41 posts tagged with deletion and askme.
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question about deletion

Is my deleted question really unanswerable? [more inside]
posted by bearette on Nov 11, 2011 - 57 comments

Your Honor, I Object!

I would like a public explanation for the deletion of my answer from this AskMe. [more inside]
posted by jamjam on Jul 28, 2011 - 170 comments

Problem questions get problem answers

Criticizing a question is not the same as insulting the asker. It's also not necessarily derailing. [more inside]
posted by overeducated_alligator on Oct 27, 2010 - 145 comments

Someone loves to delete

I guess sexuality is a banned topic nowadays for me. Sorry Ask MeFi users... I guess someone is being a bit overzealous with their delete rights. This has nothing to do with me figuring out myself. This is a completely different side to the issue of sexuality and me trying to explain the facts to it. http://ask.metafilter.com/162568/Biological-evidence-for-homosexuality
posted by antgly on Aug 17, 2010 - 185 comments

Was it that bad?

I don't want to be the whiny "that guy," but I'm not sure what I did wrong with this question to warrant deletion. [more inside]
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis on Apr 27, 2010 - 42 comments

Ranty? Not ranty?

Why did this post get deleted for being ranty and then reinstated in its same form?
posted by youcancallmeal on Mar 28, 2010 - 49 comments

This is a stupid question on multiple levels.

This is a stupid question on multiple levels. [more inside]
posted by mpls2 on Mar 24, 2009 - 370 comments

Is something up with the AskMe database?

It seems like half the time I try to post an answer on the green, it will show up saying it was successfully posted, then disappear. This isn't just in preview, it POSTs the comment and I get a full HTML page back with the new comment included. But if I look later, anytime between minutes and hours later, the comment's gone. It disappears from my posting history too, and I've gotten no mail from admins or anything like that. This doesn't seem to happen on the blue.
posted by vsync on Dec 23, 2008 - 29 comments

Where's my question?

I posted a question in AskMeFi and can't find it. What gives? [more inside]
posted by reenum on Oct 7, 2008 - 48 comments

Clarification on reasons to delete answers

Poster asks: Does dating through craigslist actually work? I answered simply, "No." My answer's been deleted. This is not the first time my on-topic answers have been deleted from threads and I find it pretty annoying. Further, someone else posted "Yup" and there answer is still there. WTF? [more inside]
posted by dobbs on Aug 29, 2008 - 90 comments

No snark here.

This post was flagged and the system worked as it usually does with cortex quite rightly deleting it. [more inside]
posted by Neiltupper on Jan 31, 2008 - 47 comments

What will we think about and why?

It's chatfilter because "major issues" is objective and undefinable, or if not undefinable, a distasteful acceptance of political groupthink. Well, anywho, it's standing, so let's put discussion here. [more inside]
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur on Dec 14, 2007 - 59 comments

Question about deals: Bad deletion

How was the AskMe about "your favorite frugalities" chatfilter? Seemed like a legitimate question to me with some decent, interesting answers. Bad deletion.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Sep 7, 2007 - 72 comments

whatever, techsters

Was there really a good reason why every post in this AskMe thread was deleted? Looking at the question, it looked as though the poster was looking for A) good tech news sites and B) whether it would be worth it to start one. Not my fault it turned into a fight.
posted by parmanparman on Jul 5, 2007 - 70 comments

Cut short in its prime.

This AskMe has been inappropriately curtailed. The question is not a simple maths question, it is more complex as nuclear capacity is hydrocarbon dependent and the question is predicated on terminating hydrocarbon use. My post late in the thread raises this issue, and at least one (sensible) reply to it has been deleted.
posted by biffa on Jun 7, 2007 - 94 comments

Government conspiracy / coverup?

Why did the "what would the scientific name for zombies?" question on AskMe disappear yesterday?
posted by andrewzipp on May 16, 2007 - 74 comments

Candidate for deletion?

There's a thread in AskMefi that may be a candidate for deletion or at least expunging identifying info. It includes personal info of third parties and asks if a business is a "scam" with no evidence/logic. And after this inflammatory claim there is no follow-up by the OP.
posted by sparrows on Apr 10, 2007 - 11 comments

healthy dialogue

Often there are questions posted to Ask Metafilter that have a similar format. The poster will have a general health problem, and will also be fat. In 95% of the cases, losing weight is the first step to solving the problem. Yet, this answer is often immedietly removed. Is it really so terrible to point out the elephant in the room? And, more pointedly, are we doing others a diservice by not being frank?
posted by four panels on Apr 4, 2007 - 174 comments

Isn't this post of mine not really an "XYZ sucks, amirite" question?

Isn't this post of mine not really an "XYZ sucks, amirite" question? Looking at the answers I think it's more asking about the lack of cultural awareness of him while he has such success in Britain. Could understand it being deleted for being open-ended, but not the 'amirite' part.
posted by conch soup on Jan 26, 2007 - 48 comments

Let me google that for you

Should questions like this be deleted?
posted by matthewr on Jan 22, 2007 - 70 comments

Were these posts deleted?

Did posts from the askmefi queue thing get deleted? I just noticed a post I was going to look back at later wasn't there, it was posted through the ask mefi queue thing posted to projects a few days ago.

Any hints?
posted by arimathea on Jan 11, 2007 - 10 comments

Why was a question about Limbaugh's and Hannity's reaction to the election deleted?

Alright, this is just lame -- I asked a very specific question related to the election and it got deleted. I wanted to find a capsule summary of how Rush and Hannity were playing post-election as Wednesday programming opened. If my post is considered too redundant or inflammatory, fine, but telling me to go listen to the radio is kind of callous and rude. I said I missed the coverage and as it is, out where I live I don't even know if we get the shows. You all don't have to repost it; but I'm just kind of teed off.
posted by stam_broker on Nov 8, 2006 - 54 comments

Best reason for deleting a thread EVER.

Best reason for deleting a thread EVER.
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Aug 30, 2006 - 137 comments

Let's Discuss Marginally Illegal Questions

This is the kind of borderline/gray area/marginally illegal question I love to see in AskMe.
posted by Rash on Aug 27, 2006 - 30 comments

AskMe posts deleted, not discussed

Some posts to AskMe about tailgating and driving etiquette were deleted from this thread. Discuss amongst yourselves...
posted by evil holiday magic on Jul 21, 2006 - 46 comments

I know we can be catty, but this...

"Hi, can someone help me kill my roommate's cat"
posted by necessitas on Jul 11, 2006 - 140 comments

Messy deletion?

This post was deleted for the following reason: what a mess

So that's the barometer now for thread deletion? It doesn't have a clear purpose, goal, or problem to be solved, is too chatty OR there's enough douchebags misbehaving in it?

This precedent sucks.
posted by phearlez on Jun 26, 2006 - 52 comments

How many questions per AskMe are allowed?

25 answers, 3 users marked as favorite. Yet I get "please don't abuse ask me by asking 300 questions disguised as one" in my email. I didn't actually ask 300 questions, I asked for answers for the debunkable ones. The thread was doing quite well, and was quite informative before it was deleted.
posted by loquacious on Jun 18, 2006 - 90 comments

Comment deletion in the religion thread.

Why can't you love your fellow man and be selfless, without needing to believe in a giant invisible wizard in the sky? This statement was attacked, defended, reconnected with the topic at hand, and was further clarified and apologized for by its author. But as of a few minutes ago, it no longer exists. This, my friends, is Chewbacca, and Chewbacca does not make sense.
posted by Saucy Intruder on May 15, 2006 - 294 comments

AskMe deletion

My Askme question, about a DVD that was burned on a PC that wouldn't work on my Mac, was deleted for no other seeming reason than that it mentioned P2P. [More inside]
posted by God on Dec 26, 2005 - 131 comments

Why was the candy bar question deleted?

So why was the AskMe thread "must I eat the whole candy bar" deleted?
posted by Rash on Nov 16, 2005 - 19 comments

Why was this AskMe deleted?

Just wondering why askmefi thread 26643 was deleted. (As you've grown older what sort of changes have you seen in your face?)

I bookmarked the question and never got round to reading it, and now it's gone.

I can normally understand why a question doesn't fit askmefi, but this one I don't get. So please satisfy my curiosity - why was it deleted?
posted by suleikacasilda on Nov 4, 2005 - 36 comments

Deletion query

Ah! The sting of deletion has pricked me for the first time. Without getting into boring specifics (I would assume my offense was off-topicness), I wonder if the policing in AskMe has become more stringent? Guidance from the deleters-on-high would be appreciated--I am all for making the site as useful as possible, and also for not wasting my own time.
posted by _sirmissalot_ on Oct 17, 2005 - 7 comments

User complaining about comment deletion

My second of two comments made in this thread http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/25241 was removed apparently because I disagreed with someone who was complaining that the tangents related to the discussion were not germane to it (http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/25241#399539).

Of course, since I'm posting this, I disagree with the removal. If this is standard way, we are limiting the involvement of human opinion in Ask MeFi, and end up with nothing more than regurgitation of facts that could probably be gained much better elsewhere on the internet.

Could the person who moderated this clarify the removal?
posted by Kickstart70 on Oct 10, 2005 - 52 comments

AskMe poster shoots rabbit?

Fuckwit AskMefi poster wonders if torturing bunny rabbits is a good idea.
posted by Asparagirl on Jun 19, 2005 - 134 comments

Where is my AskMe question about parallel universes?

So I posted a question about parallel universes on askmetafilter yesterday (got a bunch of great comments within the first hour) and when I checked in this morning I can't find the question either on the page or in the archives. Where is it?
posted by Panfilo on Apr 7, 2005 - 51 comments

Plea for editorial discretion when deleting AskMe comments

YA plea for editorial discretion/benevolent neglect. [greater within]
posted by kenko on Feb 19, 2005 - 87 comments

Two questions about AskMe

I'm going to combine two questions into one here since they're related:
1. When did "mark as best answer" show up in AskMe? Sometime in the last few hours, if I'm not mistaken. What is the effect of marking something as the best answer? (Apologies if I missed an announcement)
2. Does asking a question, and then having it deleted, still use up your AskMe quota?
posted by kenko on Feb 10, 2005 - 6 comments

Deletion Reason

On Ask MetaFilter I appealed for advice on how to get around being banned from a blog. It seems the thread has been deleted. Why?
posted by lacus on Jan 12, 2005 - 1 comment

AskMe thread about useful software for troubleshooting

There was an AskMe thread today about essential software to take on tech support calls to loved ones' computers over the holidays. It got deleted, I assume because the question's been asked and answered a couple of times. (+)
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Dec 21, 2004 - 9 comments

Dangerous comment, please delete

This isn't funny. Though I concede that the probability of anyone actually doing it is remote, the comment is nonetheless inappropriate.
posted by Kwantsar on Sep 18, 2004 - 61 comments

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