135 posts tagged with error.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 135. Subscribe:
Contact Form failing to Send
Unfortunately, a bug was causing contact form messages from people with e-mail addresses @aol.com and @yahoo.com.(something) to not be sent.
I'm really sorry. This should now be fixed, and if contact form messages aren't being sent out in the future, I'll receive a notification about that.
Fanfare Errors / IMDB API Removed
You may have noticed over the past few days (approximately since the 25th) that adding new shows or movies to Fanfare has come up with nothing but errors. This should now be fixed, but other errors are possible. [more inside]
Correcting inaccurate posts
I recognize that as of three minutes ago this is irrelevant for the example post, but it's the sort of thing that could become relevant again. It was posted earlier today that Tom Petty was dead based on an erroneous news report from CBS. He in fact was not then, but is now. I understand it's not the policy to change an FPP once it's made. However, in this era of fake news and itchy-trigger-finger reporting, should there be some sort of Amendment to the Metafilter Constitution for these situations? [more inside]
Bug and bad UI in 'blank link' detector
Error: Your post contains a blank link. Please check your HTML for a a href= or a href="http://" tag and remove it or add a full URL., O rilly? Do tell me more! [more inside]
How Did This Happen?
so I was perusing a thread, and noticed what looks like a formatting error, in this comment -screenshot. [more inside]
I'm sure I saw it around here somewhere...
I'm trying to find a post from wherein someone described a strategy of inserting deliberate and glaring errors into advertising copy (or possibly, web page design) so that the customer would find them, correct them and leave the bulk of the work untouched. [more inside]
No Avoiding Google
I was initially trying to read the metafilter post There's No Avoiding Google+ and I kept getting a server error:
Your Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31
[more inside]
iPhone and the back button
Occasionally, when I use the "back" arrow on my iPhone 4s to return to the main page of one of the subsites, it brings me to a much older version of that page, rather than the version I was just visiting. Why? How do I stop this from happening?
That can't be. That's inside the thread.
Deck ad not rendering properly in threads, in Firefox 4.01 on Mac for logged out users. [more inside]
MeTa Culpa
We love predictions. Especially looking back on predictions that have since been proven incorrect. I was thinking about the fact that a while back I predicted a certain lots-of-babies-having couple would stay together when they have spectacularly broken up and then I thought that a website full of pompous know-it-alls like us should be able to point to a bunch of predictions that we made in years past with the kind of confidence and assurance only an internet expert can muster that have been proven completely wrong. "By 2010 cloned dinosaurs will be common house pets." or "After the Peak Oil riots of 2009 we will all be living in igloos made of dead cloned dinosaur house pets." That kind of thing. So, if you please, show me your Metafilter comment wrongness. [more inside]
Does The Blue need a flu shot?
Is anyone else having trouble accessing The Blue? Kaspersky is telling me that it's infected with Virus.BAT.Tnse. [more inside]
Can't delete tags
Rss Issues
Flag Suggestion: HTML Error in RSS [more inside]
You'll never answer this!!1!
Here is a great question that didn't get resolved because it wasn't the right answer the questioner wanted.
MeFi, meet T-Mobile. T-Mobile, MeFi.
Apparently MetaFilter and my cellular internet connection aren't playing nice with each other. Is it me or is it MeFi? [more inside]
Sorry if it's just something on my end, but I am having trouble loading the site. About a third of the time, it won't load at all (ask, meta, and mefi itself). And I just reloaded a thread and got this.
favoriting comments sends me to the top of the page
Whenever I favorite a comment, the browser sends me to the top of the page. [more inside]
Favorites... from the past!
Being vain, of course, I noticed this morning that someone favorited my song. The details show two favorites, though, one of which is from 2006. Which I am fairly certain is not the case, unless somebody's got a sweet time machine. [more inside]
WSJ address bar icon?
Is there a MetaFilter-related reason I am seeing a WSJ icon in my address bar when I visit ask.metafilter.com? [more inside]
Nearby users error!
Wolof has seven Nearby users. Of the seven, two (naturesgreatestmiracle and twirlypen) have error! instead of Nearby users. [more inside]
"All favorites" display error
This page appears to be borked. (Firefox / OSX 10.4.9. Also in Safari 2.0.4)
The Blue is Broken?
Is it just me, or has the Blue been replaced by a default apache loading page?
rss on tagged ask query fails if empty set.
The rss feed for "ask metafilter" tagged empty sets returns an error. (For Example.) I wanted to add a bunch of esoteric tag links to google reader that would allow me to answer those questions that I consider myself an expert in. This works fine in those situations where questions currently exist for the specified tag, but not so good when nobody has asked a question about that subject before.
bug: can't submit an AskMe question
bug: can't submit an AskMe question. The final "post" button just reloads the page, like the "preview" button. Firefox
Links from favorites (Music) to song broken
When checking any given user's favorites page, and if it's a song from MeFi Music that the person has favorited, going to the date/time stamp for that song post results not in arriving at the post, but rather with the message: "Error: File not found". Now, I see there was a thread concerning a problem with favorited comments from MeFi Music, so maybe this problem is just something still awaiting the necessary laying on of hands from # 1?
Please fix my HTML mistake.
I think I broke this thread with a malformed tag. Please hope me?
Backwards comments page
Error messages beget post
I posted this and got a timeout error message. So I tried again and got a different error message. But on the third try, I got the message telling me the link had already been posted. So one of the two attempts that generated an error message actually worked.
If you're not logged in, lofi throws an exception.
If you're not logged in, lofi throws an exception.
"Fantastic questions and answers suggested by members" returns CF error
When attempting to view "fantastic questions and answers suggested by members" in AskMeFi, I receive a ColdFusion error.
I can't post my song to MeFi Music
I'm having a problem posting a music to MeFi music. It's an MP3, under 3 MB. I'm getting this error message after a few minutes:
The MIME type of the uploaded file "audio/mpg" was not accepted by the server. Only files of type "audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, audio/mpeg3, audio/x-mp3" can be uploaded. Verify that you are uploading a file of the appropriate type.
The MIME type of the uploaded file "audio/mpg" was not accepted by the server. Only files of type "audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, audio/mpeg3, audio/x-mp3" can be uploaded. Verify that you are uploading a file of the appropriate type.
I figured maybe I had just created a slogan. Then I googled it.
Apology owed. I came up with a turn of phrase I liked, and happily noted that it had been marked as a favorite by 3 others.
I figured maybe I had just created a slogan. Then I googled it.
Turns out it's been said before, which is fine. It's not particularly profound--any reasonably geeky person discussing this issue might use the phrase. But it's even been said on AskMe before.
Apologies to Teece, and those who saved it.
I also didn't kill 24 people in the caves of Tibet.
I figured maybe I had just created a slogan. Then I googled it.
Turns out it's been said before, which is fine. It's not particularly profound--any reasonably geeky person discussing this issue might use the phrase. But it's even been said on AskMe before.
Apologies to Teece, and those who saved it.
I also didn't kill 24 people in the caves of Tibet.
Favorited comments (past tense) don't work on HiFi
Favorited comments (past tense) don't work on HiFi. [mi]
Admin please fix the title of my FPP!
My front page post seems to have lost its title, which was "'In Connecticut, it shouldn't take more than a short ride to get to another hospital' -- Joe LieberMAN"
Looks like the time zone code is broke.
Looks like the time zone code is broke. Everything is showing up PST for me, even though I've got Eastern set.
DNS weirdness.
Metafilter's DNS is broken. (More inside.)
broken quotes in askme question html
We need some HTML-fixing in this question, please.
Error Executing Database Query while trying to make FPP
BugFilter: I'm trying to post something to the front page of MeFi but after preview I keep getting this error ( Error Executing Database Query. / [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]String or binary data would be truncated.). I've deleted cookies, tried different browers, etc. Is this on my end or not?
Malformed link in Metafilter post #53254
Clean-up in aisle 53254; malformed link at the bottom of the page. My bad, sorry.
When comments are marked as favorites, the return to post link goes to the wrong place.
When comments are marked as favorites, the return to post link goes to the wrong place.
Cold Fusion error on MeFi and AskMe.
Ask and main Mefi both reporting " Invalid CFML construct found on line 55 at column 35." on every page I try which is interfering with my late night mefi fix!
MuFi Madness
I too have been taken with MuFi Madness™. I excitedly went to showcase my band's work, and- Oh! the horror! I was presented with an error on upload:
The MIME type of the uploaded file "audio/x-mpeg" was not accepted by the server.I use Audacity for my mp3 encoding, and am at my wits' end. Is there a way to rebrand a file's MIME type, or convert it? I'm quite eager to get in on the action, but need your help. Thanks, fellow citizens.
Is there a problem with the AskMe RSS Feed?
Is it just me, or is the AskMe RSS Feed reported to be broken on BlogLines more often than not?
"The feed URL returns a page that does not look like an RSS feed. This can be caused by the feed URL being incorrect, or it can be caused by a configuration issue with the server hosting the feed. If this error continues, you should check the feed URL and, if it is wrong, subscribe to the correct URL."
"The feed URL returns a page that does not look like an RSS feed. This can be caused by the feed URL being incorrect, or it can be caused by a configuration issue with the server hosting the feed. If this error continues, you should check the feed URL and, if it is wrong, subscribe to the correct URL."
Made a mistake in one of my links.
Matt or Jess, small glitch in my post....
How users get their accounts disabled
Sidebar URL error.
Oddly, the sideblog link to the "realistic swordfighting" thread takes me to something called www.marginalia.org. Surely, this is unintentional.
RSS error on ask.me reads: (mi)
robots.txt gives "500 Internal Server Error" on all subdomains
robots.txt gives "500 Internal Server Error" on all subdomains
Atom/RSS parse Error
since this morning i'm getting a parse error for the feed http://xml.metafilter.com/atom.xml (ff live bookmark feed)... but not for http://xml.metafilter.com/rss.xml (xml feed link in mefi sidebar)... just me (and/or my sage reader)? or is it a bug?
My Comments page is missing all of the carriage returns.
Linefeeds/Carriage returns in My Comments missing? Same in both Firefox and IE 6. I'm not talking about breaks between comments, but within comments.