28 posts tagged with askme and search.
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How do you search AskMe?

How do you search through old askmes? I find tags pretty useless because I doubt they catch everything I'd want to find on a given subject. Google search limited by "site:ask.metafilter.com" is my main go-to, but on a broad topic, it is pretty useless as well, also it doesn't seem to always find everything. When I have a question, I'd rather see if it's been covered before rather than ask it again, but trying to find those old threads and sort through them is often overwhelming. [more inside]
posted by latkes on Apr 29, 2014 - 19 comments

Ask question re: disability, accommodation and Massachusetts?

Within the last week or so someone posted on Askme needing disability/accommodation referrals/support in Massachusetts. [more inside]
posted by anya32 on May 17, 2012 - 2 comments

Help, I need somebody

What are your favorite threads and comments about helping people help themselves? [more inside]
posted by peachfuzz on May 28, 2010 - 10 comments

Looking for an old AskMe

Looking for an old AskMe question. Know who posted it and roughly when. Do I fail at the internet or was it deleted years after being posted? [more inside]
posted by Justinian on May 10, 2010 - 37 comments

"similar questions" as a search tool

When you post a question in AskMe, on preview, you're shown similar questions and asked whether you've seen those. Is there a way to open that functionality up as a search tool? [more inside]
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Jul 31, 2008 - 8 comments

help me find a post

Can anyone help me find an old AskMe post about keeping promises that I forgot to favorite? [more inside]
posted by PFL on Jun 23, 2008 - 2 comments

Translate ReadMe int CheckMeOutFromLibrary

I seem to remember that in the wake of this question someone mentioned (on MeTa, I think) putting all the books that appealed to them into an Amazon wishlist. They were then able to use some sort of tool that exported it into a format useful for taking it to their public library. Does anyone remember this posting? I tried to search for it but my googleFu blah blah blah...
posted by Deathalicious on Dec 20, 2007 - 13 comments

An AskMe about your favourite recommendations...

A good while ago, there was an AskMe question along the lines of 'what are the things you love to recommend', 'give me your top recommendations', and so on. Can anyone help me find it?
posted by flibbertigibbet on Dec 15, 2007 - 9 comments

where's the gift list?

There was a list in the last few weeks of a bunch of weird places to get christmas gifts. One was the american science supply and the author commented that a similar list was put up last year. Searching metafilter and ask metafilter has proven fruitless. Can someone get me back to the post? thanks.
posted by history is a weapon on Nov 8, 2007 - 6 comments

Help me find an AskMefi question

I saw a question recently that I have been unable to find. Please help me. [more inside]
posted by cleo on Oct 16, 2007 - 3 comments

Google search instead of built-in search

How do I get Google search instead of built-in search on Ask MeFi? [more inside]
posted by pravit on Sep 25, 2007 - 8 comments

"How to get sent to the sandbox" on AskMeFi

I distinctly remember reading a thread in AskMe a few weeks (?) ago, where someone was asking, in a nutshell, 'how do I get sent to Iraq as a defense contractor?' It might not have been that, exactly, but it related to jobs as a defense contractor, or maybe overseas jobs in general, or maybe just 'dangerous jobs.' I think it specifically mentioned the idea of defense contracting (Blackwater, etc.), and the question related to how one gets their foot in the door. I can't find this, using any combination of searches or tags, looking under all the logical terms (jobs, employment, iraq, all combinations thereof). Does anyone else remember or have a link to this thread? Or did I just totally hallucinate it?
posted by Kadin2048 on Jul 16, 2007 - 9 comments

Make askme more of a reference page?

It's pretty difficult to find things in the archives of askme, and I think that probably contributes to the huge number of questions posted each day. [mi]
posted by serazin on Mar 22, 2007 - 44 comments

Pony wanted: tag search

A pair of tag-related pony-requests: I've been looking for tag search for a while, and just today discovered it exists on the Metafilter search page. Would it be possible to:
- put a copy of the tag search on the "Tags" page?
- add the same sort of tag searching in AskMe?
posted by Upton O'Good on Nov 16, 2006 - 12 comments

I forget where the memorization AskMe is!

Could somebody please point me to an AskMe thread from a few months back that discussed various useful phrases people used to memorize things, like "right tight left loose"? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thank you.
posted by misozaki on Jun 26, 2006 - 6 comments

Technical aspects of photography AskMe sought

a two-for-one question.
There was a post on AskMe about camera use that showed up on the side bar awhile back, had to do understanding what the technical aspects of photography meant and how they interrelate. I glanced through the tags and search features and didn't see it, anyone have an idea where it might be? And secondly, is there a way to search past items on the blue's sidebar?
posted by edgeways on Mar 17, 2006 - 5 comments

Is it possible to search for users based on # of posts/comments/questions?

Is it (would it be) possible to search for users based on # of posts/comments/questions? (Based on a few earlier threads, I'm curious as to how many accounts have been set up solely to ask question(s).)
posted by aberrant on Feb 4, 2006 - 11 comments

Looking for Chuck Norris Legal Team C&D

I can't find the ask mefi post about Chuck Norris's legal team issuing a C&D.

The search function yields this: "Ask MetaFilter | Community Weblog
January 30, 2006 8:30 PM PST. 20 most popular tags in the past month: Posts by category in the past month: January 30 ... I run a t-shirt site, and have received a "cease and desist" letter from Chuck Norris's lawyers .."

Clicking it simply brings up ask.metafilter.com. I did look through all of the January 30th posts but couldn't find it, and I haven't seen any notes about it being deleted.
I'm looking for it because a law student friend is curious about it.
posted by drstein on Jan 31, 2006 - 13 comments

Looking for an old post.

Here or AskMeFi?

i'm not sure if i should post this here or ask mefi, but i'm looking for an old post that i found around Thanksgiving.

It was a blog and/or humorous editorial about Thanksgiving in the White House. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and/or know where I can find it?
I've searched for keywords and searched the tags, but i'm just not finding it.
posted by pelican on Dec 21, 2005 - 2 comments

Indexing AskMe

For Ask.Mefi, please tell Google to only index the individual archive page for each question, rather than indexing the monthly archives, the tag index, etc.
posted by chunking express on Nov 11, 2005 - 7 comments

AskMe indexing?

Is there a chunk of AskMe that has not been indexed? If not, why can't I find a certain question? (more inside)
posted by gluechunk on Apr 23, 2005 - 3 comments

Pony - best answer search

Another tiny new feature: you can search for just questions with good answers marked at Ask MetaFilter. Here's an example of a search result with this in action.
posted by mathowie on Feb 11, 2005 - 34 comments

Announcing the new search features

NewFeatureFilter: Ask MetaFilter search, and all user pages have Ask MetaFilter history, with Ask MeFi removed from MetaTalk history. This is the tip of the iceberg, several major features will be added this week.
posted by mathowie on Jun 14, 2004 - 15 comments

AskMe Archives

Why isn't Ask Metafilter archived more extensively? Why is it not searchable? Seems like a great source of info and trivia.
posted by Dukebloo on Jun 11, 2004 - 13 comments

Does googling ask.metafilter.com get the archives?

Does googling ask.metafilter.com get the archives? I was gearing up to chime in about visiting Moab for i_cola, when I had a moment of deja vu. The domain restricted search turned up only two non-results... but searching on my MetaTalk comment history broght me what I was looking for.
posted by weston on May 5, 2004 - 6 comments

Can we have a search function for AskMe?

Matt, I'm in love with ask mefi. I have ideas for questions that I eventually want to ask (or research) but I want to make sure that it hasn't been asked before. Can we please have a "search" ask (rather than getting results from MetaTalk or the main filter?)
posted by filmgeek on Mar 18, 2004 - 14 comments

Google query in lieu of an answer

In a recent AskMeFi thread a link to a Google query was provided in lieu of an answer [more inside].
posted by cedar on Dec 22, 2003 - 20 comments

Site linked in askme is 404, and I can't find the askme!

Ok, maybe I'm just an idiot...or my google fu is way off...but does anyone remember a post in the last couple of weeks that went to a satire site for a sensual surrogate love lump thing? It was a silly site, and I was going to use it in a column, but the site is now totally 404 and I'm wondering if anyone has a picture of the lump in their cache that you could send me? I would ask in the thread...but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
posted by dejah420 on Dec 3, 2003 - 11 comments

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