August 2017 Archives (all archives)

August 31

Themed Metafilter Posts

Inspired by Fizz's recent run of excellent gaming-related posts and Wordshore's similarly awesome food posts, I'm looking for further examples of mefites posting series of front page posts with a common theme. [more inside]
posted by jonnyploy to MetaFilter-Related at 6:09 AM PST - 27 comments

August 30

Stoner podcast: our fearless founder

Uh, I stumbled across this podcast on Stoner: Creative people talk about their experiences with marijuana (and whatever else comes up.) today, titled, Episode 19: Matt Haughey, founder of Metafilter, editorial at Slack.
posted by yoga to MetaFilter-Related at 3:07 PM PST - 24 comments

August 29

You're awesome MetaFilter. Best of the web indeed!

There have been some amazing posts hitting the front page lately and I just wanted to have a place to say thanks. Also, it's an excuse to have a thread where we can just be positive and nice to each other. You're awesome and I like this place and I'm always finding something new and interesting. So thank you to everyone. Those who post and those who comment. And even those who lurk. :)
posted by Fizz to MetaFilter-Related at 7:58 PM PST - 29 comments

ISO short story in recipe blog format

Some time ago a story in recipe blog format where some kind of natural disaster/apocalypse was happening and the blog's author was taking in other children + trying to keep her own family afloat was posted to the blue, I think in a post that aggregated multiple noteworthy stories, possibly for being nominated for something. Have been trying unsuccessfully to find it. [more inside]
posted by Cozybee to MetaFilter-Related at 7:57 PM PST - 4 comments

User Release 2.0 "Rune Behrends"

A little bit of a bright spot in dark days: Mefites Twain Device and The Juche Idea welcomed their second child at 9 a.m. yesterday morning. [more inside]
posted by WidgetAlley to MetaFilter-Related at 3:07 PM PST - 27 comments

August 28

Is a month too short a time to leave posts open for comment?

This post was made July 27. It's now August 28. It's already closed for comments. I missed responding to someone and now I cannot respond in thread but only by MeMail. [more inside]
posted by Mo Nickels to Feature Requests at 6:30 AM PST - 26 comments

August 26

Metatalktail Hour: The Great Outdoors

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's topic comes from fluttering hellfire, who asks: "Can we have one on outdoorsy things? I could really go for people just yammering on about their favorite trails and campsites and gear and stuff." YES. THIS IS THAT ONE. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee to MetaFilter-Related at 5:29 PM PST - 163 comments

August 25

Hurricane Harvey Check-In Post

With a major storm about to hit southern Texas and then linger around southeastern TX for nearly a week, I thought maybe having a check-in / status update post here might be a good idea. I hope everyone stays safe and sane during these next few days.
posted by hippybear to MetaFilter-Related at 10:47 AM PST - 167 comments

August 24

MeFites, how should we pronounce your username?

Following recent revelations that chris24's handle is pronounced chris-two-four aka christopher, we should probably all learn how everybody's usernames are pronounced, if it's not obvious (or maybe it is and we all collectively just don't see it). [more inside]
posted by numaner to MetaFilter-Related at 1:36 PM PST - 407 comments

August 22

Looking for a comment about how life changes when you're good looking

I've searched, and so has Lobster Mitten (thank you!) but though we both remember the post, neither of us can find it. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by penguin pie to MetaFilter-Related at 2:49 PM PST - 13 comments

August 21

The Election Year That Never Ended

Where Cortex is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe of Community Signal. Issues include the (ongoing) impact of the 2016 election on MetaFilter, member deaths, the recent transfer of ownership and how MetaFilter has addressed casual sexism, racism and transphobia. Recent interviewees include Jessamyn and Matt. Contains profanity.
posted by Wordshore to MetaFilter-Related at 4:49 PM PST - 53 comments

August 19

GISHWHES 2017 wrap up: Keeping it weird

A few weeks ago I put a call out for members of the defacto mefite team for the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen. GISHWHES wrapped up about a week ago. Here, for your viewing pleasure, are the 2017 submissions of Team StrangeFascination. [more inside]
posted by His thoughts were red thoughts to MetaFilter-Related at 6:57 PM PST - 11 comments

Metatalktail Hour: TOTAL ECLIPSE

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Monday is the total eclipse for much of the US, what do you have planned? Non-eclipse-chasers, antipodeans, and Old Worlders, what's up with your Monday? [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee to MetaFilter-Related at 5:16 PM PST - 265 comments

August 17

Tell Me Something Good

This is a complementary post to Fizz's necessary post, but tell me something good, tell me that you like it, yeah! It doesn't have to be an amazing thing, but something that made you smile, or feel happy, etc. [more inside]
posted by ellieBOA to MetaFilter-Related at 10:11 PM PST - 158 comments

August 15

Fucking Fuck 3.0

It's been a rough couple of days. Time for another thread. A space for us to breathe. Let's take a moment.
posted by Fizz to MetaFilter-Related at 3:32 PM PST - 357 comments

August 12

Metatalktail Hour: Late summer free chat

Where I am, it's a cool late summer night and the stars are coming out. Come out on the porch, we've got comfy porch chairs, refreshing beverages and quiet music. What's good with you these days? [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten to MetaFilter-Related at 6:18 PM PST - 122 comments

August 10

"Remove from activity" in Mobile Classic?

Pony request: can we get a "remove from activity" feature on the Recent Activity page in the Mobile Classic theme? [more inside]
posted by Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The to Feature Requests at 5:29 PM PST - 12 comments

August 7

Agregation sites as FPPs

These seem to be a lot of FPPs that are links to aggregation sites that pretty much take content other people have done, put a bunch of it together, and add ads. For instance, since the beginning of May this year, there have been 20 FPPs that include links to BoredPanda. (link is to a search of metafilter for instances of boredpanda) There are fewer links to similar sites like Viral Nova
posted by larrybob to Etiquette/Policy at 6:15 PM PST - 112 comments

MetaTalk back button anomaly

So I'm reading an active MetaTalk thread. The "[N] new comments, show" message appears. I click on "show" and get the new messages. I click on a link in one of the new comments and go to a different page. I click on the browser Back button or press the backspace key. I end up back in the MetaTalk page, but without the new comments. Some short time later, the "[N] new comments, show" message appears again. [more inside]
posted by Bruce H. to Bugs at 2:04 PM PST - 13 comments

Can't stop the signal.

Can we please either discuss or determine what guidelines we should be following for doxxing / revealing personal info about the subjects of linked content in a thread? [more inside]
posted by zarq to Etiquette/Policy at 7:46 AM PST - 96 comments

August 5

Metatalktail Hour: Favorite MetaFilter Moments

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! In honor of cortex buying MetaFilter, I've decided to go with a suggestion from pjern, who wants to know your favorite MetaFilter moments! They can be on-site, something that happened IRL, or something that happened BECAUSE of MetaFilter (i.e., you bought a used Mazda5 from Hertz rental because this one lady is always on about it), whatever! [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee to MetaFilter-Related at 6:12 PM PST - 162 comments

August 4

Total Eclipse of the MetaFilter: US August 2017 edition

A catch-all Meta for MeFites to organise, enquire, wail about accommodation prices and relate their experiences about the August 21st 2017 solar eclipse which crosses the continental USA (total eclipse in 14 states, partial eclipse others and in three other continents). Please don't look at the sun directly or with dodgy glasses, but you can use your smartphone - though just don't miss it. Exclusive, traffic will be nuts, and some will do the Carbondale double. Disclaimer: other eclipses are available for other dates and countries. Obligatory link. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore to MetaFilter-Related at 4:13 PM PST - 109 comments

131: Today. Server Time.

Jessamyn and I carve out about 80 minutes to talk about MetaFilter and our respective weird busy months, including side threads on having too many dictionaries, what exactly qualifies as the greater Boston area, and questions about bathroom stuff. We cover pretty much all of July. Also, hey, we had a best post contest last month! [more inside]
posted by cortex to MeFi Podcast at 2:10 PM PST - 37 comments

When Your Post Lines Up Nicely With the Next Post

Right now on the front page we have a discussion about the ethics of owning pets. And immediately after that is a post about awesome cat-bros. I love it when stuff like this lines up, intentional or not. Do you recall any of your favourite cosmically timed/sequential MetaFilter posts from throughout MetaHistory?
posted by Fizz to MetaFilter-Related at 5:53 AM PST - 13 comments

August 2

2017 Holiday Movie Club

It's time to organize the Holiday Movie Club for 2017! The Club runs roughly from American Thanksgiving (Thursday, NOV 23) through New Years Eve. Go to the 2017 organization thread to see suggested movies or add a suggestion, and go to the Holiday Movie Club page to see what we've already watched and add a movie to the calendar
posted by the man of twists and turns to MetaFilter-Related at 9:34 PM PST - 0 comments

August 1

July Best Post Contest! FINAL AWARDS

It was a great month for posts! Read inside for the month-long winners, final-week winners, and more. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee to MetaFilter-Related at 5:50 AM PST - 46 comments