88 posts tagged with Tag.
Displaying 51 through 88 of 88. Subscribe:

tag count in askme pages inaccurate

some index pages of askme posts with NSFW tags report that there are more posts than are returned. [more inside]
posted by forallmankind on Jul 29, 2006 - 9 comments

Adding tags to another person's AskMe

It would be useful if one could add tags to another person's Ask Metafilter post—it could clarify the content where the original poster has neglected tagging altogether, or where the poster's tags are vague. The user-added tags could be marked as such, and kept separate from the poster's tags. Is this possible? Or would we be afraid of abuse?
posted by interrobang on Jul 3, 2006 - 15 comments

Could we get a spoiler tag?

Could we get a <spoiler> tag?
posted by Mean Mr. Bucket on May 28, 2006 - 42 comments

Things to add to the favorite pages

On the favorites page, could we show what user created the comment/post?
Could we add tags to the favorites page?
posted by graventy on May 16, 2006 - 5 comments

Projects functionality: update please

Projects - any plans for recording in the user profle what you have voted on, tagging, or a decent search function? For the first time I'm trying to remember something I enjoyed and voted on, but can't find the tools with which to find it.
posted by fire&wings on Mar 23, 2006 - 7 comments

Statue of limitations *snicker*

This askme question contains a great eggcorn. Should it be given an eggcorn tag, or would that be too meta?
posted by alms on Mar 16, 2006 - 34 comments

Variable TAG_NAME error

When I try to subscribe to tag associated with a Metafilter post, I get this error: Variable TAG_NAME is undefined.
posted by hwestiii on Mar 11, 2006 - 2 comments

HTML tag issue

HTML tag (BIG) issue on my AskMe post?
posted by sjvilla79 on Mar 2, 2006 - 3 comments

Deleted AskMe posts still add up to my tag count

Deleted AskMe posts still add up to my tag count. Bug, feature, or menace to the community? [more inside]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Feb 16, 2006 - 5 comments

Pony request: notification when a certain tag is used

PonyFilter... Would it be possible to get a notification either as email (probably hard to do) or on the my comments page when an ask.mefi or metafilter post uses a certain tag. [more inside]
posted by drezdn on Feb 8, 2006 - 10 comments

Attempting to add a tag redirects to the front page

Attempting to add a tag to a MeFi post via the usual button causes the browser to revert to the front page.
posted by Rothko on Jan 18, 2006 - 5 comments

Askme tag/best answer collision

In AskMetafilter, if the tags box extends into a highlighted "best answer" box, the two collide instead of readjusting for each other. This includes a text wrap-around. I demand perfection down to the pixel.
posted by geoff. on Jan 6, 2006 - 3 comments

New tag suggestion method

What's the best way to suggest a new tag for an existing post? E-mailing or IMing jessamyn? The original poster? Or should I just not worry about it? I can just keep a mark of it in my own del.icio.us, but that doesn't help anyone else who wants to search the same thing.
posted by grouse on Dec 2, 2005 - 32 comments

Fixing the returning anchor

Call this Feature Requests/Etiquette: I'd like, upon flagging a comment (in this case, Carbolic's accidental doubling), to be returned to the #name from whence I came, rather than the head of the thread to scroll down.
Further this thread has been magnificent, at least to the extent that I've gotten, in both well-reasoned argumentation and a lack of calling each other douchebags. I'd like to point out that both Rothko and Dios have been excellent at engaging each other in a way that, while highlighting their disagreement, is about the facts and arguments that each is presenting. Good show you guys. This is why I joined Metafilter.
(You may now commence flaming me for whatever evils I have evidenced in this post).
posted by klangklangston on Oct 17, 2005 - 87 comments

Odd results from tag list on deleted post

Sometimes, when you click on a tag in the tags list, you get something like this. Does this mean the post got deleted?
posted by Irontom on Oct 3, 2005 - 6 comments

Mysterious Tagger

Who tagged my post? I'm sure I didn't
posted by matteo on Sep 12, 2005 - 65 comments

unable to add gratefuldead as tag

Strange problem adding tags to a post in the blue.
posted by grateful on Aug 10, 2005 - 7 comments

tag search might further eliminate dupes

Avoiding duplicate threads with different URLs: In order to avoid posts like this, a tag search might further eliminate dupes. Would it be worth having (for example) the last three FPPs using the same tag(s) listed when you preview a new thread? And would that be easy to implement?
posted by GhostintheMachine on Apr 29, 2005 - 25 comments


I thought it was generally agreed that images in FPPs are a bad thing. So it seems to me that a Fark post tag on an FPP would be even worse.
posted by me3dia on Apr 24, 2005 - 41 comments

This post has no stupid tags

I'm pretty sure this has been requested before here, but can we please have a way to flag posts with stupid tags, while the rest of the content of the post is just fine?
posted by grouse on Apr 11, 2005 - 20 comments

Most used tags by user

Searched and didn't find any reference to this, but it would be interesting to see a list of users' most-used tags on their user pages..
posted by Robot Johnny on Mar 31, 2005 - 3 comments

Posts get deleted, but tags stick around.

Quonsar! Horowitz! Matrioshkadolls!


Yikes, my eyes! Whaaaa. Posts get deleted, but tags stick around.
posted by grateful on Mar 16, 2005 - 5 comments

Post-post tag alteration?

Is there a way to alter the tags once a post has been made? I posted this with the tags "new orleans jazz funeral" and in hindsight, New Orleans and jazz funeral are single entities. Should they have an underscore? Should there be a way to group them? Suggestions?
posted by Igor XA on Jan 25, 2005 - 22 comments

This is why we can't have nice things!

Someone here decided to thoroughly break our new toy. Not cool.
posted by Asparagirl on Jan 24, 2005 - 114 comments

Visualizing most popular tags

Right now, the top-150 tag page seems like sort of a novelty. "Art", "music" and "flash" are going to be huge, but the vast majority of tags seem to get shunted into the lower mid-range such that there's not a lot of perceived difference tag-to-tag or day-to-day. Over time, I'd imagine we'd see the same sort of homogeneity that characterizes the Flickr tag sizes.

The idea is to add some more dimension to the information display, showing not only popularity, but time-based "freshness" of tags and ordering them alphabetically rather than hierarchically for easier browsing ala the full tags listing. If time could be added as an organizational principle, people who aren't obsessive readers of mefi could use the top-150 page as a viable entry point to the site for finding new posts of interest.

Quick-and-dirty HTML example here. (or screenshot).
posted by Jeff Howard on Jan 23, 2005 - 19 comments

is this MeTa post open or closed?

Quick! - tell me - without clicking through - is this MeTa post open or closed? Well, which is it? Open or closed? You can't tell, can you? Sucks, doesn't it? You'd think a pop star tag junkie could spare an ASCII spangle to mark molested threads. But Nooooo. Crazy fascist likes to lure you in and jump out at you like a jack-in-the-box Mussolini. Sad. I spoke to his mother. She tells me he used to be such a good boy.
posted by Opus Dark on Jan 23, 2005 - 28 comments

womanparts tag needed

Do we need to find a special code for stating "girl grossness/irrelevant to men talk inside, boys kindly stay out" for askme? Seems no matter what one puts in the question, some poor lad will walk in the room and have to share his screams of ick with everyone. We know you'll be peeping anyway, but sharing what you think about it does not follow the please limit comments to answers rule. ta.
posted by dabitch on Jan 20, 2005 - 213 comments

Impressions on rereading old posts

Adding tags means going back through your old posts, and if you are like me, rereading them for the first time. Any impressions?
posted by Secret Life of Gravy on Jan 19, 2005 - 41 comments

keywords to avoid double posts

Double Post Suggestion: Part of the reason people double-post is because when they do a search, nothing turns up. This often has to do with the fact that the first poster wanted to maintain an element of surprise and therefore did not put any information into the post except a link. I would suggest that from now on, for each new front page post, that there be an additional, hidden field called 'description' or 'keywords' or both where the poster could put a list of keywords or a description that might turn up in future searches. This field would not show up on the front page, so posters could maintain the element of surprise without making it difficult to find the post in future.
posted by PigAlien on Jul 9, 2004 - 28 comments

taxonomy organization volunteers

As I understand them, Matt's plans for AskMe include some organization of the archives by topic. (I may be wrong about this; if so, stop reading here.) As the archive grows, it becomes a bigger and bigger job going through the individual posts and tagging them with the appropriate (sub)category. So my questions are, first, has any kind of organizing taxonomy been proposed for AskMe, and second, once that's done, would it make sense to organize an effort at distributing the tagging process across willing MeFi volunteers? If so, I volunteer.
posted by luser on Jun 2, 2004 - 43 comments

HTML tag preview problem

In asking my HTML question, I was attempting to post the representation of an HR tag inside angle brackets using character entity references, and somehow I managed to post a real-live horizontal rule instead. But it looked fine on Preview. Brackets and ampersands and semicolons, oh my! (testing inside)
posted by brownpau on Apr 5, 2004 - 10 comments

Italic tags

Looks like Metafilter didn't drink its V8 today. Close your italics tags, people!
posted by PrinceValium on Nov 13, 2003 - 25 comments

MeFi tag list down?

The list of MeFi-tags seems to be down. Anyone got a copy?
posted by zerofoks on Apr 3, 2003 - 11 comments

point LINK tag to page, not MeTa

Why does the LINK tag with rel="bookmark" on MetaFilter pages(even the front page) point to MetaTalk, rather than the pages themselves?
[more inside]
posted by Su on Mar 11, 2003 - 14 comments

Searching would be so much easier with more descriptions

Su has a point here. Wouldn't it make searching a lot easier, as well as being fairer to the original authors and more descriptive in general if users could mention the name or title of a linked item in their lead post or, at least, in a follow-up ("more inside") comment.

As it is, I fail to see how Su could have detected tomplus2's May 2002 post, unless he arbitrarily searched for "graffiti" or some other term which isn't exactly apposite.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Sep 12, 2002 - 28 comments

table tags ignored

when posting a comment, tags get ignored. are we not allowed to use them or is this a bug?
posted by mlang on Jul 18, 2002 - 13 comments

keyword search in addition to URL search?

Would it be possible to add a key-word search in addition to a URL search on the post submission page? Seems like it'd go far in reducing double-posts.
posted by me3dia on Jul 12, 2002 - 22 comments

tag fixing gone awry.

tag fixing gone awry. the culprit appears to be a colon inserted rather than a double quote mark in the html source for an href=url key-value pair, causing the tag fixer to become very confused and add an extra double-quote mark -- one for each of two a href tags -- at the end of the tags. you'll have to view source to see what the post was actually meant to be and where the problem is.
posted by moz on Dec 30, 2001 - 1 comment

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