62 posts tagged with Askme and shoutout.
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AskMe quoted on NewYorker.com
AskMe gets a shout out on the New Yorker's Page-turner blog.
MeFi prevents brain damage!
Hey, AskMefites, thanks for potentially saving my life. [more inside]
Thanks MeFi!
Thanks MeFi for helping me move! [more inside]
The healing power of Mefites
The responses to this AskMe are a "Best of" for me. Dunno if this is the venue... but I need to express myself! [more inside]
It took 2+ years to find it, but it was worth it!
I found what I was looking for, after 2+ years, including an answer to my very first AskMe post! For posterity, the answer to this question is this, and the answer to this question is "Happy Go Lively" which is available here.
I'd love to be able to update my own askme posts, even if they were from years ago. I understand that the discussion has to end at some point, but if I found what I believe to be the definitive answer (since it was my question, after all), it would help those who come searching later on to keep the answer and the question together.
Merge With Caution
Ask MeFi inspires an author: there's a plethora of traffic-related questions that pop up on the green, but one such question (I'm betting this one) helped to inform a book that's out today. [more inside]
Your solitary compulsion becomes a shared experience.
This AskMe post blows my mind in a minor and enjoyable way. Who knew? It turns out a lot of people have a Tourette's-like response to embarrassing memories. [more inside]
I just wanted to point out how great a guy adamwolf is. When I asked this question he offered me an old oscilloscope of his he was replacing.
Thanks for the Catalogs...
Ten days have passed since I posted this thread to AskMetafilter. My postman is cranky with me, my friends think I'm crazy, I have about around 30 lbs of new catalogs [c. 200kb pics, flickr, 1, 2], and a reinvigorated appreciation for all y'all (not that it has ever been in jeopardy)... [more inside]
Good on ya, Miko
I'd like to say thanks to MIko, who not only just reached 2000 AskMe comments, but also routinely clogs up my "contact activity" feed with Best Answers.
How does it feel?
Just wanted to call attention to an AskMe that really takes you on a roller-coaster ride -- opening with sadness, stopping off at beauty, providing lots of warm fuzzies throughout, stopping off for a surprising dollop of disgust on the way to inexplicable hilarity (ymmv), and ending up being a great reference point for anybody in a relationship.
Commendations + Pony
First of all, thank you to #1, pb, et al. for all of the new toys, it's not even Christmas!
I'm wondering now, if it's worth the effort (or possible) to include the "Bold", "Italics" and "links" buttons to MeFiMail and much more importantly, to AskMe.
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Fun Trick or Treat House Thread
Here's a great Halloween AskMe post from last year that bears revisiting.
Have Fun.
Commuter paper Metafilter shoutout
Metafilter's work on this "Mad Men" AskMe has not gone unnoticed. Across Canada, commuters are asking "what's a metafilter?" [more inside]
Thank you for the books
I just want to thank the MeFites who faithfully answer all the book questions that get asked here, like this one.
And very special thanks for those who include an Amazon link. I know not everyone supports them, but I don't usually buy from Amazon; I export my wishlist to a spreadsheet via Librarything, and take it whenever I go used bookshopping. Thus, I've had many, many hours of great reading thanks to AskMeFi. Having good books to read means a lot to me, and I just wanted to thank you all. [more inside]
MetaFilter in looooove
Ain't we a whole bunch of sweet romantics, eh?
Hey, what have you got to lose?
Catfood asked where she could find an intelligent weight loss support group online— a Metafilter for dieters, basically. Ferociouskitty set one up on Spark People. It seemed like a great idea that could use a little publicity.
Not answering is the best answer
I like that this AskMe question doesn't have a "correct" answer, and yet most all the answers so far are spot-on.
Two for two
I'm not big on doing the call-outs, but when the question poster Mach3avelli asks a question and provides a big ol' great bunch of examples, well, just wanted to thank them for the thread.
I'm not big on doing the call-outs, but when the question poster Mach3avelli asks a question and provides a big ol' great bunch of examples right in the question, well, just wanted to thank them for the thread, and hope it makes the sidebar (which is NOT why I'm doing this, by the way).
Thanks also to some of the stellar suggestions the hive has posted, and non sum qualis eram's description of Rossini. It's so easy to snark on people online, but it's good to thank someone when they do something nice as well. Y'all have almost always been so helpful, and I learn something new here everyday. Music is incredibly important to me - as I suspect so many of us! - so having a new playlist of music to investigate is a treat, and yet another example of why this was one of the best $5 purchases I've ever made in my life. Thanks all.
*group hug, passing of Kleenex, etc. etc.*
Seriously... you guys rock. Just sayin' thanks.
Just 17 minutes
Bad idea, but if you're gonna do it anyway...
File this under cool questions with a couple really cool answers from just the right people. Despite the obligatory "this is a bad idea" warnings.
The kindness of MeFi.
Never mind "best of the web," this thread is surely the best of MetaFilter.
AskMe brings the cheese in
"Long tailed awesomeness" - or AskMe brings the cheese in. In November 2005 I uploaded this question to Ask. In September 2006 I uploaded this song to Music. This morning I recieved this image and a nice note.
Sorry, I had to do it.
A few days ago, I had posted something on AskMe, and had got some wonderful replies from my fellow Mefites. I wanted to acknowledge them here, along with the community as a whole (for doing the great work that it does), and say how glad I am to be a pat of it.:)
Thank you MeFi!
Will it all kill me?
Lots of medical advice
Shoutout for a question about honey and its interaction with bread.
PositiveFeedbackCalloutFilter:This question is why I love Metafilter. To me, it has all the makings of a classic AskMe. An honest query about an obscure topic, multiple knowledgeable responses, an offer to experiment, and an idea for lunch tomorrow!
Ear to the ground.
This is pretty cool.
Adam Savage (asavage) answered an question about a Mythbusters episode in AskMe!
I note with happiness that ikkyu2 has quietly returned to AskMe
I note with happiness that ikkyu2 has quietly returned to AskMe, dispensing the good oil as he goes. Since he doesn't have an email in profile: welcome back.
A Valentine to AskMe
A valentine to Ask MetaFilter or if you prefer, an unplanned side-effect of cites.
biscotti is awesome with animals.
So as to avoid a slow Meta day, heaven forbid, I thought I'd call out biscotti on a very long pattern of knowledgeable AskMe contributions related to various four-legged beasts.
Sometimes I just love this place.
Sometimes I just love this place.
Tips on caring for an elderly rabbit
Perhaps I'm a sentimental fool, but I found this askmefi very touching.
an exemplary specimen
I would just like to point out that the way in which louigi formatted his multi-question post to AskMe is superb, and should be a model for future questions of this nature.
Best reason for deleting a thread EVER.
Awesome belated answer on obscure criminal case
About 14 months ago, I posted a random Ask Metafilter about an obscure criminal case and described it in weak detail. Today I was going through some of my old questions (as you do), and noticed that the question was answered beautifully about three months ago by someone who may have ponied up the membership fee just to answer it. Which is really neat. So I just want to point out how cool it is that someone should do that.
Shoutout for AskMe User
Potential Fiery Train Wrecks Averted!
Two AskMe posts on interracial adoption and interracial breeding within an hour of each other. They had the potential to become fiery train wrecks, but instead, the answers were thoughtful and civil. Thanks for the quality discourse!
I quit smoking 30 days ago! Thank you!
I quit smoking 30 days ago! Thank you! [more inside]
ikkyu2 is a one-man AskMeFi machine today
ikkyu2 is a one-man AskMeFi machine today, even more so than most days. At the moment, every single "fantastic answer" is one of his, and well-deserved. Outstanding work. Thanks.
AskMe diversity
I'm trying to sell my french horn [more inside]
Bondcliff's comment about showering was both funny and helpful
This AskMe comment was funny and helpful. Thanks for the advice and laugh, Bondcliff. (P.S. What's an "ass cootie"?)
Askme followup: answers helped poster to quit smoking (using hypnosis).
AskMe Followup: [more inside, naturally]
AskMe connects seeker with information source
This Ask MeFi post is probably one of the best examples of finding the answer you were looking for. Simply incredible.
AskMe Shoutout
Dear Matt, thank you so much for Ask Metafilter.
MeFi generosity inspires house fire victims to Katrina/Rita relief
A follow-up to a most incredible show of Metafilter generosity. (More inside)
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