40 posts tagged with Deletion and deleted.
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Strike that, reverse it?

Deleted posts can be flagged but not favorited. Shouldn't it be the other way around? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 15, 2019 - 18 comments

Why is the S.H.A.M.E. project blacklisted on mefi?

My post appeared to be deleted because a page consisting mainly of a bibliography of internet publications of a prolific author (subject multiple mefi fpps) documenting his connections with right-wing political activism and with critiques of selected quotations is "editorially undiscriminating" and people don't like it. Editorially undiscriminating? Is MeFi now "fair and balanced." It seems like we are only allowed to talk about politics when provoked by someone like Balko (in a fpp) but can't actually examine the politics of provocateurs on the internet.
posted by ennui.bz on Jul 28, 2013 - 88 comments

Mormon temple ceremonies

I think other versions of this post linking to a video of Mormon temple ceremonies ought to stand if they're offered. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Oct 22, 2012 - 212 comments

Your post, "Gorbachev sings tractors: Turnip! Buttocks!" has been deleted....

mccarty.tim's latest project: Worst Post Ever is a "home version of the deleted post game." Bonus: See the red box of deletion in action! (Via Projects.) [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 5, 2011 - 181 comments


I'd probably want to sweep this booger-string of a deleted thread under the rug too if it was my site. But it's sort of sad to lose such a gold star collection of mefi members practicing the non-bigotry they preach, so if anyone lost a comment they're particularly proud of the deleting mod pretty much invited you to re-post it to the open thread here.
posted by jfuller on Oct 1, 2010 - 24 comments


Why the hell did this thread get deleted? [more inside]
posted by Baby_Balrog on Dec 20, 2009 - 266 comments

Where's my question?

I posted a question in AskMeFi and can't find it. What gives? [more inside]
posted by reenum on Oct 7, 2008 - 48 comments

No snark here.

This post was flagged and the system worked as it usually does with cortex quite rightly deleting it. [more inside]
posted by Neiltupper on Jan 31, 2008 - 47 comments

Discussion Point

A post about how women experience street harassment has been deleted. The one about how the psychology of exhibitionist men remains. The grounds: This post was deleted for the following reason: one exhibitionism post per day is enough. This is linked in the thread just below this. Please don't use MetaFilter to forward your point from metatalk. -- jessamyn My point was to continue a discussion some people thought valuable from a previous thread deleted apparently because that post was poor. Just can't get the hang of this thing. Hey ho.
posted by jennydiski on Nov 16, 2007 - 1112 comments

aww. come on.

Why'd we go and kill this. Just because of this? (more inside) [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Sep 28, 2007 - 15 comments


This post was deleted for the following reason: seen it. -- jessamyn Huh?
posted by homunculus on Jul 18, 2007 - 149 comments

whatever, techsters

Was there really a good reason why every post in this AskMe thread was deleted? Looking at the question, it looked as though the poster was looking for A) good tech news sites and B) whether it would be worth it to start one. Not my fault it turned into a fight.
posted by parmanparman on Jul 5, 2007 - 70 comments

Justice: Blind?

Are we deletion-worthy sure that this guy is blind based on an anonymous comment on another site? Especially after jourman2's examples showing a bad photographer is likely to blame for the image?
posted by hermitosis on Jul 4, 2007 - 64 comments

Why did you delete my post?

For the record, this was heard previously, but never (unless someone can correct me) seen. [more inside]
posted by kowalski on Jan 29, 2007 - 9 comments

Let me google that for you

Should questions like this be deleted?
posted by matthewr on Jan 22, 2007 - 69 comments

Were these posts deleted?

Did posts from the askmefi queue thing get deleted? I just noticed a post I was going to look back at later wasn't there, it was posted through the ask mefi queue thing posted to projects a few days ago.

Any hints?
posted by arimathea on Jan 11, 2007 - 10 comments

OK, it was a link to a google search, but why delete??

Itchy trigger finger? I liked that post, and it seems like everyone else who posted did too -- no-one seemed to be snarking or complaining or asking for it to go. Sure, it's a link to a Google search, but an interesting one I hadn't thought of before. It was headed for a fun interweb memories thread... but then it was tragically taken from us. As an official Metafilter King, I would urge you to reconsider.
posted by reklaw on Sep 14, 2006 - 45 comments

Can anyone help me understand why this post was deleted?

Can anyone help me understand why this post was deleted? The admin note was a little cryptic (no offense). I've read the FAQ, as far as I can tell it doesn't fall under self linking, although it could perhaps kind of be considered a double posting or re-posting as it were. Anyway, it was a post I enjoyed originally, and I just wanted to point out to people that it was working again - didn't want to piss anybody off. Maybe stuff from MeFi Projects isn't supposed to be posted in the blue? Any input is appreciated.
posted by allkindsoftime on Aug 28, 2006 - 24 comments

AskMe posts deleted, not discussed

Some posts to AskMe about tailgating and driving etiquette were deleted from this thread. Discuss amongst yourselves...
posted by evil holiday magic on Jul 21, 2006 - 46 comments

Historical engineering

If the admins are going to delete comments then at least delete any responses to those comments and the collateral damage. It has more finesse, although I guess it would take more time, but that's the price of historical engineering. Yes, it was my comment that was deleted. That's fine, I don't mind that at all, and I'm sorry for the mess.
posted by gsb on Mar 20, 2006 - 65 comments

Where do deleted comments go?

Mommy, where do deleted comments go after they're deleted?
posted by ND¢ on Jan 13, 2006 - 17 comments

Poor Deletion?

This post shouldn't have been deleted; while the first blog link had been posted before, the other material hadn't. And it was entertaining.
posted by thirteenkiller on Dec 11, 2005 - 10 comments

Why was the candy bar question deleted?

So why was the AskMe thread "must I eat the whole candy bar" deleted?
posted by Rash on Nov 16, 2005 - 19 comments

Request: official deleted threads index on the site

Deleted threads should have their own place on this site somewhere. Not only could they be accessible for reference, but many are funny as hell.
posted by tsarfan on Oct 1, 2005 - 39 comments

My lively Burning Man post was deleted?!

My burning man post was deleted because it was "an excuse to talk"? Admittedly, it wasn't the most stellar post, but a lively discussion ensued, and gee, I thought that's why we came here. Besides, any post that allows mefites to express their everlast hatred for "hippies" has got to be doing the community some good, no?
posted by telstar on Sep 8, 2005 - 20 comments

Please delete me, let me goooooo

Please obliviate drakepool. He wants his metafilter output erased and his time here behind him. He can't communicate what he think anyway. He content to go back to laying his nonsense on his friends...
posted by drakepool on May 30, 2005 - 87 comments

Comment Deletion

I am not a fan of "why did you delete my comment"? posts, but, er, feel compelled to ask... Why delete the three comments in the NYT thread which linked to other online papers? Maybe they should have been more verbose, but I think the point they were making is clear - there's a whole variety of fish in that online paper sea, why get so het up about the NYT?
posted by handee on May 17, 2005 - 3 comments

That deleted thread had an interesting Q&A about #mefi

Look, that deleted thread had an interesting Q&A about #mefi where I learned quite a bit. You'll certainly delete this one, but did you even read it before you bombed it?

Bad job. Totally unreasonable.
posted by breezeway on May 9, 2005 - 179 comments

What happened to my MeFi question?

Earlier today I posted a question about MeFi (how to turn off background color) in the main Ask MeFi area, which appeared for a few minutes then vanished. Did it likely get moved somewhere else, or just censored? for being in the wrong place? for expressing (in mild terms) dislike of a Mefi feature (I can't see text on colored background). Or did it just vanish into the ether?
posted by anadem on Mar 20, 2005 - 4 comments

What makes a post inappropriate?

What's inappropriate?
Is there a guide for how racy a post can be? I posted a fairly racy (but funny, or at least I thought so) thing eariler and it was taken off. Did I step over the line?
posted by Shanachie on Jan 30, 2005 - 6 comments

Hey, what happened to that lion FPP?

Hey, what happened to that lion FPP?
posted by clockzero on Dec 8, 2004 - 26 comments

FPP about a deleted FPP

QuestionableSwami, meet QuestionablePost.
posted by The Michael The on Nov 2, 2003 - 30 comments

Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.

Discretion in speech is more than eloquence. - Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)
posted by hama7 on Oct 4, 2003 - 24 comments

Posts that just are links to Google searches

Self-link-by-stealth? And what's with all the recent (appropriately deleted) posts that are just links to Google searches?
posted by sillygwailo on Mar 13, 2003 - 9 comments

Fair is fair.

If you're gonna delete this, you better delete this. Fair is fair.
posted by RylandDotNet on Dec 3, 2002 - 46 comments

MeFi post deletion query

noticed a link I posted yesterday was removed? why? It would be nice for any moderator or higher up to e mail someone telling why the link was removed
posted by hoopyfrood on Sep 18, 2002 - 23 comments

Why was Arafat photo deleted?

I think it's uncouth that the 'arafat' front page post was deleted. It was a photograph of a moment captured. Like any moment captured. Except it was explosive. Why must a candid photo of Yasser Arafat under siege be purged from Mefi's memory?
posted by crasspastor on Mar 31, 2002 - 24 comments

I haven't seen any double posts recently

Curious, as this is the only one I I've actually run across. It seems that double-posts have been very rare recently. Or have they just been getting caught that quickly?
posted by Su on Mar 5, 2002 - 12 comments

Should I filter MetaFilter (asks mathowie)?

This thread sucks. The link doesn't jump down to the story, the subject matter isn't very funny or interesting, it's just stupid. The post is too long, the comments are pretty pointless. I would delete it, but it could create more trouble than it is worth. What should be done about sub-par links? Anything? Take the good with the bad?
posted by mathowie on Aug 29, 2001 - 25 comments

Is this the next All Your Base...?

Where did the post for "Is this the next All Your Base...?" go? Why did it leave? Sorry to sound paranoid, but with all the turmoil lately, I'm really curious about the disappearance of this seemingly innocuous post...

>> Zettai (formerly Wiremommy)
posted by Zettai on Apr 6, 2001 - 11 comments

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