51 posts tagged with images.
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Fanfare Images?
A fair amount of the time, when I post something a little lower profile on FF, it does not properly load the poster. This is particularly true in the case of films. Is there a way we could verify the poster image (and/or upload one if one doesn't autoload) while making the post?
FanFare Needs a Pony
FanFare turns three years old this month and needs pretty pictures as a present. [more inside]
We have images! ... In search results?
I used the search field while logged out tonight, and saw this: thumbnails next to search results. Is this some left-over from MetaFiltrest, or have thumbnails been part of non-user searches for a while? [more inside]
Popup Image Pony / Robot request
Feature or script: popup boxes to display single-image deeplinks in posts and comments? (like the youtube popups.) [more inside]
1,000,000 words
On the blue, people occasionally post links to repositories of images of one kind or another. Has anyone amassed a collection of these?
Oh my god it's full of people.
Looking for a fairly recent post featuring digital composite photos created by an artist from hundreds/thousands of photos taken of a single event. For example I think one of the photos was of a gymnastics competition and the photo had images of dozens of athletes and support personnel taken at different times during the day composited into a single photo. The impression was of a span of time in a single photo sort of like those Family Circus cartoons that followed Billy's travels during the day without the linear flow.
Anyone remember it?
Wiki addition
I've created a new page on the wiki for images. [more inside]
Images Pony Request
Any possible way to host image files on metafilter? [more inside]
Huge dog
Post containing pictures of a guy's huge dog? [more inside]
onload="javascript:this.style.width=50;this.style.height= 50
MeFiHTML: Is there a reason to first set profile images to
width & height = 0
, then set the actual size via javascript? [more inside]No, my post is not about the Imageshack frog
What's the best way to link to a large image on Mefi? [more inside]
Show me your nostrils!
A tale of two questions.... [more inside]
"[I removed all the links to cat photos, put them in your profile if they're nevessary for this question]" [more inside]
While I'm at work, I don't want to know you're a dog.
I would like an opt-out of viewing profile pictures. I use the plain template at work, and the images, while usually SFW, are really, um, attention-grabbing. [more inside]
A moment of the silence for the IMG tag
How can I find those hilarious closed/deleted Metafilter threads from the days of the IMG tag? I remember the page taking a few minutes to load because they were full of ridiculous animated GIFs. I'd like to spam my friends with some of those images.
Can I has a pony I means an ELEFINK
Is IMG back? A sudden favoriting of a long-ago image-only post yielded sweet, sweet, elephantine pictograms! Can we keep them? They followed my pony home!
Please bring back the img tag.
Please bring back the img tag.
A possible solution
A possible solution to end the "We demand inline images back!" versus "We don't really mind" MetaWars that are tearing at our very souls...[much more inside]
Why do some people still have images in their profiles?
Why, in the great image purge, did some folks lose the images in their profiles while other members still have images in their profiles? I click to people's profiles to see who I'm talking to and I've noticed some members whose images seem to have survived the purge while mine did not. What's up with that? Is the image tag ban really useful and necessary?
Good riddance to bad images
Do you miss the img tag? I sure as hell don't. Can I get an amen?
Is MeFi protected against cross-site request forgery?
Is MeFi protected against CSRF? I know the logout link isn't (should be a form button anyway) and could be triggered by displaying an image to a MeFi user, but if the forms are vulnerable things could get nasty (imagine someone posting a link that changes your prefs, or makes you create a post, etc.). Just askin'...
Animated Gifs in MeFi
i don't like it when people post pictures in metafilter. I like animated gifs even less. It makes metafilter like every other message board on the web. Probably also you're flirting with the NSFW. What do other people think? Outlaw them, or let them stay?
Get rid of images on the grey and the blue.
The inline image debate revisited: I know this has been discussed before, and I know that images are sometimes useful in AskMe, and I know that I may have had a sense-of-humour bypass... but isn't it time we got rid of them in MeTa and MeFi? I don't think that "bloke being shagged by a robot" gif adds anything to the site at all. Or the "this is not an appropriate front page post" one. Or the "elephant poo" one. Or any of the other pictures in the thread below this one.
Image options in preferences?
Can we have image toggling as one of the choices in our preferences?
MeTa Favorites and Alt Tags
I can mark my own MetaTalk comments as my favorites. Please do not faciliate such narcissism. Oh, and since I only can make one MetaTalk peost every four days, [additional callout inside]
I want to make it purdy
Couple questions:
1) If I go to the AskMeFi "New Question" page, I do not see buttons for bold, italics, link and spell check. It appears that only plain text is allowed (or html, which I don't know). However, if I go to someone else's question, the comment area has all of the above. Does my browser/setup have a problem? I'm using Firefox, I've got various extensions (NoScript, Mouse Gestures, FoxClocks, ScrapBook, del.icio.us and ScreenGrab).
2) What is the easiest way to include a picture in the question? Posting it to flickr (or equivalent) and linking to it?
I've read the FAQ and performed searches on both topics, but could not find answers.
1) If I go to the AskMeFi "New Question" page, I do not see buttons for bold, italics, link and spell check. It appears that only plain text is allowed (or html, which I don't know). However, if I go to someone else's question, the comment area has all of the above. Does my browser/setup have a problem? I'm using Firefox, I've got various extensions (NoScript, Mouse Gestures, FoxClocks, ScrapBook, del.icio.us and ScreenGrab).
2) What is the easiest way to include a picture in the question? Posting it to flickr (or equivalent) and linking to it?
I've read the FAQ and performed searches on both topics, but could not find answers.
Looking for an image posted to the grey/blue before
I'm looking for a GIF or PNG I've seen posted to the grey/blue before. It's a stylised illustration of a stick-man with his hand up a cow's rear-end. The cow doesn't look altogether pleased.
The image is drawn in a road-sign fashion. I've tried searching for it but it didn't turn up. Can someone help me out?
Thank you.
The image is drawn in a road-sign fashion. I've tried searching for it but it didn't turn up. Can someone help me out?
Thank you.
Image macros
So now Metafilter is the site to go to when in need of full-on beastiality.
Why are some goofy threads deleted, and not others?
Just out of curiosity, how is it that some posts get deleted because the thread is full of the same animated gifs we always see, and some posts continue to live way past their prime? Is it the presence of ceiling cat?
I understand some of these are left in for humor value; such was the case with the infamous Mushroom post. But when the only thing that's different is the original post, and there are no actual responses anyhow, what's the criteria?
I understand some of these are left in for humor value; such was the case with the infamous Mushroom post. But when the only thing that's different is the original post, and there are no actual responses anyhow, what's the criteria?
Can I embed pics
Ask Metafilter: I have a few pieces of art I am trying to identify. Can I embed the pics (which I feel will probably lead to more responses), or should I link to my flickr account?
I don't wish to breach protocol, but....
I don't wish to breach protocol.
I found a great page that has been posted on another high profile community. That page is a .swf image I wish to print in a large size. I had planned on posting on Askme on how to do this.
I also find the image cool (and informative) enough that I thought it would be great material for The Blue-though I have reservations about posting it on both pages. Additionally this page was just shown on digg.com, so it may be old hat anyway.
So--any thoughts?
I found a great page that has been posted on another high profile community. That page is a .swf image I wish to print in a large size. I had planned on posting on Askme on how to do this.
I also find the image cool (and informative) enough that I thought it would be great material for The Blue-though I have reservations about posting it on both pages. Additionally this page was just shown on digg.com, so it may be old hat anyway.
So--any thoughts?
Uploading Images to AskMe
Gramcracker used an image to answer a question in AskMe! It's not an animal relieving itself, it's neither humorous nor snarky, it's just an entirely useful and informative visual aide! Is this a first?
Missing logo on subsite
Why does stat.metafilter.com not load the logo, or other images associated with the header?
Please stop posting animal shitting images, thanks.
Please stop posting animal shitting images, thanks.
GIF/PNG converter?
There was a post a few months ago about an online text to gif/png converter. I think it was deleted. Does anyone remember the address to that site?
Images at MeFi
Images in thread posts seem to be on the rise. They used to be rather pleasantly nonexistent, and I was under the impression that they were traditionally frowned on here.
hide inline images option
Could we please get a "Hide inline images" option in our preferences?
Biking to a lemon party
Is anyone else having, ahem, a problem (to be euphamistic) with the links on this FPP?
What does this add to the discussion?
What does this add to the discussion?
If it is wrong, why is it possible?
Stupid question: If posting in image on the blue is so wrong, why is it possible?
Google Images of MetaFilter
Comments: form, not substance
It wasn't surprising to open this thread and find that almost all of the comments weren't about the subject of the FPP but about the form of it.
No Iraq amputee trolling please.
Come on do we need this type of trolling here? (more inside)
More useless images in threads
More useless images in threads. When was the last time you saw a relevant image in a Metafilter thread? We talk about it all the time, but is there any point in keeping the img tag?
What is the consensus regarding posting images to the front page?
What is the consensus regarding posting images to the front page? I don't have issue with it, I am just wondering. I find no mention of it in the guidelines, but I never see it happen....
Get rid of images
Images in Threads... They're annoying, they kill modem users, there's only a few times I can think of that they had any relation to the thread topic, and most often they're unneccessary to the discussion at hand and could just as easily be represented intelligently in prose. Please, make it stop!
I do not care for the recent upsurge in images being posted to threads.
Am I the only one who does not care for the recent upsurge in images being posted to threads? I hate to sound like my grandfather yelling at the kids in his yard, but it really irks me. I come here to read, not look at stupid images of Barney, fox medals and purses. Although, looking for the specific examples of the last two, maybe Matt has been deleting them?
Images in Threads
Could we cool it with pasting images in threads? It used to happen once in a blue moon, which was okay - now it happens almost daily. If we want wacky photoshop graphics I think there's lots of other sites for that.
How to I use the image tag?
I have noticed some comment posts have images....is this "allowed" and if so, how does an oaf like me do it too? (Advanced apologies for my ignorance. I did search but couldnt find the answer.)
Image display, anyone?
Would anyone like to weigh in on the use of images in MeFi posts? In the past, some have expressed a desire to keep things lean & mean, text only. When images are used, should they reside in the poster's own files, or is it ok to grab an image from someone else's site? I don't mean to single aaron out here, and I'm sure that webmaster is happy to get the publicity from the thread. I see how someone could get pretty pissed, though, under certain circumstances.
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