2 posts tagged with metatalk by bonaldi.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

MeTa "More Inside"

Can we start using [more inside] in metatalk? It's a pain to come upon posts like This one after they've had their desired effect and the comment has been deleted. Because you have to basically guess what is being complained about. [MI]
posted by bonaldi on Sep 18, 2004 - 12 comments

Lofi for Metatalk?

Is there an equivalent of lofi.mefi for metatalk? Miguel's rambling novel-writing-question seems to have been canned, and I want to see a) What Matt said about it, and b) what all the snippy comments after mine looked like. How about it?
posted by bonaldi on Aug 5, 2003 - 65 comments

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