15 posts tagged with feature by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 15 of 15.
User page changes
I gussied up your user pages. Leave a note if anything is broken and throw a screenshot up on flickr if you spot any show-stopper visual bugs. Danke!
Announcing MeFi Jobs!
Hey look, it's MeFi Jobs. Use it to list jobs you'd like to hire other MeFi members for. Also, it helps if you have a lat/lon stored in your profile, as you will be able to see how far listed jobs are from you. There are probably a few obvious bugs but me and pb will do our best to squash them as fast as you can list them.
Favorites now displayed on profile page.
Your user page now tells you how many of your contributions were saved as favorites by others, and there's a page showing you the favorites. Yes, I'm aware that the stuff saved as a favorite by multiple people gets repeated. I'll fix that this week. For the moment, it at least gives you an insight into what others liked that you wrote. Here's my user page showing 148 things I wrote were saved as favorites, and here they are.
'My Comments' page rolled out!
The My Comments page is up and ready for testing. It scours the comment databases to find all the comments you've left in the past 7 days, then shows you the thread you left them in, along with the comments that followed yours, up to the last ten comments. I've been using it for the past hour or so and it's great for keeping up on threads I left comments in days ago.
I'll clean up the layout and look eventually, but for now, it's the companion to the My Posts page, and I'm open to feedback or any problems you find. The URL will stay there, so feel free to bookmark both.
I'll clean up the layout and look eventually, but for now, it's the companion to the My Posts page, and I'm open to feedback or any problems you find. The URL will stay there, so feel free to bookmark both.
New feature: page through MetaTalk
New Feature: you can page through MetaTalk with the links at the bottom of the page, and the new comment counts should continue to function in older pages. Much simpler and easier than digging through archives and if this works as expected for most everyone, it will also be applied at Ask MeFi and MeFi
Best Answers Arrive on the Scene
Another pony is roaming free. It's now possible to mark great answers to questions you've asked on Ask MeFi. Details and screenshot inside.
SSL for Metafilter
I've been spending lots of time on wireless networks lately, so I finally up and got an SSL certificate for MetaFilter. Enjoy. Eventually I'll try to get all the user/pass pages going through https:// to make the site more secure.
Special characters
I “think” spéciàl chàràctérs shöuld wörk nöw, thöugh it's pröbably töö éàrly tö sày the böxés and quéstiön marks will be göné. That'll be £5 or 1000¥ or €3.5.
Closing Old Threads
New feature: threads on MetaFilter more than a month old are now closed for new comments.
Now xml-rpc compliant
MetaFilter now conforms with the new Weblogs.com xml-rpc interface. I used this xml-rpc client/server for Coldfusion to wrap a simple request/response sent to weblogs.com whenever a new thread is made at MetaFilter.com.
Guess what kids? The MetaFilter search finally works!
Guess what kids? The MetaFilter search finally works!
MetaFilter sidebar available for browsers.
New Feature: MetaFilter sidebar for win/IE and Mozilla.
New feeds available.
New feeds of MetaFilter are available.
There's a handy deepleap plugin
and a pure xml feed of the 24 hours of headlines (currently cut down to ~50 characters in length but I feed the entire post).
I'll whip up a RSS/RDF channel soon and put it at my.netscape, my.userland, or meerkat.
There's a handy deepleap plugin
and a pure xml feed of the 24 hours of headlines (currently cut down to ~50 characters in length but I feed the entire post).
I'll whip up a RSS/RDF channel soon and put it at my.netscape, my.userland, or meerkat.
Comment permalinks!
New Feature: You can now target comments on MetaFilter by using the permalinks. So, say, if you wanted to say "Winer is crazy sometimes!" on your own site or in a metafilter comment, you can now link directly to that.
Thoughts on a new thread-tracking feature?
Oooh, new feature idea brought to my attention by Bryan Boyer: Letting users track threads of their choosing. So you come in, see some long thread about how gas costs too much and you want to track just that thread. You'd click some link, and I'm thinking that the top of the page should say "1 new link and 4 new comments since your last visit, 3 new comments in the 4 threads you are tracking" and I suppose hyperlink to just those threads. I can display it any old way, would that be the most helpful, or should there be a new page with just your favorite threads (a "MyMetaFilter")? Would *you* use something like this? I know I would...