetup

I won't be able to attend the Portland meetup because on 6/3 I'll be leaving for San Francisco where I'll be until 6/10. If anyone would like to do a meetup on that week, let's discuss.
posted by wobh on May 28, 2006 - 29 comments

San Francisco Meetup

San Francisco Meetup, Sunday February 5, 7 p.m.. The boss and I will be in town to attend the Evans Data Developer Relations Conference, so we thought it might be fun to see some MeFites while in town. The gathering is at 21st Amendment (563 2nd Street), and we'll probably be the only table with an accordion. Hope to see you there!
posted by AccordionGuy on Feb 2, 2006 - 20 comments

San Francisco Meetup

MeFiSF meetup! 7 PM til whenever on Tues, January 24, at Yancy's Saloon [ 734 Irving St, San Francisco, 94122; (415) 665-6551 ]. Beer, games, tons of nearby food, on the N line. Email me to get on the reminder list, or get reminders via the upcoming.org entry.
posted by caitlinb on Jan 18, 2006 - 14 comments

LA Meetup

Reminder! Los Angeles Meetup tonight! Bring your pectoral region and a burrito. It's Golden Gopher starting whenever you get there.
posted by mzurer on Jan 11, 2006 - 17 comments

San Francisco Meetup

MeFiSF: Joy of the Big Apple meets Gem of the Tenderloin, this Saturday, October 22nd, at 7 PM. Track with Upcoming.
posted by caitlinb on Oct 18, 2005 - 7 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Paging Naxos Axur: Tell us what day you would most like to see us, here in SF! (MeFites may join MeCha for Specklet, natcherly - see MeCha for details.
posted by caitlinb on Oct 10, 2005 - 9 comments

Would anyone like to meetup in the OC?

Searches reveal that there's never been a meetup here in The OC.
Is there any interest?
posted by BuddhaInABucket on Oct 2, 2005 - 28 comments

Berkeley Meetup Photos

Photos of last night's Berkeley meetup.

posted by DaShiv on Sep 21, 2005 - 30 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Hey bay area, let's have a meetup!
posted by kenko on Sep 13, 2005 - 38 comments

Metafilter meetup in San Francisco

It's official! It's a Bendy Birthday! MeFiSF, Thurs, August 18th, 6 PM on, Zeitgeist. Upcoming.org has info and a reminder function.
posted by caitlinb on Aug 11, 2005 - 13 comments

San Francisco Meetup

WWDC Meetup? Any other MeFites coming to San Francisco for the World Wide Developer Conference next week want to get together some night? Or any native SFers want to show the visitors what's what?

I don't know SF at all, so I'll agree to any popular consensus for time and place. Close to the Moscone Center would be preferable, of course.
posted by Space Coyote on Jun 2, 2005 - 3 comments

San Francisco Meetup

MeFiSF Meetup: Weds, May 25, 6 PM, Pauline's on Valencia. Swing by on the way home!
posted by caitlinb on May 19, 2005 - 11 comments

E3 Los Angeles meetup?

Now that E3 is one week away, I feel it's time to revisit the Los Angeles meetup. How about it, west coasties?
posted by Plutor on May 11, 2005 - 30 comments

Reminder: Hands Across the Bay MeFiSF meetup in Berkeley

Reminder: Hands Across the Bay MeFiSF meetup in Berkeley, starting at 5 PM at the Albatross (San Pablo and University), Sat, April 16th. More detail at upcoming.org. Attendees will receive a gift!
posted by caitlinb on Apr 14, 2005 - 13 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Reminder: SFMeFi meetup 7pm tonight at the Odeon.

If anyone has Twister, bring it.

Side note: I finally posted my pics from the Berkeley meetup. Enjoy.
posted by quasistoic on Feb 11, 2005 - 14 comments

San Francisco Meetup

MeFiSF: We'd talked a bit about January 14, and it sounded like some neoFites were on board, too. Is there is momentum? Or shall we just meet in Berkeley at the end of the month?
posted by caitlinb on Jan 2, 2005 - 7 comments

Los Angeles Meetup

LA Meet up!

Given the, er, considerable interest in the last Los Angeles meetup, we've decided to throw a post-Thanksgiving burger bash.

Eyeglasses encouraged.

Friday, November 26, 6 pm, at Irv's Burgers in West Hollywood , followed by cocktails at ">The Coronet Pub.

Hope to see you there - for more details, email's in the profile.
posted by Space Kitty on Nov 24, 2004 - 30 comments

San Francisco Meetup

MeFiSF: LIVING, BREATHING FEMALES on Armistice Day in San Francisco. At least one of whom wears glasses. No location decided, but probably somewhere on the Castro side of the Mission. We have a special guest from LA, so November 11th it is. Come one, come all, celebrate the end of the election season and, perhaps, the start of bets on whether Rehnquist will survive to cast the deciding vote.
posted by caitlinb on Oct 26, 2004 - 10 comments

Update: San Francisco Meetup on September 10, 7 PM, Zeitgeist

UPDATE: MeFiSF, September 10 (Friday), 7 PM, Zeitgeist (Duboce and Valencia). This represents a change of date and venue from the original plan. Email me if you want to be reminded via email.
posted by caitlinb on Aug 30, 2004 - 8 comments

San Francisco Meetup

That NY, taunting us with its rich meetup culture! For the less spontaneous, Meetup.com just suggested September 7, and scarabic and I put it on our calendars. Meetup.com also suggested (for SF) Jillian's, which is conveniently located at the Metreon (4th and Mission) but has little else to recommend it. In the past, scarabic has suggested other places, too. How about it?
posted by caitlinb on Aug 23, 2004 - 19 comments

Bay Area Meetup, July 6, 2004

Bay Area meetup July 6th 8pm. Whaddya say? East Bay? In the city? Going on the board game theme, Albatross in Berkeley's great, but if our numbers get too big, Jupiter's patio might be a better idea. I'm also open for other suggestions in SF. An earlier start time might also be nice.
posted by quasistoic on Jun 15, 2004 - 25 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Time to put up or shut up. I propose, once and for all, an SF meetup.

More inside, baby. Don't be scared.
posted by padraigin on Jun 19, 2003 - 43 comments

Los Angeles Meetup

There was previously discussion of having a MeFiLA gathering on February 15. Shall we make this happen?
posted by faustessa on Feb 4, 2003 - 39 comments

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face: How refreshing it was to see the pictures of the MetaFilter members who recently met for drinks in Los Angeles![Scroll down] Stevis, chacal and y6y6y6 all posted photographs of the group on this thread. It seems to me we're all becoming less anonymous and less cagey about revealing personal information about ourselves. Including real names, zipcodes and even professional details. Phone numbers are quite freely exchanged. Some of us have even started swapping CDs through the mail.

If this impression is correct, I'd like to hear others' opinions on what's changed and what it means. People here seem much more nonchalant about the possibility of being tracked down and checked out - by employers, actual or potential, for instance. Are we relaxing more or is it something else - say, a consequence of harder times or a reappraisal of basic(old-fashioned?) Internet anonymity and multiple-identity ideologies?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Mar 31, 2002 - 22 comments

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