636 posts tagged with callout.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 636. Subscribe:
Calling Out lyssabee
Lyssabee has subjected me to a drive-by act of kindness in response to a comment of mine. Read on. [more inside]
Callout of all callouts
I'm calling you all out, all of you. [more inside]
Thank you, byanyothername.
Thank you, byanyothername. [more inside]
Read The Fantastic Article
threeblindmice, could you try Reading The Fantastic Article? [more inside]
A callout... for AWESOMENESS!
I've gotten a lot of useful answers to my AskMe questions, but this question seemed to be a stumper. Until... [more inside]
Hey, do you know what an unproductive comment looks like?
Can we have less comments like this, please? It doesn't really add anything to the discussion, and I'm glad that most people ignored it, but I'm having trouble just letting it go. [more inside]
The same damn user is doing it again.
La la la la etc.
Tikirific's translation of "Excellent Horse-Like Lady (or: Well-Bred Horse Maiden)" was just published in the Atlantic as part of a story about Kim Jong Un's (rumoured) wife. [more inside]
We were all eleven. Well. Most of us.
This AskMe thread is just fantastic. A not-simple question with so many great, empathetic, caring suggestions from people who were at one point up a similar creek trying to fashion any sort of paddle. POSITIVE THREAD CALLOUT. EVERYBODY HUG.
Work harder
YES! There are adults who are interested. You know this already.
Regarding the thread about the new "Avengers" trailer: for fuck's sake can people please, for the love of god, quit it with feigning surprise that adults might be interested in such a thing? See comments by Dragoness and Trochanter for specifics.
If you are surprised, genuinely surprised, you haven't been paying enough attention to pop culture over the past thirty years to have an informed opinion. You sound like an old person.
And if you're not surprised, if the pose is just assumed for the sake of crafting good snark, you're threadshitting.
Calling out all participants in the Slactivist thread...
I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the recent thread here concerning the Slactivist blog. [more inside]
Why MetaFilter is Awesome
Why MetaFilter is Awesome And Why the World Needs to Know [more inside]
I like New York in June, how about Jews?
So somehow a (reform? cultural but not religious?) Jewish comedienne who wears a t-shirt marked "I love Jew Cock" is relevant to a post about the pain of middle-aged shomer negiah. [more inside]
Try putting an entire plate of Beans on that Sandwich
Odd callout: Are people really uncreative that they can't figure out what to add to their grilled cheese sandwich? Its chatfilter. Its beyond chatfilter... Its asking if we can write every itteration of cheese+bread+some special ingredient down. Plus, this has been covered before. Seriously, do we need to overthink a plate of cheese, bread, and butter a second time because someone can't search?
That group's beliefs differ slightly from our own group's beliefs!
Can we stop with the "Those people are so stupid" poll posts? [more inside]
Blazecock related iPad overflow
Blazecock Pileon's relentless browbeating of anyone who is not a cheerleader for Apple and general bad behaviour whenever Microsoft is mentioned in the iPad thread and others is becoming increasingly tiresome. [more inside]
What's with the 'tude?
There's always some drive-by snideness any time someone posts an AskMe post that mentions education in any of the humanities. This question from last night is an entirely valid question and is in good faith. Some of the answers, not so much. [more inside]
A shoutout for AskMe's resident car guys
Enough, already
Hi Craig!
Yesterday's Craig Ferguson thread was kicked off with a comment by argedee: "I could be that funny too, with a laugh track like that." The thread turned into a discussion about laugh tracks and whether Craig uses one or not. In his monologue last night, Craig addressed "rumors on the internet" that his audience laughter isn't real. Argedee got called out on late night TV! [more inside]
AskMe lets down an asker.
A woman writes in to ask for help on training a cat, and is instead told to get a divorce. [more inside]
NPR askme callout
I have obtained the input of an online chatperson (at ask.metafilter.com) named "MrAnonymous," who sounds like he knows what he is talking about
klang, klang, klang went the trolley....
please delete please please
Please, please abort this offensive, trolling post that links primarily to two, year-old NYT articles and is basically an editorial for eugenics.
It's just a question
How to respond to pushy barstards [more inside]
Call-outs for everyone!
Another AskMe-related shady-answer call out. [more inside]
That which we call misogyny, by any other name...
Longtime Mefi lurker and non-FPPoster here, registering strong disgust at some of the comments in the Sarah Palin thread. [more inside]
Yeah, no.
Not ok.
Grow up.
AskMe Noise
Stop breaking the rules! Do not post a comment if you don't have an answer or are helping to look for one. That the asker is breaking the rules isn't an excuse. [more inside]
that's what my daddy made me
I invoke the banhammer!
Astor Zombie is a Favorite Tycoon
Astro Zombie had a comment with 15 favorites in MetaFilter. 5 hours ago
Astro Zombie had a comment with 41 favorites in MetaFilter. 6 hours ago
Astro Zombie had a comment with 23 favorites in MetaFilter. 6 hours ago
How do I get rid of this Astro Zombie character, anyway? [more inside]
Astro Zombie had a comment with 41 favorites in MetaFilter. 6 hours ago
Astro Zombie had a comment with 23 favorites in MetaFilter. 6 hours ago
How do I get rid of this Astro Zombie character, anyway? [more inside]
Call Olbermann, we got us THE WORST PERSON ON METAFILTER
No, you're not a kind person, and you haven't faced anyone threatening. You are so full of shit that it isn't even amusing on metafilter.
posted by Brian B. at 9:19 PM on July 25
...in response to Dee Extrovert.
Brian should be ashamed of himself, but probably lacks that ability. So let's all be ashamed of him. [more inside]
posted by Brian B. at 9:19 PM on July 25
...in response to Dee Extrovert.
Brian should be ashamed of himself, but probably lacks that ability. So let's all be ashamed of him. [more inside]
He likes education, thinks he's innocent, so what?
monkey king
You can take your own sanctimonious smugness and shove it deep and far up inside your poophole.
loquacious, maybe you should relax and not be so violent.
loquacious, maybe you should relax and not be so violent.
work out your personal issues somewhere else, will you?
this personal drama thing that dirtynumbangelboy has got going needs to stop - this whiny victim playing has utterly wrecked this thread and it's getting ridiculous
Weekly World MeFi
This is a crap post. Celebrity gossip, really?
AskMe is NOT an adoption service.
I adore konolia and have defended her before, but her comment in this thread is intolerable. [more inside]
Asked for X, got Y (where X equals help and Y equals grief)
Ordered X, got Y. Not only the title of the thread, but a good description of some of the answers received. [more inside]
Mission Accomplished
Is there a point to this other than to encourage a pissfest?
Creepy Dutch TV Host + Paedophilia Thread.
The 'Creepy Dutch TV Host' thread is fast becoming a train-wreck, for various reasons. Context seems to be one issue; possible acts of paedophilia seems to be the other. [more inside]
Seeking clarity on mod communication
In this thread, languagehat has spouted several lies concerning myself, communications by email, and the mods' involvement therein. [more inside]
from a comfortable turret
You're a junior in a liberal arts program and you think you've got a career?
35 years after having had a vasectomy, you want children? Have you picked up a new trophy wife, or something, HuronBob?
Wow, someone's got his panties in a knot over this. I guess we hit some sort of nerve.
Maybe, but maybe you could be a little nicer Hildegarde
Civilized discussion?
Utter tripe!
Hey nasreddin, maybe I even agree with some of your points, but you're coming across like an obnoxious sixteen-year old who wants everyone to know he's read Rousseau (and Voltaire) and lip-synchs to "Firing Line". [more inside]
Sans quoi?
Response to a point about the best way to answer an AskMe.
Response to a point about the best way to answer an AskMe. [more inside]
He should have known he would get responces like this from wacked-out liberals.
Okay, so this is an idiotic question.. Given that, howzabout everyone (myself included) sits on our hands since I just don't think anything helpful remains to be said. [more inside]