43 posts tagged with weblog.
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How would you clone Metafilter? (kinda)
If you were naive, hubristic optimistic enough to want to set up a metafilter like site, but with a specific focus, how would you go about doing that?
I don't mean Mefi as a whole with the wonderful subsites, just the Metafilter.com part?
If there off the shelf free (or cheap) software that could do the job, whilst also be scalable or is it a question of "Stable, Secure, Cheap pick two" ? [more inside]
A news-savvy community of over 60,000 users
User #1 describes MetaFilter in a piece "Even if it’s fake, it’s real" for the Nieman Journalism Lab. [more inside]
I'm a fan of descriptive names, personally
Is "community weblog" still a good description of Metafilter? The word "weblog" is just a long form of "blog," according to Merriam-Webster, and all other dictionaries I checked. "Blog" has come to mean "a Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other Web sites." (from here) But you don't really need a dictionary to tell you that "blogs" tend to be about people's personal opinions and experiences. So "community weblog" doesn't strike me as an apt description of a site where posts on the main page are required to be impersonal. Might it be time to change the name "community weblog" to something else?
Looking for articles on processes in community blogs
i'm looking for articles/opinions summarising (self-)regulatory processes of community weblogs such as MeFi, as orientation for the latest bouts of antville soul-searching.
Wardriving weblog spammer story
I post link about wardriving comment spammer. Metafilter Snap Detective Collective examines link, and concludes it is a hoax. Owner of site signs up, and insists it is real and he is not lying. Thread is closed. Conclusion: Everyone lives happily ever after.
Five dollars to post comments?!?
Five dollars to post comments?!? "Bugger that for a pound of tomatoes."
community poem weblog
Fun idea? Or... not so much? Inspired by Fuzzy Monster, here, I was thinking of a metapoem blogthing wherein anyone who wanted to participate could post a poem from any particular day, made up of three or four lines created from post "headlines" (first few words — the ones that typically constitute the initial link) from that particular day. If it seems like a fun idea, I have some questions inside...
ru dirty like metafilter?
Another metafilter-like site, this time in Russian, which I don't think has been noted here before: Dirty.ru. It looks like a well-established place & claims over 7,000 users.
Viewropa community weblog on IRC
European (and EuroLovin') MeFites: IRC (irc.turlyming.com:6667, channel #euro) chat tonight at 9:30 GMT about "Vewropa" new community Euroblog in the making. If you haven't seen it yet, the AskMe question that kicked it off is here. The Wiki that will get you up to date is here. Have a look around, and show up tonight to share your opinions.
French MetaFilter
Nous sommes tous en cela ensemble: Aeiou, 'the blog of flu,' is a new French community blog based on the 'celebrated Metafilter.' They also give you Aeiou in bad english, through le poisson. (via boingboing via ecuaderno via pointblog via chryde).
baby weblogs like Crunchlandfilter, Miguelfilter, Foldfilter, and Sudamafilter
If each user's page of posted links had comment counts and an RSS feed, Metafilter would instantly turn into a community with hundreds of baby weblogs like Crunchlandfilter, Miguelfilter, Foldfilter, and Sudamafilter.
Changes to MetaTalk
Just a note to future posters to MetaTalk, I've removed the option to make new posts about "general weblog-related" items, as Blogroots is a much better place to do it, and designed for that subject matter. The site is just getting off the ground but will turn into a resource that is much more fully featured than anything MetaTalk can offer. I also took the "ticketstubs related" category out as I've languished on that idea for two years and it didn't make much sense to keep it around for now. I'm planning on going back to it this summer with the hopes of finally launching it, between the code here, at sportsfilter, and blogroots, I've got everything I need already written somewhere for it.
Recommend a free weblog site
Request for opinions: What free weblog site would you recommend?
Blogs on Medieval history
Of all the blogs out there, I've been unable to find any relating to a field that I'm very interested in: medieval history (or history at all, for that matter). Anybody else out there share this interest or know of any weblogs like this?
Italian weblog directory
A nice Italian Weblog Directory if you feel like traveling. How much longer before it all becomes truly global?
machine translation not good enough for weblog
Morgens from seven to nine is Joerg Kantel, 48, to speak for nobody. The breakfast igelt itself right after the EDP leader citizens of Berlin of the institute for Max-Planck for science history with half-breed dog Zebu at home in the work room. Then Kantel surft by the World Wide Web, fishes important and funny out and spreads its booty, with comments and left garniert, over the web page "shock wave rider". Kantel loves the net Anarchismus: "pressefreiheit for all", demands the ex publisher of an underground newspaper.
Anil on weblogs and the web
Although Anil's post is mostly rah-rah for metafilter, he makes some great points about weblogs and the web in general. Maybe this is the people's medium afterall.
Dynamic threading
Kuro5hin's implementation of dynamic threading almost makes threading easy to follow and use. Impressive use of technology to solve a usability problem (reading deeply threaded conversations online is a real bear, requiring many page loads).
web community admin for prez!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but world leaders could take a lesson from the firm yet benevolent way in which Andrew admins his web community. And I'll save you the trouble, the "tractors are sexy" link is here.
Page of all user weblogs?
hey, remember when matt when on vacation and he posted a list of all the sites of all the users?
does that page still exist?
does that page still exist?
google news is a weblog? news to me
Is Google News Search a weblog? Internet.com seems to think so: 'Googleblog': Search Firm Gets into Weblogging...
Far Eastern Economic Review on weblogs
I was reading a month-old issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review after dinner tonight and found -- surprise, surprise -- an article on weblogs that I don't remember having read about here. The article isn't available for free on the FEER site anymore, but thanks to the magic of Google caching you can all read it: "Here's Where The Party Is" by Jeremy Wagstaff. Short and sweet.
"Write a better weblog" article
Surprised this hasn't surfaced here, but Dennis Mahoney has written a "Write A Better Weblog" article. He makes some good points, some of which many (myself included) MeFi'ers could stand a lesson in. And, you've gotta love the great Hemingway quote.
Random weblog homepages
Eureka! A couple of weeks ago in this thread I pleaded for some help in setting up my browser so that it would load a random website each time I started it up. Now that I've cracked it, I thought I'd share the link with you as a thank you to all those who pitched in ... it loads mostly weblogs completely at random ...
Is Weblog Nation still the best selective web site to keep track of interesting blogs?
Is Weblog Nation still the best selective web site to keep track of interesting blogs? Was it ever? It seems a bit staid and badly classified. The last category, for instance. is a mess. Yet, for rookies like me, it delivers.
So does anyone know of a better, more critical and more up-to-date one-step guide or portal, that cuts out the dross and concentrates on what's good?
So does anyone know of a better, more critical and more up-to-date one-step guide or portal, that cuts out the dross and concentrates on what's good?
Self-promotion on weblogs
Winer's weblog down temporarily to plug new product. I was quite surprised to see the weblog gone.. and a product ad in my face.
Since it's his work and his site, it's fine ;-) But it made me think.. is there such a thing as a weblog becoming too self-promotional? Or is this a perfect use for weblogs in a society where we're all screaming for attention?
Since it's his work and his site, it's fine ;-) But it made me think.. is there such a thing as a weblog becoming too self-promotional? Or is this a perfect use for weblogs in a society where we're all screaming for attention?
Random weblog homepages
I have Mefi set as my Home Page on IE but sometimes I wish I could just randomly have a different weblog (or website for that matter) each time I start the browser from a list I can specify (perhaps using a section in 'favourites' or a file on my hard disk). Is this possible? Anyone want to take a crack at it?
Are we ready for Blogcon?
Are we ready for Blogcon?
From the FAQ: "What is BlogCon?
It's not really a Conference, it's not really a Convention. It's more of a gathering, a meet and greet fest for bloggers. We may have panels or workshops, but nothing formal, perhaps a roundtable discussions (especially if we are gathered around a table in a bar or restaurant), but no vendors or booths... "
It's scheduled for August 23-25, 2002 and in Las Vegas.
From the FAQ: "What is BlogCon?
It's not really a Conference, it's not really a Convention. It's more of a gathering, a meet and greet fest for bloggers. We may have panels or workshops, but nothing formal, perhaps a roundtable discussions (especially if we are gathered around a table in a bar or restaurant), but no vendors or booths... "
It's scheduled for August 23-25, 2002 and in Las Vegas.
A great way to use a website to chronicle your college years: stealing overheard conversations
A great way to use a website to chronicle your college years: stealing overheard conversations.
"Dodge-dart sounds like a horrible game."
"Actually, it's a car."
--Two guys at A Cuppa Tea
Sort of "borrowed" from The Obscure Store
"Dodge-dart sounds like a horrible game."
"Actually, it's a car."
--Two guys at A Cuppa Tea
Sort of "borrowed" from The Obscure Store
Fake weblog?
Okay, so I'm, like, 99.39% certain that this weblog is a fake of the Rubberburner.com variety. Help me out with the other %0.61, here. Can anyone figure out if this Onion article is mocking a real site, or whether the Onion author created the site as a suppliment to his story?
Best weblog ever
Russlog. The best weblog ever. (I've got this scary, Friday-the-13th feeling about this. Is judgement day upon us?)
Micro advertising
Micro Advertising - a way to make niche internet publishing profitable?: "It's all about targeted micro buys of advertising space - the old principle of getting the right message in front of the right group of people. Buying 10,000 impressions of your message in front of a very targeted audience for a low fee. " Thomas has created a Yahoo group to hash out the issues further, if anyone's interested.
Francophone weblogger get-together
There will be a Francophone weblogger get-together to discuss ways of promoting French-language weblogs in Paris November 22. On va avoir un dîner pour débattre des opportunités de promotion des weblogs francophones, le 22 novembre. FAQ. [Also, there's a discussion, in French, of the proper terminology for weblogs and webloggers. On the table is "webillard" for weblog and "joueb" for blog, a distinction not really made in English.]
The Blog Twinning Project
The Blog Twinning Project - Didn't think this was worthy of a front page post, but it's nice concept.
Fare thee well old chap
Jack Saturn is taking his discussion list down after two years of active posting, at least partly because of inflammatory posts over the last two days. (More inside...)
yet another weblog article
"indie-music" weblog contributors sought
I'm looking for some webloggers to contribute to my new "indie-music" weblog. I'm looking for weblogging of the most journalistic kind here. Visit my weblog for more information.
Are you passionate about music? Do you read a lot of websites? Give something back.
Are you passionate about music? Do you read a lot of websites? Give something back.
Instant weblog software!
I was just thinking (but only briefly): What if you took a simple guestbook script, tweaked it so new entries went on top, then password protected it. Oila! Instant weblog software! Granted, you would have to hand code the templates and such, but it seems like it might work.
a place for whoever happens to stop by to post their thoughts ...
i was thinking of a team type weblog ... not really a metafilter type thing ... and not quite just a discussion board. but more like a place for whoever happens to stop by to post their thoughts ... (more>)
San Francisco Chronicle tech critic on weblogs
The San Francisco Chronicle tech critic on weblogs.
As the pool of blog writers has grown, perhaps inevitably so have complaints about quality. It's true that some bloggers seem to feel the need to log every sneeze.
But even drivel has its readership, Fake says. "Sure there are a hundred teenage boys typing, 'I'm bored. School sucks' every three hours, but their friends read them -- and that's their intended audience."
As the pool of blog writers has grown, perhaps inevitably so have complaints about quality. It's true that some bloggers seem to feel the need to log every sneeze.
But even drivel has its readership, Fake says. "Sure there are a hundred teenage boys typing, 'I'm bored. School sucks' every three hours, but their friends read them -- and that's their intended audience."
funky bar of weblog links?
I could have sworn that when I first created an account on MeFi there was an option on the Customize MetaFilter page that allowed you to get this funky bar on the front page with links to some weblogs. Whatever happened to it?
Why Do Designers Not Use Custom 404 Pages?
Okay this isn't really about the weblog format, but more about these sites in general. I am really curious to know as to why most of the web-designers here do not use customized 404 messages? So far I have only seen Glassdog.com, & 37signals.com use their own 404s, saturn.org used to have a custom 404, but it no longer does.
The reason I ask is because in general most webloggers are great web-designers, and I would've figured that they would all be using it. And I think it would be really interesting to see what everyones 404 would look like.
The reason I ask is because in general most webloggers are great web-designers, and I would've figured that they would all be using it. And I think it would be really interesting to see what everyones 404 would look like.
weblog community formation discussion
has a good discussion of weblog community formation and cross-weblog interaction. There's a good discussion going about the piece, and I asked the author how I should deal with the problems he mentions that MetaFilter my eventually face, and he offers several possible solutions.