27 posts tagged with science.
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Hey, MetaFilter! We're having a theme week, as part of our fundraising month! The theme for this week is WEIRD SCIENCE! I want to see all kinds of science posts, about stuff I would NEVER learn if it weren't on MetaFilter! Old science, new science, weird forms of life, neat rocks, misbehaving AI, I want it all! Tag your posts weirdscience, and feel free to share them in this thread. FILL MY LIFE WITH WEIRD SCIENCE, MEFI! [more inside]
MetaDragons 🐉
I love dragons. They're one of my favorite creatures. There are many different types of dragons. Some mythical, some still living today. From literature, film & television, animation, & video-games, table-top games. There are many different breeds: chromatic or metalic? lightweight or heavyweight? Would you ride on their backs? Maybe you'd learn some magic. There have been some amazing posts on the blue and green related to dragons that are worth checking out. The conversation is open to any and all dragon-related subjects. Let's discuss dragons. RROOAARRR!!!!
End of another long week, let's carve out a space to talk about something other than politics for those that need that space. Speaking of space, let's talk about astronomy. Open chat to talk about all things astronomical: NASA, JPL, rockets, stars, planets, planetary bodies, galaxies, black holes, life on Mars, is Pluto a planet, satellites, exploration, the moon landing, SpaceX, anything and everything related to the stars up above us. As always, be kind to yourself and to others.
Let's lighten the mood. It's towards the end of the week and I want to hear about something not related to politics. It's 2019 and we just went up another number. This has me thinking about numbers in general. Tell me about a number that is significant to you. Maybe it's a number that always shows up in your life, or it's a number that is lucky, or you just like the number because of the way it looks or sounds. It could even be a fact about a number you learned on this site. Let's dig deep and talk about numbers.
No slPressReleases please, a scientist begs you.
Can we not link to university (or corporate) press releases for scientific discoveries. If we must do so, can we especially avoid single links? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Other Science Facts
Good Saturday Evening, Metafilter! In honor of the March for Science, share your favorite science story or science fact! [more inside]
Seeking Metafilter comment speculating about a gender-changing lab prank
A while back on Metafilter somebody posted a comment imagining a scenario where a lab employee (or student?) in the near future could do a prank using some sort of bio-tech hack to change a co-worker's gender for a few days. IIRC the commenter said they had worked in a lab and they seemed to believe this sort of thing might actually happen someday. [more inside]
essay on quality control in science?
I'm looking for an essay that was referenced here which proposed a scheme for multi-step quality control in science research and publishing. [more inside]
Time travel / Science Fiction writers (can't find thread)
Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, I tried MetaChat, too, but there was a thread I now can't find, it was about science fiction writers and the problem with writing from a place of omniscience when writing this time of science fiction.
Anyone know what I'm talking about. I wanted to read it during lunch, can't find it!
Name that awkward computer scientist!
He is known for picking his toes up on the desk while speaking, writes his own eccentric appearance contracts, and refuses to drink Coke for political reasons. My co-workers don't believe he exists, but I know I read about him here. Thanks!
How can we improve access to primary research on MetaFilter?
Is there a community consensus about best practices for disseminating subscription-only journal material in threads? Also, what can we do to improve access within the community to primary research? Blasdelb's excellent comment in the Lenski thread prompted me to ask about this. [more inside]
Where can I find the Silly Talk About Science thread?
I'm looking for an old Metafilter thread with discussion about Silly Talk About Science, a blog post about how laymen misunderstand science. [more inside]
Enhancement Suite for MetaFilter?
There are a lot of us!
Calling all scientists and scientist-lovers! Do you like knowing when a comment you're reading on MeFi was written by a Person of Science? Well, have I got a greasemonkey script for you. [more inside]
You're making yourself cry, dammit
Metafilter's own Speicus' takedown of the "science" behind "Adele making people cry" quotes a lot of MeFites.
Who protested, "It's SCIENCE!"
I wanted to mention a bit of MeFi history in this AskMe but maybe not really appropriate, there -- anyway, couldn't find the links; but there was some other discussion about cannabis several years ago, a famous flame-out with a protesting voice, "It's SCIENCE!" Anybody remember the details?
Standards for science news posts? [more inside]
2027 in Britain, Again
Update-filter: Interactive fiction Flash Game The Curfew, mentioned and discussed at length in this now-closed post is out of beta and actually playable. Also, have you noticed how much dystopian sci-fi is set in 2027? It's the new 2019!
Singh wins BCA libel case with delicious finality
Update on the Singh vs BCA libel case (previously here and the original here) -- BCA has dropped its libel claim, Singh (science?) wins!
Historical Science-Book Club?
Historical Science-Book Club? [more inside]
Time to pop the champagne cork?
Update on this fascinating thread, which discussed a controversial new treatment and theory about Multiple Sclerosis. Mainstream (Canadian) news agencies are now picking up the story:
Article and video. [more inside]
Please help me find a specific FFP
I'm looking for a particular FPP. It was within the last three months, and it was about how to be skeptical of science/things you read on the internet. It was really good, but I didn't have time to read it all then (and I was drunk), and I just now am regretting that I never finished it. I've tried searching, but things like "skeptical" and "science" return a lot of results. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Why it's rational to believe what scientists say
I'm looking for a comment on Mefi or AskMe where someone gave an extended quote from a scientist/commentator (maybe Richard Feynman), explaining why it's rational for a layperson to believe what scientists say, even if you haven't figured out the mechanics of how they arrived at their conclusions. The gist was that it's sufficient just to know that the scientists are generally skilled at figuring things out. (That's probably oversimplifying, which is why I want to find the actual passage.) [more inside]
Anyone going to SfN?
Any Mefites going to be at SfN 2008? With 10000+ attendees, some of you must be going... [more inside]
SCIENCE! bags and tees
The website of the Mefite who made science! themed tees and bags? [more inside]
Shoutout for a question about honey and its interaction with bread.
PositiveFeedbackCalloutFilter:This question is why I love Metafilter. To me, it has all the makings of a classic AskMe. An honest query about an obscure topic, multiple knowledgeable responses, an offer to experiment, and an idea for lunch tomorrow!
MetaFilter Folding@Home anniversary.
MetaFilter has had a Folding@Home team for one year now. This seems like a good opportunity to promote it, in case people missed the post last year.
Folding@Home is a distributed computing project at Stanford University that is using computers to find the causes and cures for certain diseases. They have software available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, as well as a specific client that can take advantage of the power of ATI graphics cards (which yield some amazing results). See their FAQ for more information.
If you have a computer that spends a lot of time idling and would like to contribute, the MetaFilter team number is 48034.
Folding@Home is a distributed computing project at Stanford University that is using computers to find the causes and cures for certain diseases. They have software available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, as well as a specific client that can take advantage of the power of ATI graphics cards (which yield some amazing results). See their FAQ for more information.
If you have a computer that spends a lot of time idling and would like to contribute, the MetaFilter team number is 48034.