43 posts tagged with MeFi and deletion.
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Deletions record
I saw that five MeFi threads had been deleted in the past day for various reasons. I'm not here to question any of them; my curiosity is rather more vanilla: Does anyone know the record for most thread deletions in a 24-hour period?
the great day of deletions
I notice that a few posts have been deleted already today (and yesterday there were seven!), so I was wondering if the mods have any stories about days where they had to delete an extreme number of posts from the blue? [more inside]
Thank you for deleting me. [more inside]
Fears for Obama's safety not a reasonable topic?
This post which raised the issue of fears among some in the African-American electorate that Barack Obama would not be safe as president. The thread was shut down for reasons of WTF. Not exactly sure what the problem was, and I was disappointed, as I had recently heard about this and was hoping the thread would shed some light on the issue. This NYT article would be a good starting point for discussion.
Silent deletion of FPP, no reason given.
What the hell? Silent deletion of my FPP! I know that political correctness is the force that moves Metafilter, but come ON here people!
The post was a short one, centered on this story: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,314564,00.html and apparently that's a story that Metafilter is not ready to handle at this point in time.
Any chance of explaining this: "This post was deleted for the following reason: clearly my filter for these isn't working properly. But wait, Hitchens AND Dawkins you say...? * taps pager * Damn this thing is broken. -- jessamyn"
Wait.. a longtime user criticises the deletion of a post about one intellectual's review of another intellectual's book - a deletion with obscure sarcastic reason "clearly my filter for these isn't working properly. But wait, Hitchens AND Dawkins you say...? * taps pager * Damn this thing is broken. -- jessamyn" ... then you close the Meta thread? [more inside]
"Obviously, you're not a golfer."
I know I'll be run out on a rail for this, but jessamyn's deletion of the Bonds HR record FPP was weaker than the post itself. I take it she's not a baseball fan, because plenty of breaking newsfilter/obitfilter has stuck around on just such a quick post.
This post was deleted for the following reason: seen it. -- jessamyn
Justice: Blind?
Are we deletion-worthy sure that this guy is blind based on an anonymous comment on another site? Especially after jourman2's examples showing a bad photographer is likely to blame for the image?
Don't Get the Delete High
Getting the dog high? Why wasn't the whole thing deleted? Letting any comments ride on that one is a slippery slope, I should think. Especially ones condoning it or speaking of giving a dog something toxic.
Thanks for the lolcat deletion
Today, for the first time, I wished I could favorite a thread deletion justification. "This post was deleted for the following reason: im in ur over-trafficked meme, stating ur ironic deletion raisin" - cortex
Why are links removed?
Could someone direct me to specific policies that state why posts are removed? I had one removed today because someone chose to use inappropriate language in a comment. The language use was apparently blamed on the article I posted. That is very strange. I don't know where the policy is that states what can and can't be posted.
What happened to the thread of photos off the p2p networks? Did that link get removed for any particular reason? Was it to make room for the Zelda/Golden Ratio thread? Hmm. I am kind of disappointed.
Doubleplusgood doubleposting
Nevercalm deserves credit for anti-eponysterically advocating that his post, doubled five minutes later, be the one deleted. Mattamyn deserves credit, as usual, for not being blindly policy-bound.
LOL BUSH IS TEH ANTICHRIST - I did NOT say that! But close.
This post was deleted for the following reason: LOL BUSH IS TEH ANTICHRIST. whatever Care to translate that into an intelligible rationale? I didn't say Bush is the anti-Christ, violate Godwin's Law, or anything else. I thought the article made an interesting link between mental illness and certain political attitudes. But is there a daily limit to the number of FPPs perceived as "anti-Bush", or what? Help me out.
"post it at metachat" is not a good reason for deletion
I'd like to suggest that "um, yeah, post it at metachat." is not a good reason for deletion. Metachat may be all about the stupid links but saying this smacks of snobbery. This was simply a poor post that didn't meet metafilter's editorial guidelines. It wasn't chatty in the slightest. Metachat is not your dumping ground. Can't we all just get along?
Dawkins should be discussed sometimes.
I was sorry to see this post on Dawkins get deleted becuase it was "yet another Dawkings post", when the one from three weeks earlier was deleted as well. I understand he's discussed alot, perhaps ad nauseum to some folks, but they can skip the post. I think the mistake being made here is that the same arguments will always be rehashed over and over. This disregards the fact that new people may have registered since the last time the topic was discussed.
In a very "meta" sense, the addition of new people to the discussion allows the argument to evolve, over the course of multiple debates. These kinds of topics - religion, rights, abortion, etc. - appear not to have objectively correct answers, however the passions on all sides and the articulation of arguments are a reflection of the community and our collective culture. By returning to the argument, with newer and older members we start to understand everyone's basis for their position, the forces that motivate the passions behind people's positions and give rise to the issue in the first place.
In a very "meta" sense, the addition of new people to the discussion allows the argument to evolve, over the course of multiple debates. These kinds of topics - religion, rights, abortion, etc. - appear not to have objectively correct answers, however the passions on all sides and the articulation of arguments are a reflection of the community and our collective culture. By returning to the argument, with newer and older members we start to understand everyone's basis for their position, the forces that motivate the passions behind people's positions and give rise to the issue in the first place.
OK, it was a link to a google search, but why delete??
Itchy trigger finger? I liked that post, and it seems like everyone else who posted did too -- no-one seemed to be snarking or complaining or asking for it to go. Sure, it's a link to a Google search, but an interesting one I hadn't thought of before. It was headed for a fun interweb memories thread... but then it was tragically taken from us. As an official Metafilter King, I would urge you to reconsider.
I can't prove that this is a self link, but I'd be willing to bet money that it is.
I can't prove that this is a self link, but I'd be willing to bet money that it is. (My BS detector is going off bigtime.)
Deletion of site with mostly different content?
My link to a site with a few hundred photographs gets deleted because it's supposedly a double of a 2-year old link to a post on some messageboard with but a few dozen similar pictures? What gives? (I've happily accepted the fate of unfortunate double posts in the past, but these links are not the same...)
Why are some goofy threads deleted, and not others?
Just out of curiosity, how is it that some posts get deleted because the thread is full of the same animated gifs we always see, and some posts continue to live way past their prime? Is it the presence of ceiling cat?
I understand some of these are left in for humor value; such was the case with the infamous Mushroom post. But when the only thing that's different is the original post, and there are no actual responses anyhow, what's the criteria?
I understand some of these are left in for humor value; such was the case with the infamous Mushroom post. But when the only thing that's different is the original post, and there are no actual responses anyhow, what's the criteria?
Is our children learning is verboten
So have we really reached the point where posting a direct quote from the President is considered too vile a slander to let stand (twice)?
Where did the hybrid thread go?
Where da hybrid thread at? It was actually kind of interesting.
What's the policy on removing links?
Policy clarification question: Matt deleted a link to revisionist.org. I'm not necessarily opposed to this, but I do have a few questions: a) What is the history of link removal from FPP - not modification, like adding a NSFW, but under what circumstances are links actually removed? b) When a link is removed for political reasons, what is the rationale behind the removal? [mi]
Why was this deleted?
I have to disagree. I thought things were just getting interesting. There was no name-calling or other objectionable activity going on, was there? What gives?
Reasons given for deletion in MeFi
Looks like we have blue-style deletion in the green now! Yay! That sort of feedback loop is a good thing. (Besides, I enjoy reading reasons for deletion.)
Deletion requested by poster
Matt, please kill the Creeley post on the front page--it was a mistake (I'd been sent some false info, and posted before looking into it further...)
What part of "Best of the Web" do you have a problem with?
Metafilter is not for pyramid scheme
It should be pretty obvious that stuff like this should not fly in the blue. Using this site as a quarry for pyramid schemes is inappropriate and action should be taken accordingly.
Just curious - How is this a double post?
Just curious - How is this a double post? I know earlier I had flagged a double comment I had made, but when I checked back to see if any new comments had been added the thread was gone.
Hey, what happened to that lion FPP?
Hey, what happened to that lion FPP?
OK Matt : I took your deletion of my previous two posts on this subject, the 2004 election controversy ( and probably several by other folks ) as an indication that either 1) you oppose posts on the election controversy or 2) you want quality posts. Since I don't like to think of you as a site manager inclined towards censorship, I took the deletion of those posts as an indication that they weren't of sufficient quality. So, I addressed #2 : I thought that was a high quality post - well substantiated, and which presented an angle not yet discussed or noted elsewhere on the net. If you are opposed to discussion of the 2004 election, why not state that in your posting guidelines ? I feel that would be more helpful. Otherwise, new users may be confused for those unspecified posting categories which you are inclined to delete.
Explain yourself (deletion)
OK, I might sound like a whiner, but I gotta ask. Why did my post to this letter get deleted while the Neal Pollack stuff stays up? Too incendiary?
A poster wonders why his or her post was deleted
How do I find out why my FPP from today got deleted?
Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.
Discretion in speech is more than eloquence. - Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)
Does Matt remove posts from the archives?
Does Matt remove posts from the archives? I've been trying to find a couple of old threads from a few months ago, a link about the whilstler devices that people are putting in the tailpipes of thier cars and an interview with a guy that had one in his car. I've searched thru the archives post by post and used the search but it seems to have disappeared. Is it possible that it has been dumped for some reason? Is this common? I cant even seem to find the post from earlier this month that had the old GI Joe PSA. What's up Matt?
Laughing at you, not with you.
Over the line. Please kill this.
"In Soviet Russia..." jokes on MeFi.
Fair is fair.
What happened to my Black Friday post?
I posted a thread about retail price plans for major retailers being publsished on websites ahead of time. The retailers were ticked. The story questioned if this was a freedom of speech issue or did the retailers have a right to demand the information be removed.
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?
Why did you deleted the CD swap thread Matt?
I'm curious. Why did you deleted the CD swap thread Matt?
I haven't seen any double posts recently
Curious, as this is the only one I I've actually run across. It seems that double-posts have been very rare recently. Or have they just been getting caught that quickly?