40 posts tagged with MeFi and namecalling.
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Grow the hell up.

An open letter. [more inside]
posted by dirtynumbangelboy on Jul 3, 2008 - 96 comments

Backstabbing is not conducive to intellectual discourse

Malor - your arguments have to stand on their own merits without bringing other people's names up. [more inside]
posted by Mutant on Jun 27, 2008 - 69 comments

Or you could just not say anything.

If you feel the need to call the OP a douchebag, attack his phrasing, or lecture him for "body image baggage," please do it in this MeTa instead of shitting in the question.
posted by nasreddin on Mar 16, 2008 - 146 comments


Come on y'all this is embarassing. I don't think anyone would appreciate getting their religion bashed this way and Mormon's LOVE that man. Believe me, I know some. Totally uncalled for.
posted by empath on Jan 28, 2008 - 198 comments

Mea Maxima Culpa

On the vagaries of intoxicated posting from the bowels of my "shithole" "corpse" of a city. [more inside]
posted by joe lisboa on Jan 23, 2008 - 13 comments

Wow. We really aren't grown up yet, are we?

Nutjobfilter: Metafilter Ad Hominem Much? How about we delete posts that start out with grade school name calling? Just for thrills. [more inside]
posted by ewkpates on Jan 16, 2008 - 44 comments

Trainwreck Thread

Privatize profit. Socialize risk. Trainwreck thread. [more inside]
posted by Steven C. Den Beste on Dec 23, 2007 - 188 comments

Namecalling is still inappropriate

"You know, the thing I really can't stand about queers is they're all Evangelicals like this guy or Republicans like Foley or both. As Amberglow will be the first to tell you, the more you deny it, the more that proves it true."
posted by prostyle on Nov 3, 2006 - 107 comments

Calling someone a rapist could be libelous

Calling someone a rapist on the sole basis of an accusation made to a reporter is wrong -- and could be libelous. The allegation against Girls Gone Wild producer Joe Francis is horrible and contains a lot of persuasive details, but that doesn't mean it's true.
posted by rcade on Aug 5, 2006 - 110 comments

namecalling: watch your mouth

Metafilter: a generation of irrational, prinitive nincompoops, people who habitually spout indolent, fallacious arsedribble, fucking idiots, dreadful, ignorant, piss-witted religious apologists, fucking pathetic, whining, retrograde imbeciles... Fuck you vermin. Fuck you; you disgrace humanity.
posted by thirteenkiller on Jul 21, 2006 - 153 comments

Your typical callout

like the piece of shit, worthless fucking nobody you are. aw, somebody got a lump of coal in his stocking.
posted by quonsar on Dec 26, 2005 - 26 comments

Can we get some moderation or is this just a free-for-all?

Too much of this discussion is noise and pathetic behavior. It is really difficult to have a discussion when several people seem more interested in directly insulting the poster. Can we get some moderation or is this just a free-for-all? (There is more inside).
posted by dios on Dec 5, 2005 - 56 comments

Personal Vendetta Filter

Personal Vendetta Filter: dhoyt links to a comment amberglow made yesterday on Metachat. In doing so, dhoyt continues to insist on taking shots at members on his shit list in threads where they have made no comment whatsoever. This penchant for personal attacks is getting sick. All too often, he uses this place as a sort of personal emotional toxic waste dump where he can vent some jealousy, spite and malice at whoever is on his shit list du jour. This particular time his little chickenshit cheapshot was just a little too obsessive-compulsive over-the-top.
posted by y2karl on Nov 5, 2005 - 72 comments

inappropriate and embarassing

This (and the several preceding posts in the thread by this user) are inappropriate and embarrassing, I think.
posted by Jon-o on Oct 3, 2005 - 6 comments

I claim this isle in the name of Asshattery

could we get a flag on isle 42780#957736?
posted by delmoi on Jun 15, 2005 - 118 comments

Are we twelve?

Are we twelve?
posted by mek on Apr 17, 2005 - 58 comments

It seemed like a snark-in-good-fun

It sounds as though this post was meant as a frivolous laugh at all parties involved, which is why the personal swipes sound so out of place. I partially note it because I was about to make a similar FPP, but perhaps should be glad I didn't....
posted by jenleigh on Apr 15, 2005 - 19 comments

So-and-so is a Muslim not okay

So-and-so is a Muslim

Ah, I see, so political posts aren't ok, but transparent HATE MOCKERY is. Damn you mr_crash_davis. Damn you to hell.
posted by Pretty_Generic on Nov 11, 2004 - 56 comments

Think before you post

Not on your best day, Metafilter. Wow, just wow. Can we please think before posting?
posted by PrinceValium on Jun 4, 2004 - 86 comments

takes one to know one

I will withhold the obscenities your mental capacity and nature evokes, and simply say: how stupid, how depraved you are.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.
posted by y2karl on Apr 21, 2004 - 250 comments

Oh dear

"Eat flaming dogs***, you c*cksucking, Streisand loving, m*therf*cking ___hole! Hit the road, postchoad." Oh dear.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Mar 19, 2004 - 33 comments

FPP not for settling old grudges

So when did the Metafilter front page become a place to settle old grudges? Really, this is just a bit childish. Your links should speak for themselves; editorializing and playground callouts help neither you nor anyone else.
posted by deadcowdan on Jan 23, 2004 - 81 comments

When is it name calling?

When is it name calling?

OK, I did call skallas a "putz" in a thread recently. That this is name calling, there is no doubt and I am in the wrong. But where is the line drawn? Is this name calling? More Inside
posted by Dagobert on Oct 28, 2003 - 22 comments

What do we do about all of you assholes?

We've all seen what can happen when MeFi devolves into pointless personality conflicts: the site gets hijacked to propogate something that 99.9% of the users don't care about. We've also all seen one member virtually drag another into such conflicts, making a two-way crapfest out of what was originally just one-sided goofiness...[more inside]
posted by Ignatius J. Reilly on Oct 7, 2003 - 24 comments

"This is MetaFilter, not NewsFilter, asshat"

"This is MetaFilter, not NewsFilter, asshat": a delightful namecheck from the crucial, irrepressible Misanthropic Bitch, echoing a worthy sentiment and a cause by now well lost. (Received by e-mail, with thanks.)
posted by MiguelCardoso on Sep 22, 2003 - 87 comments


This is so lame. I've gotten used to flames on MeFi; its part of what passes for discourse anymore. But this entire post was a predominace of flaming meta-poo. I understand the calls of Agenda-filter, but if people are going to post stuff like "It seems I must speak in language you understand . Go fuck yourself you ill-bred shit." then I think its time we up the ante. If you're going to Meta-bitch, then take it MetaTalk. More importantly, if you're going to Metaflame, do it with half an ounce of couth and style. That appears to be where MetaFilter is headed, so please keep up. (slightly more inside)
posted by Wulfgar! on Aug 27, 2003 - 56 comments

Bomb the fuck away.

Is this acceptable? I tried to levy what I thought was a reasonable, if salty, criticism against this member for a previous comment, and I get called some colourful names. I thought the majority of the comments in the thread were a civil and rational blend of discussion, agreement and disagreement, so it made me a bit sad, though not really surprised, to see such a response, and to see it supported by another member.
posted by sir walsingham on Feb 12, 2003 - 45 comments

Where are all the lefties?

This comment, made by red cell, is way over the line.
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood on Oct 22, 2002 - 121 comments

What the dogmuffins is up with this?

What the dogmuffins is up with this? I think that searching for the phrase "fuckwit" will prove that I've never used it. Is there someway to delete comments like this, which serve no purpose except to be nasty?
posted by dejah420 on Sep 4, 2002 - 51 comments

namecalling in mefi al qaeda/iraq thread

No, dumbass... this isn't a war on weapons of mass destruction... it isn't a war on the fucking "concept" of terrorism, wherever it rears it's ugly metaphorical head... Al Queda is a threat to us. Iraq is a threat to us. Do i have to spell it out for you morons? it's a war on threats to us. motherfucking DUH.

Inexcusable. I could say more, but it would get ugly.
posted by rushmc on Aug 26, 2002 - 26 comments

Mob-style takedown

Take a trip with me down the Riviera (#1, #2, #3, #4), where no comment is complete without a little vicious personal invective.
posted by rcade on Mar 16, 2002 - 141 comments

When the cat's away...

I'm seriously aware that Matt is gone for the weekend, but do we have to put up with crap like this?
posted by Wulfgar! on Mar 10, 2002 - 71 comments

I/P: look, we are behaving

I think it would be nice if today's Palestine/Israel thread didn't vanish (as per mathowie's recent MeTa post, stating that he is going to delete them all until further notice), at least not before the name-calling starts. The post itself is a bit of a bait, but so far the responses have been well-thought-out, even-handed, and intelligent.
posted by bingo on Feb 17, 2002 - 1 comment

racism and land rights go hand-in-hand?

I believe some of the comments in this thread are completely out of line.
posted by ashbury on Jan 27, 2002 - 46 comments

Broke the mold after they made 'im

It isn't every day we get a no-email, no-URL new member who develops an instant outspoken loathing for MetaFilter, calls us Nazis, and devotes himself with great passion to demonizing liberals. So join me in welcoming Real9 before it's too late.
posted by rcade on Oct 11, 2001 - 12 comments

Inappropriate name-calling in comments

"If you don't see what's so crass about that, you're a simple-minded fuckwit and I sincerely hope that your stupidity one day gets you killed."

More evidence of MetaFilter's demise.
posted by ljromanoff on Oct 4, 2001 - 6 comments

Personal attacks received by email instead of in-thread. Weird?

Can someone tell me if it is standard procedure to receive personal attacks from Metafilter users in my e-mail box because I posted a comment that they didn't like? Wouldn't it be better to post their opinion of my comment in the normal Metafilter thread? Specifically I am referring to a comment I made on this thread.
posted by dgeiser13 on Sep 18, 2001 - 10 comments

boundaries of acceptable behavior

What are the boundaries of acceptable behavior for MetaFilter?
posted by NortonDC on Aug 29, 2001 - 20 comments

crapping on other members has become acceptable

In my opinion, following members around in order to flame them and personal attacks have no place in Metafilter. I get the impression from the bile spewn at both long-term members (like aaron) and newbies (like redgie) that crapping on other members has become acceptible.
posted by Avogadro on May 31, 2001 - 35 comments

Lincoln told no yo momma jokes against Douglass

"Can't you folks simply address an issue and tell us what you think without attacking the poster rather than what has been posted?" A few threads have featured variations on this sentiment, so I figured the subject was worth a longer look here.
posted by rcade on Feb 14, 2001 - 23 comments

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