150 posts tagged with Double.
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Double-post etiquette?

I'm kind of confused as to why this post is still up. It's been flagged as a double since about half an hour after it first went up - yesterday's post is a link to the official TED Talk YouTube channel version of a talk that was posted to the blue, linked to the ted.com version, when it was first published in 2012. Is there a "we haven't seen this in a while, so it's OK" rule about double posts that I missed somewhere?
posted by hanov3r on Nov 22, 2019 - 25 comments

Ettiquette on reposting an entire, ongoing website

I discovered an awesome website today. Said website was posted to MeFi in 2011, in a post about the website itself. Specific pages of the website also appear within collections of links in 2 more recent posts (2017, 2018), although the posts aren't specifically featuring the website itself. The website is still going and still full of excellent content (7 years worth of additional content from the 2011 post). Is it frowned on for me to post it again?
posted by Cozybee on Sep 25, 2018 - 5 comments

Automatic double post checking with Javascript?

Would it be possible to add a feature to the new post form that checks for URLs while the user is writing the post, and instantly notifies the user that the post is potentially a double without having to hit Preview? It can be a bummer when you've written a long FPP and then discover it's a double on preview. Site search/domain-specific Google search is kind of unreliable for this in my experience. Or, could we have access to the URL-checking system with a user input field somewhere else in the site?
posted by overeducated_alligator on Mar 22, 2016 - 34 comments

Fiddling With Doubles

A post linking to the story of Philip Johnson, thief of the Totenberg Stradivarius, was just deleted as a double, with this previous version of the story - an entirely different article, telling the tale of what happened when the violin was found - cited as the double. [more inside]
posted by motty on Mar 17, 2016 - 52 comments

Could we please reconsider the policy on "doubles"?

Could we please, as a community, revisit the notion that just because something is a "double" it should be deleted? [more inside]
posted by jbickers on Jun 30, 2013 - 73 comments

question about "there's already an active thread" deletions

The deletion of this thread ("An Open Letter to Paula Deen" by Michael William Twitty) made me wonder about one aspect of "kind of a double" deletions. [more inside]
posted by threeants on Jun 28, 2013 - 42 comments

Even a Chap.13 Bankruptcy drops off your Credit Report after 7 years.

I think this deletion as a double was a bad call. [more inside]
posted by radwolf76 on May 29, 2013 - 39 comments

When a double is better than the original

The Beatles post from filthy light thief was deleted because it was a double, but the original post had only a 7 minute video, while thief's post had the whole hour-long show. Is a double post always deleted even if the double is better than the original ?
posted by Pendragon on Apr 17, 2013 - 27 comments

Doubles of deleted doubles are also doubles

Hey, I just posted something that was deleted because it was a double. I didn't know it was a double because the original post that it doubled had a different link and keywords (I even searched, nothing came up, wish I'd thought to search for just "iron"). However, it was an exact copy of another double that did match the URL and keywords exactly. So, it seems to me, that when searching past posts in the "New Post" form, it should search through deleted posts as well, to avoid these "doubles of doubles" type situations. [more inside]
posted by Deathalicious on Jun 13, 2012 - 74 comments

When is a Double not a Double?

I'm not entirely sure how I came to it but I was reading this post at Gawker & wandered down into the comments only to find this odd bit of writing. Some of the replies were witty but then (MeFi's own?) Gawker editor Maureen O'Connor pointed out it was essentially identical to this anonynmous AskMe from 5 years ago. At the very least I figure it's a curiosity worth pointing out to my fellow MeFites who have too much free time on their hands & want to dissect it under the usual microscope.
posted by scalefree on May 27, 2012 - 47 comments

FPP assassination

Either I'm missing something or this isn't a double.
posted by griphus on Feb 14, 2012 - 38 comments

How can we reduce the number of similar comments?

I've been noticing more and more lately that many people who comment in a thread are not reading the thread very closely, and as a result they end up repeating things that other people have already said. This was especially apparent in this thread about the animal escape in Ohio, but it's by no means the only example. Can we do a better job? [more inside]
posted by albrecht on Oct 20, 2011 - 152 comments

I liked the Waffle House post.

I'm here to defend zarq's alleged double and the deleted Waffle House post. [more inside]
posted by AgentRocket on Sep 2, 2011 - 93 comments

Nobody to blame but myself...

If a link has been posted and deleted, am I right to assume that reposting the link, even as a sub-link in a post leading on another link about the same thing, is a bad idea? [more inside]
posted by running order squabble fest on Jul 29, 2011 - 65 comments

Double Double Toil and Trouble

Search seems to be failing me when I check to see if my post is a double. This has happened several times despite efforts to ensure it's not a double. [more inside]
posted by bwg on Jun 16, 2011 - 26 comments

Keyboard Cat has not been posted befrore

This is not a double/previous post. I actually wanted to post about the fantastic Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog which has not been featured here before and chose the Katzenclavier [sic] post to introduce it. The fact that there has been a recent post about Katzenklavier has no bearing on my post. It may have some relevance to the previous post but as rivenwanderer said in the comments "the Strange History blog is fantastic". Maybe I should have just posted the general URL of the site but I thought I'd point out a particular post that I found interesting and let everyone explore for themselves as rivenwanderer and I'm sure many others would have. Une leçon apprise. Minor gripe - the 'original post' didn't have katzenklavier in the tags [not that that would have helped considering my cut and paste misspelling, but still].
posted by unliteral on Jun 15, 2011 - 20 comments

Vetting for doubles.

This is the second time I've made an FPP that's been a double and it hasn't turned up in my searches before posting, or warned me in preview that the site has been linked to before. [more inside]
posted by empatterson on Jan 12, 2011 - 54 comments

Near-match link checker?

Double post detectiong link checker pony/bug? [more inside]
posted by axiom on Jul 29, 2010 - 26 comments

Tell me something I don't already know

F-f-front page is stuttering. (In case it's just me: OS X, Firefox.) [more inside]
posted by grumblebee on May 7, 2010 - 0 comments

An appeal for an undoubling

Double indemnity? My post today was considered a double. Given (1) the original post was mostly an preview announcement from the Economist about the upcoming, still-unaired program and (2) that History of the World in 100 Objects is one of the most awesome things on the internet, I'd like to have something posted about this on the blue again for edification and discussion, even if it isn't my FPP. [more inside]
posted by blahblahblah on Mar 19, 2010 - 59 comments

Not every aspect of the tragedy in Haiti needs a FPP

In six days, there have been four FPPs about Haiti. Can I get a clarification as to what constitutes a double post? [more inside]
posted by billysumday on Jan 18, 2010 - 69 comments

Double double trouble trouble

In the last half-hour, AskMefi appears to have begun doubling every comment.
posted by embrangled on Jan 18, 2010 - 23 comments

Why did my Askmefi question go unanswered?

My Askmefi question only recieved one answer...I realize that this must just happen every so often, but I'm wondering, a) how I might avoid it, and, b) can I ask the same question again in the hopes of getting more answers? [more inside]
posted by Griffinlb on Mar 15, 2009 - 64 comments

[previous-filter] mefi checks if fpp links have previously been posted. how about doing the same for a few of the other large sites out there?

[previous-filter] mefi checks if fpp links have previously been posted. how about doing the same for a few of the other large sites out there? [more inside]
posted by krautland on Aug 30, 2008 - 41 comments

update comments set thread_id = foo where thread_id = bar

Nice idea moving the comments over, mathowie. Thanks. [more inside]
posted by orthogonality on Aug 22, 2008 - 1 comment

One more question

I had a problem. Now, it's happening all over again. Would it be bad form to bother the green for a second time? [more inside]
posted by popcassady on Aug 12, 2008 - 10 comments


When I preview my inchoate FPP, the link search informs me that my links were found in three previous threads, but only sometimes. [more inside]
posted by prefpara on Jul 9, 2008 - 25 comments

Spelunking for doubles

Searching for a url doesn't seem to work when the url is below the fold.
posted by homunculus on Jun 20, 2008 - 30 comments

Make that in triplicate!

Religious issues aside, do we really need three separate posts covering slight variations of the same thing? [more inside]
posted by tkolar on Jun 3, 2008 - 68 comments

Examples of repeated questions in Askme?

The Charlie White photo question came up again in Askme. Are there other specific questions that have been repeated over the years? Just curious...
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Apr 21, 2008 - 38 comments

Accessing the scan of existing posted URLS

My blushes at making a duplicate post to the blue have been spared more than once by the code which scans my proposed URLs and looks to see it there is an existing match. Phew! However I have only ever found a way of accessing this facility after having first of all composed a post to the point where I can preview it - hence wasting quite a lot of time. Is there a way to access this scan directly?
posted by rongorongo on Apr 4, 2008 - 19 comments

Mods vs White Lobster

This is an example of a double that should have been left alone. [more inside]
posted by wfrgms on Feb 13, 2008 - 34 comments

Deja vu

Apologies if this has been asked.... I sometimes see new AskMe postings appear that I *know* I've seen before. [more inside]
posted by Morrigan on Feb 12, 2008 - 42 comments

Post deletion

Not sure why, but my first post was deleted. It was about the News Corp discussions with Microsoft. Definitely not spam, so I'm not sure what happened.
posted by JD Rucker on Feb 3, 2008 - 55 comments

Preventing duplicates

New post form's URL search is broken. [more inside]
posted by knave on Jan 6, 2008 - 18 comments

when mods post dupes!

um, i don't really know what to do about this. and i've got no general prob with the mods. but, as you can see, one of the mods has posted a question that has been asked before. [more inside]
posted by deejay jaydee on Dec 17, 2007 - 124 comments

basic site guideline violation

I'll be the first to admit that it was a weak post and an unknown double. However, I'm unclear as to what 'basic site guideline' I violated.
posted by malaprohibita on Nov 21, 2007 - 56 comments

Double posting question

This is practically the same as this, and similarly vague. Double post?
posted by fiercecupcake on Oct 1, 2007 - 23 comments

aww. come on.

Why'd we go and kill this. Just because of this? (more inside) [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Sep 28, 2007 - 15 comments

not to be rhetorical

it would appear this is a double yet this isn't. in all seriousness: may i ask after the rationale?
posted by de on Aug 22, 2007 - 59 comments

Has this 1994 Cheney interview been posted?

Has this 1994 interview with Cheney, in which he advises to not invade Baghdad, been posted yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BEsZMvrq-I I couldn't find it using the search feature, but thought I would do a pre-emptive check here and get flamed before a smaller audience if I'm wrong.
posted by mecran01 on Aug 13, 2007 - 45 comments

Double double?

On the green... why do we have a duplicate post? As in, word-for-word duplicate
posted by dirtynumbangelboy on Jul 31, 2007 - 7 comments

When will computers figure out how to delete a double?

Soooo...what happens when we get a much better post on the exact same topic just a few minutes later?
posted by allkindsoftime on Jul 19, 2007 - 37 comments


This post was deleted for the following reason: seen it. -- jessamyn Huh?
posted by homunculus on Jul 18, 2007 - 149 comments

Oh where, oh where, oh where has my post gone...?

Just wondering what happened to my Metafilter post (why it got deleted). Did I do something wrong? I checked my email and there was no reason given over there too. Sorry if I'm being a bother Jess; just wanted to know if there was something I could've done better to make the post stay up (liked the andaman site that I'd linked it to).
posted by hadjiboy on Jul 9, 2007 - 35 comments


posted by brundlefly on Jun 5, 2007 - 6 comments

bizarre skin condition part 2

Did someone already post the follow up to the post about the guy with the disfiguring growths on his hands? If so, I missed it.
posted by serazin on May 27, 2007 - 36 comments

If you dupe a deleted post, does it make a sound?

One is deleted because it has no link. The other is deleted because it's a dupe of the first. But can you dupe a deleted thread? Can you dupe a thread that has no link? Or is this just capitalist revisionism?
posted by Plutor on Apr 23, 2007 - 65 comments

July does seem a long time ago

Double post.
posted by Samuel Farrow on Apr 19, 2007 - 12 comments


Today's edition of what irks me: Hijacking threads with unsupported claims of doubleness. Either put up or shut up--don't shit on good threads just because you read boing boing and have a bad memory.
posted by null terminated on Apr 10, 2007 - 62 comments

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