10 posts tagged with meetups by jessamyn.
Displaying 1 through 10 of 10.

MeFi 20 Planning Thread

OK! I am having people over to my house in Massachusetts on Saturday, July 13 where we will raise a toast to mathowie and, quite probably, eat a lot of cheese and maybe play some board games. I'll put up an IRL post soonish but this MeTa thread is to nudge people to start thinking about their own "What am I going to do for MeFi's 20th birthday?" planning ideas. First post was July 14, 1999.
posted by jessamyn on May 17, 2019 - 70 comments

not maine, oregon, let's meet in portland

Portland Oregon, let's meet up Friday or Saturday! [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jul 15, 2008 - 31 comments

look at you people!

We've added a widget for checking out Meetup photos without having to leave placeholder comments in meetup threads. Check the MeTa sidebar. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Dec 15, 2007 - 21 comments

Halifax NS meetup?

Halifax NS meetup next week? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Sep 13, 2007 - 27 comments

Northern New England Meetup at Jessamyn's

Cookout at my place, Saturday August 4th. Grilling starts at 5 or so. Drive-in movies at 8-ish assuming the chosen films aren't totally awful. Rain plan is drinking and Scrabble/Boggle/old Connections episodes. Details to follow in the comments once we know who's coming.
posted by jessamyn on Jul 26, 2007 - 61 comments

meetup at jessamyn's!

Northern New England Meetup @ My Place Sunday May 6th, Early Suppertime.
posted by jessamyn on Apr 22, 2007 - 39 comments

Raleigh Durham meetup?

Raleigh/Durham Meetup! • Who, What, Sunday the 20th, Where, I'll be in town/why not?, How.

In short, I'll be down in the Research Triangle area, staying in Raleigh, and would like to get together for biscuits/food/etc. with Marxchivist and others [MeFibrarian Posse or no] next Sunday either lunchish or lateish. Anyone got a good location or other ideas?
posted by jessamyn on Mar 11, 2005 - 18 comments

Any of the MeFi Librarian Posse going to ALA this month?

Any of the MeFi Librarian Posse going to ALA this month? Boston/Somerville/Cambridge Mefi Meetup: Friday January 14 at The Burren in Davis Square in Somerville 7:30-ish. I'll be down from Vermont and robocop is bleeding says he'll be there.
posted by jessamyn on Jan 2, 2005 - 30 comments

MeFiSea -- Bowling

MeFiSea -- Bowling, Sunset Bowl, February 10th. If last time is any indication, we are all of varying skill levels, so don't let lack of bowling know-how keep you away. What time works for everyone?
posted by jessamyn on Feb 3, 2002 - 23 comments


MeFiSea! Another bowling night anyone? I was thinking maybe Sunday, February third, mid-day.... at Sunset Bowl. Or another date/time/location? All I know is we all very badly need to get out of the house.
posted by jessamyn on Jan 17, 2002 - 13 comments

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