3 posts tagged with meetups by Slarty Bartfast.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

MeFil #2

Just wanted to express a very sincere and public thanks to hadjiboy for the second Hyderabad Meetup. And thanks for the gift! [more inside]
posted by Slarty Bartfast on Jan 14, 2008 - 27 comments

Meh-fil #2

Hindustani MeFites! How about another South India meetup? Bangalore, Hyderabad, or... [more inside]
posted by Slarty Bartfast on Dec 20, 2007 - 9 comments

Seattle meetup 10.25.07

Seattle meetup pics. y2Karl and Black8 regaled us with stories of Seattle history and I learned that if you mention a certain MeFite's name at the Eastlake Zoo, you *might* get a free pitcher.
posted by Slarty Bartfast on Oct 27, 2007 - 33 comments

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