76 posts tagged with Tagging.
Displaying 51 through 76 of 76. Subscribe:
Backtagging AskMe and MeFi
Dear Matt, would it be possible to grant a few trusted volunteers enough rights to be able to add tags to the MeFi and AskMe back catalogue?
1 posts tagged with v.
1 posts tagged with v. Displaying 1 through 50 (View popular tags) (more inside)
All Tags Page
There was a page that listed 'all' tags that had been used on Ask MetaFilter. I can't seem to find it now. Any clues where it is now?
Suggested use of robots.txt for better searching of MeFi and related subdomains
Robots.txt for the <tagname>.metafilter.com domains should exclude all rebots. Currently the robots reindex the entire site for each subdomain.
I didn't put the tag 'gay marriage' on my post, and I didn't change the formatting so as to make comments #2 & #7 nonsensical.
That's 'cos I didn't see it as being about gay marriage. I guess someone else did. You have got my email address, so...
That's 'cos I didn't see it as being about gay marriage. I guess someone else did. You have got my email address, so...
Tags with Phrases
Tags with "multiple words in quotes" instead of onewordwikistyle (and clear guidelines on the tagging convention) might prevent people from making such messes with their tags. (I know the posting area clearly says multiple words should be strung together, but people just don't read, and it's not intuitive.) Granted, I know this would screw up the hundreds of posts already tagged, so then maybe this is better off as a another call for a trusted "tagging clean-up committee"
Adding Tags?
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I was wondering if readers would ever be able to add tags to a thread. The reason I am asking is that when I wanted to show the video linked at the top of this thread to a friend, I first looked here. When I did find what I was looking for soon after, it occured to me that if I could just add a video tag to the thread, it might help someone else. Again, I apologize for for whining about something that might already be a resolved issue - I don't frequent Metatalk much.
Tags Aren't Working?
Batshitinsane Tags
Where did my "batshitinsane" tag go in this post? Was it deemed inappropriate?
Are tags broken?
Are tags broken? I can not add tags to my last post.
Missing Tags
So my post posted but the tags I added at the time of writing did not.
How do you pick tags?
Now that tags for front-page posts have been around a while, how do you decide between, say, film and movies (89 posts to 87, respectively), tv and television (57-49) or math and mathematics (20-18)? Do you use both, go with the most-used, or what?
Tagging and categorizing old AskMe posts.
Sorry if this has been covered, but will we have the chance to go back to our old AskMe posts and not only tag them (as is currently possible) but also put them in the correct category, as as currently not possible? And is there any volunteer effort being organized to go through and tag (and/or categorize) old posts that have not been tagged by their creators?
Changing Tags
I've started tagging my AskMeFi posts and realized that in some instances, the resulting answer(s) would serve as valuable tags. Not knowing what the answers are going to be when asking a question, I hope we'll eventually be able to change/add tags once a live question has been answered.
Title Tags for AskMe
Is there any way to add a title tag to AskMe posts? A title would make it much easier and faster to bookmark well-answered posts.
Post-post tag alteration?
Is there a way to alter the tags once a post has been made? I posted this with the tags "new orleans jazz funeral" and in hindsight, New Orleans and jazz funeral are single entities. Should they have an underscore? Should there be a way to group them? Suggestions?
Adding Tags
Speaking of which, how do you add tags to a post? If I look at the list of posts I've made, and click on "add tags to this post", I just get what seems to be the regular comments page. (URL is different, though.) Am I just being obtuse?
Keyword Tags For Metafilter
I'm in the process of adding keyword tags to MetaFilter. Right now, you can go back and tag all your old posts. Please, help me make this a useful feature by tagging your stuff with descriptive keywords that help people find other related posts. We could really turn this into something useful if we stick to that. I'm still working it into the new post form and working bugs out of the display end, but the basics are now there. Go forth and help make this useful.
Tags now avaible!
tagging comes to metafilter test post for the tagging system
posted by mathowie at 1:06 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment
Well I know my interest is certainly piqued. Dish, dish!
posted by mathowie at 1:06 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment
Well I know my interest is certainly piqued. Dish, dish!
Adding tagging to Ask Metafilter?
So there's roughly 8,000 questions now in AskMe (# of June questions x 11 months).... May I humbly request an update on the tagging project, or any other ponies that could help make this the great resource it's screaming to be? And has any more thought been given to how metadata could be added to the questions already in the db?
Metafilter's first live firing?
Metafilter's first live firing?
AskMe Titles
Indexing AskMe
Is anyone already thinking ahead to indexing AskMe so that all the dog questions or MP3 player questions or digital camera questions can be seen together, both as an aid and as a way to keep down too many duplicative posts?
I am far too lazy to do it myself, of course, but figure one of you spiffy computer-geek types might be thinking along these lines already and have something for us.
I am far too lazy to do it myself, of course, but figure one of you spiffy computer-geek types might be thinking along these lines already and have something for us.
MeFi tag list down?
The list of MeFi-tags seems to be down. Anyone got a copy?
"news items for discussion" or "interesting web stuff"
Not terribly original, but how about asking people to tag their FPPs either "news items for discussion" or "interesting web stuff." Then give people the choice in luser options to view one or both. The 'filter needs a filter.
[title] tag breaks the page.
Whoops. I broke it. I did a [title] tag in the etiquette thread about link descriptions, and it blew up the page.
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