4 posts tagged with meetups by joelf.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
Attention: Los Angles(L.A.) - Gathering
Attention: Los Angles(L.A.) I'm flying in and staying around the airport and working near the Staples center for a few days. I'd like to organize a meet up and meet some American mefites.
If some one would be so kind as to pick a place and time I would love to show up and tell you stories about Canada or something.
Hey L.A.! What's shakin??
Hey everyone, a friend and I will be down in L.A. for a convention, May 23 to May 29th.
Anyone want to get together with me for a night of fun?
Hey Toronto! Let's meet and play some Live Action Scotland Yard!
Hey Toronto! Let's meet and play some Live Action Scotland Yard! more inside...
Meet up in progress
Meet up in progress. Details inside.
Meet up in progress. Details inside.