109 posts tagged with errors.
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MeTa Errors
The Error Messages are getting more and more frequent in Metatalk. Yes, this is a double post, but sufficiently urgent. The most recent one was: http://metatalk.metafilter.com/comments.mefi/8590#99606
using IE5.0 for Mac.
And yet another error message when I tried to post this on--oh cruel irony!
using IE5.0 for Mac.
And yet another error message when I tried to post this on--oh cruel irony!
Comment text disappearing after preview.
Editing weirdness. Is it just my lack of standards compliant browser (all I ask for is a browser that is compliant, supports imap mail and runs on linux) or what? Tried to post a comment and previewed. Last night there was nothing to edit "below" and back erased everything. Today at one point I could edit below, then I couldn't although back left text in place. Neither seems to be true here (talk not mefi).
Error with the MeFi scholarship link in Opera.
Opera5 shows the "MetaFilter college scholarship" as an off yellow link but it's not clickable. After a quick glance at the HTML it seems Opera doesn't like the negative value, "margin-top:-20px". It looks like there's an unclosed DIV tag around that area too, well, maybe.
Custom 404 Page
What about a custom 404 page for MeFi?
I'm getting an error when I try to go to metafilter.com.
I'm getting an error when I try to go to metafilter.com. It says "The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (#cookie.user_ID#), occupying document position (230:173) to (230:188)." I'm getting this from Netscape 4.76 for the Mac. But not for IE 5 for the Mac.
Problem with passwords while posting a comment.
Password problems: When I hopped over to MeFi today, I found I wasn't automatically logged in any more. I don't know if that's a MeFi problem itself, as I've had all sorts of weirdness with IE lately on my end. I logged in, no problem. But then when I tried to post a response in a MetaTalk thread, my password wasn't automatically filled in like it usually is. I didn't even notice until I hit "post," at which time I got a yummy ColdFusion error.
Posting errors lead to bad browsing experience
This post reminded me of a problem that I've been seeing a few times lately, people writing their links with target="_new" or some bastardized variation thereof. In our MeFi prefs we can turn window launching on and off, but some people feel the need to dictate this on their own terms, turning it into a crapshoot for the readers. Sorry if this seems petty, but it bothered me because the window kept launching really small each time. :)
The front page won't display at all.
The front page won't display at all. I've reloaded several time within the last five minutes, and am still getting the same ColdFusion error. Here it is:
Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information
An error occurred while evaluating the expression:
#newlinks.recordcount# IS "0"
Error near line 320, column 29.
Error resolving parameter NEWLINKS.RECORDCOUNT
ColdFusion was unable to determine the value of the parameter. This problem is very likely due to the fact that either:
1.You have misspelled the parameter name, or
2.You have not specified a QUERY attribute for a CFOUTPUT, CFMAIL, or CFTABLE tag.
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFIF), occupying document position (320:1) to (320:36).
Date/Time: 10/20/00 12:18:16
Browser: Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-3 i686)
Stuck logged in on MetaTalk.
D'oh - I just noticed it's not easy (actually, it's not possible) to log out of metatalk. Sorry about that, I'll dig in and see what the problem is this weekend.